Chapter 223 223. Retreat
The road that Yusuke and the two walked happened to circle the mountains, with a concrete slope on one side and a mud slope full of trees on the other.

At this time, there was not a single car on the entire street, and two hundred people stood at the front and back of the road, surrounded Yusuke and the two, and looked at them with malicious expressions.

These are all the staff of the show. According to the original expectation, the other party should be huddled in fear at this time, and then the camera took the opportunity to capture their terrified expressions, but...

The reaction of these two people is too strange!

Although the woman was a little nervous, she didn't show much fear, and the boy was extremely calm.

These two people are not afraid at all!

They played so many guest roles, and this is the first time they have encountered such a strange passerby, and the reaction was a bit unexpected.

The staff looked at each other and didn't know what to do for a while, their script didn't have this!
The few people in the lead exchanged glances. After all, they are partners who often work together, and they understand each other's personalities very well.

keep on playing!
At this time, they showed fierce expressions, and were about to say a few harsh words.

Yusuke looked around at everyone, calmly, and said softly to Ritsuko beside him: "Ritsuko, I will take you out now, you should be mentally prepared"


Before Ritsuko could react, her body vacated in the next moment.

Yusuke picked up Ritsuko and embraced her like a princess, this sudden movement stunned everyone present.

Yusuke's movements didn't stop yet, he exerted force on his feet, stepped on it hard, and instantly he stepped on the ground with a deep footprint, his body jumped up instantly as if a spring had been installed, directly jumping more than two meters high .

Everyone opened their mouths wide, their faces full of disbelief.

The photographers who filmed this scene from afar, including the directors, were all surprised.

Is this still human?

To be able to jump more than two meters high on the spot is already a world record!
Nakamoto was taken aback for a moment, then became excited, this is a huge topic!A super expert hidden among passers-by, one against a hundred, these are the ratings!
Yusuke's figure had passed the crowd below and stepped directly on the concrete slope. Then, his body ran directly on the slope at an extremely fast speed. In less than ten seconds, the figure had disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The staff at the scene looked at each other and rubbed their eyes. What did they see?
Could it be the legendary ninja?
Nakamoto was stunned, this is different from what he imagined!

Shouldn't it be one against a hundred?Why did you run away suddenly?Do you have the backbone?Go up and kill!

But Yusuke and the two have already disappeared without a trace, even the camera can't find anyone.

Ritsuko was still in a dazed state, when she was hugged by Princess Yusuke, she hadn't reacted yet, and then her body flew into the air the next moment, and then she saw the sky.

The surrounding scenery became blurred, the wind rang in my ears, and my body was moving rapidly.

He raised his head, and in front of his eyes was Yusuke's side face, which was incomparably resolute under the sun.

It took two or three seconds for Ritsuko to react.

Yusuke hugged her and jumped two meters high, and then stepped on the slope to run?

Even the well-informed Ritsuko stopped thinking for a few seconds.

This is really...

Ritsuko couldn't find any adjectives to express her feelings, but the way she looked at Yusuke changed.

This Misawa Yusuke is no ordinary person!

Yusuke also noticed Ritsuko's eyes, but he didn't have time to explain now.

It is no problem to use Yusuke's force to deal with these people. Doubling the combat power by 16 points has already surpassed the limit of ordinary people, even if it is Yusuke who kills Yusuke with thousands of people.

However, the joy is the joy, and there will be a lot of troubles in the future.

Surrounded by so many people, Yusuke doesn't think he can hold on, as someone may die at any time, no matter which country they are in, a bloody case is extremely troublesome, even if they are the victims, but the accident is too much If it is serious, he can't get rid of the relationship, Yusuke doesn't want to take his own life because of it.

Yusuke was a little lucky, he won the reward of double combat power, and his combat power of 16 points gave him the confidence to face any danger.

As long as you can get out of danger, there are many ways to solve this kind of thing.

Yusuke's explosive power was extremely strong in an instant, and his speed was extremely fast. In just ten seconds, he had already run hundreds of meters away, and the group of people could not be seen.

After a few minutes, Yusuke stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ritsuko felt the sound of the wind in her ears stop, raised her head and looked around, this place is completely different.

He has already traveled so far!
Ritsuko had a lot of questions, but she swallowed them all in the end. Although she didn't get along for a long time, she could see that Yusuke was extremely assertive, and no one could force him to say what he didn't want to say.

"Ryukko, are you alright?" Yusuke asked at this time, it was his first time leading someone to run, his physical fitness could bear it, but I don't know if Ritsuko could bear the pressure.

Hearing Yusuke's voice, Ritsuko came back to her senses.

"I'm fine"

"Then let me let you down"

Only then did Ritsuko remember that she was still lying in Yusuke's arms, and her face turned red.

It's the first time I've been hugged like this when I grow up so big, I always feel a little weird.

But seeing Yusuke's calm eyes, Ritsuko's small thoughts quickly disappeared.

But Ritsuko misjudged her own state, Yusuke's fast running state was like riding a roller coaster, she didn't feel it at the time, but standing on the ground at this time, a feeling of dizziness came, her body softened, She was about to fall to one side, but Yusuke had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately supported her.

"Riko, how are you doing?" Yusuke asked worriedly, the situation didn't seem to be all right.

Ritsuko calmed down and replied, "I'm just a little dizzy, I'll be fine after a little rest."

Seeing that Ritsuko's expression was fine, Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and said, "Why don't I carry you behind my back?"

Ritsuko froze for a moment, originally she wanted to refuse, but when the words came to her lips, it became: "This is not convenient."


Ritsuko thought for a while, and now she really needs something to rely on, so she nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Yusuke nodded, grabbed Ritsuko's arm, turned his body, and Ritsuko lay on his back in an instant, with smooth movements.

Ritsuko was startled, this action was too fast!

But at this moment, a sense of dizziness came, and Ritsuko suddenly lost the strength to speak, and could only lie on Yusuke's back.

Sure enough, with something to lean on, I felt much better.

(End of this chapter)

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