Chapter 722 722. New semester

Looking at the turntable in front of him, Yusuke prayed silently for a while, then pressed the button, the pointer rotated rapidly, and soon, the pointer stopped.

"Congratulations: I won the master key"

Skeleton key?

Yusuke looked at the description.

This is a key that can open all locks.

Yusuke thought about it, and found that this prop seemed useless.

Forget it, just let it go.

After packing up my things and changing into my school uniform, I went downstairs to have breakfast.

The younger sister has already woken up, and she is already dressed up, sitting at the dining table and having breakfast, when she sees Yusuke saying hello.

"Good morning brother!"

"Good morning!"

Yusuke responded, and sat in his seat, and began to enjoy breakfast.

"Today is a new semester, everyone should cheer up." Mom said with a smile, and both brothers and sisters nodded.

After eating breakfast and packing up their things, the two went out.

Saya and Yui were already waiting at the door, they smiled and waved when they saw Yusuke.

Everyone said hello, and the two little girls chatted and laughed and left first.

Yusuke held Yui's little hand, and Yui's face was slightly red.

"What's wrong?" Yusuke was a little surprised.

"It feels a little weird" Yuyi was a little shy.

I usually hold hands when we go on dates, but now we have to hold hands to go to school, and I always feel a little embarrassed.

"That can't be helped." Yusuke shrugged, "Who told you to be caught by me, now I have the final say."

"Okay, what you said" Yui replied with a smile, letting Yusuke hold her hand.

The two talked and laughed, and came to the station.

It was the first day of school in the new semester, and the station was crowded with all kinds of students. Everyone was very excited, and the youthful atmosphere was undoubtedly revealed.

"There are so many people!" Yuyi sighed.

"You said the same thing last year," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Yeah, it's been a year before we know it, we are now seniors and seniors in the second year of high school, we have to set an example"

"How do you set an example?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

"Use the one you like best" Yuyi showed a smug smile at this moment, and then her tone became serious, "I am in front of you, absolutely invincible!"

Yusuke was stunned.

Yuyi raised her chin triumphantly, "I knew it, you bastard's secondary illness is still not cured! Hmph! You actually kept it from me for a whole year!"

Yusuke touched his nose, and smiled a little.

Can't refute.

At this moment, the tram arrived, and a group of people hurriedly squeezed onto the tram, Yusuke directly hugged Yui in his arms, and squeezed onto it.

Yuyi didn't resist, but her face was slightly red.

There were a lot of people in the car, and the two of them were very close, or in other words, they were already hugging each other.

"Don't get me wrong, it's just that there are too many people, I'm afraid you'll get lost," Youyi said blushing.

Yusuke smiled and pinched her nose, "When did you become so arrogant?"

"You are so arrogant!"

"Okay, I'm being arrogant!"

The sweet scene of the two made the single students next to them extremely envious,
Damn, the new semester has just begun!

Is there any hope in life?
When the tram arrived, the students ran down in a hurry, and the two of them were also mixed in the crowd, their clenched hands never loosened.

"Yuyi, Yusuke!" Rie's voice came from behind, and the two stopped.

Under the sun, a young and beautiful girl was running towards this side, her lively smiling face made the passers-by look sideways.

The four boys who were fighting were dumbfounded.

It's so beautiful!

The jumping figure, cheerful smiling face, every scene hit their hearts.

All 4 are freshmen this year, and they have long been looking forward to their high school life, but they didn't expect happiness to come too soon!
The four of them confirmed in an instant that they were already in love!

They decided that they must know the girl's name, and then launched the most violent pursuit to her.

The four people who were very close just now quietly distanced themselves. At this moment, the four of them are rivals in love!
But what happened next shocked all four of them.

All I saw was that the goddess greeted a man and a woman in front of her, and then the man held her hand.

All four of them suspected that they were fooling around.

The man held a beautiful girl in each hand, one on the left and the other on the right, and the two beautiful girls also smiled and didn't care at all.

What is this operation!

Everyone was stunned.

The figures of the three left, and the four boys came back to their senses, and the next moment they looked angry.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?"

"Is there any reason for this!"

Beautiful girls are a rare resource, but this guy monopolizes two of them, and they still seem to be willing. Are these two girls blind?

Absolutely cheated!

Yes, absolutely cheated!
The four boys kept cursing, they must have been cheated!

But all four of them felt the strong sour taste in the words.

Well, they are envious.

At this time, they looked at each other, and they were still good friends, and their friendship became stronger.

The new semester is still those classmates, and the classmates gathered together in twos and threes, telling interesting stories about the holiday.

"Yongsuke, you're here." Gao Chengmu greeted with a smile.

Yusuke responded, and then looked around, "Where is Zhi? Haven't come yet?"

"That guy forgets his friends when he sees sex!" Gao Chengmu said contemptuously, "He came early in the morning and took his girlfriend to get familiar with the school."

"Forgive him, after all, I have waited for more than half a year." Yusuke smiled.

After a while, Sakata Ji came back with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to laugh like this?" Gao Chengmu couldn't help complaining, "It's like picking up a treasure."

"You don't understand." Osamu Sakata smiled and shook his head, "This is the confidence that successful men have."

"What is a successful man!"

"Yusuke and I are successful men, you won't experience this feeling"

"I think you are going to be lawless"

When the class bell rang, everyone stopped fighting.

The homeroom teacher is Mishima Noya, we are all acquaintances, so there is no need for too much introduction.

"Students, let's go to the auditorium now," Mishima Noya said from the podium.

The students packed up their things and walked towards the outside of the classroom one by one, while the students from other classes also set off, and the flow of people was heading towards the gymnasium.

The opening ceremony is about to begin!

Yusuke was at the end, and the teacher in charge called him to stop him.

"Yusuke, is your speech ready?"

As the best student last year, Yusuke can speak on stage today, Yusuke nodded, "I'm ready"

"That's good"

The head teacher left, and Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Mu surrounded him curiously.

"Yusuke, are you going to speak on stage?"

Yusuke nodded, "The teacher told me before."

Yusuke made a lot of things in the school last year, but it is undeniable that he also brought a lot of reputation to the school, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best student.

"You're going to be famous now," Sakata Osamu said with a smile.

"At that time, there will be a lot of love letters," Gao Chengmu also joked.

"No way, who told me to be so good?"

"Your cheeks are so thick!"

The three talked and laughed, and soon, the team gathered in the gymnasium.

The opening ceremony is always the most boring thing. First, the principal gave a speech, followed by the dean of academic affairs. The students were all drowsy. Only Ritsuko, who was the host, made people's eyes shine.

The first grade students are whispering, this teacher is so beautiful!
Ritsuko's appearance is also unique among many teachers.

Ritsuko has a calm expression on her face, she has long been used to having such eyes at the opening ceremony every year.

"Next, I will invite Yusuke Misawa, the best classmate of last year's school, to speak on stage," the host Ritsuko said at this time.

The students in the second and third grades are a little strange. In previous years, they were the representatives of the freshmen. Why did they suddenly have one of the best students speak this year?
The first grade students were also a little strange. The opening ceremony seemed a little different from other schools. Then they saw a handsome boy walking towards the podium.

"Look, that's so handsome!"

"Really handsome!"

"Oops, I fell in love at first sight!"

Whispering voices spread among the students, and the students who did not pay attention to the lecture also came to their senses and looked at the podium.

The next moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by the young man on the podium.

Under the light, it was a very handsome young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a handsome face. There was a magical power in him, and the more you looked at it, the more attractive you were.

The hearts of all the female students were beating so fast that they felt like "Oops! It was love at first sight!"

The male classmates also have strange feelings about him.

Handsome guys are usually very girly, but this boy is different. He stands there and makes people feel a strong courage. His eyes are very stable, as if they contain powerful power, that invisible aura, The strong courage makes people feel like "big brother accept me as a younger brother!".

There are such excellent students in the school, which really makes them look at each other with admiration!

Just now there was a little doubt about the name of the most outstanding classmate, but now it is agreed that this name is well deserved.

Really good enough!

"Students, hello everyone!" Yusuke stood on the podium without stage fright.

"I am Yusuke Misawa in the second grade. I am very glad that you all come to Hokawa Middle School. I am here to congratulate the new students. Here you will usher in a brand new three years."

"Senior Sanze, do you have a girlfriend?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the first grade team, and it was a female voice, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The teachers all looked over and frowned, what kind of first grade student is making trouble!
Facing this tricky question, Yusuke looked calm.

"I can answer this question"

Immediately everyone looked over.

"I already have a girlfriend"

A burst of wailing came from the freshmen, and many male students breathed a sigh of relief.

Misawa Yusuke is really outstanding and puts a lot of pressure on them. Fortunately, he already has a girlfriend, which interrupted all the female students' thoughts at once, and they also have more opportunities.

"Students, there is no need to be too disappointed. There are still many excellent students in our school. Hechuan Middle School is outstanding, and there are many outstanding students. They radiate strong light in their respective fields. Students, you still have a chance."

There was a burst of laughter from the students, Yusuke stretched out his hand and pressed it, and soon the laughter stopped.

This made the teachers sitting in the back a little impressed, this field control ability is so strong.

No one was messing around, and the atmosphere was restored.

Yusuke's speech was very successful. When he accepted the manuscript, there was a burst of applause in the auditorium.

"Thank you, Misawa, for your speech. Next, I will invite the freshman representative, Yosuke Eguchi."

This year's freshman representative is a boy, with Yusuke's jewels in front of him, everyone has some expectations for this boy.

But it was soon discovered that compared with Yusuke Misawa, the appearance and temperament of this freshman were much ordinary.

Everyone was a little disappointed.

"Yusuke, you stole this guy's limelight!" Sakata Osamu whispered at this moment.

Every year, the freshman representatives are famous figures in the school, but this year because of the appearance of Yusuke, this rule has been broken. I don't know if this year's freshman representatives will be too wronged.

Yusuke shrugged, not paying attention.

The freshman representative also noticed the atmosphere at the scene, but he had a strong psychological quality, so no one joined him, so he finished his speech completely.

There was a burst of applause at the scene, but compared to Yusuke's, the applause this time was much sparser. Finally, the principal made a summary and said a few words, and the students went back to their classrooms.

Everyone is already a sophomore in high school. Except for the freshness at the beginning, the atmosphere has returned to its usual state, and classes continue.

lunch break.

"Yusuke, Zhi, let's go eat," Gao Chengmu said at this time.

"Sorry, I have an appointment." Osamu Sakata stood up, "I have an appointment with my girlfriend, and I want to take her around the campus."

"You guys really have the opposite sex and no humanity!"

"You are jealous!"

Sakata Osamu left, leaving only two people.

"Yusuke, let's go then."

"Sanze, someone is looking for you." The student at the door shouted at this moment, and the two turned their heads, and there was a beautiful foreign girl with blond hair standing at the door.

With slender thighs, deep and delicate facial features, and a hot Western figure, the clothes on his chest are bulging.

The students in the classroom didn't think they looked sideways at him. Without him, foreigners are so rare!And she is such a beautiful foreign girl!

Seeing Yusuke, the girl looked surprised, raised her hand and waved it. The bright smile on her face caught everyone's attention. This smile is so sweet!
Gao Chengmu looked at Yusuke in surprise, is this an acquaintance of Yusuke?

"Sorry, I have an appointment too"

Yusuke said hello and walked out of the classroom.

"Jessica, why are you here?"

It was Jessica who appeared here.

Jessica pouted at this time, "As a boyfriend, shouldn't you take your girlfriend to school?"

"Okay, that makes sense." Yusuke smiled.

Jessica suddenly smiled, walked over, took Yusuke's arm, and held his hand tightly in her arms.

"Jessica don't do this"

"What to be afraid of"

Well, Jessica doesn't mind anymore, and Yusuke doesn't even mind.

The two left sweetly.

Seeing this scene, Gao Chengmu opened his mouth wide, and there were thousands of words in his heart, which finally turned into one word.

The two friends have left the singles, and it seems that I have to find a girlfriend too.

(End of this chapter)

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