The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 723 723. What do you have to explain

Chapter 723 723. What do you have to explain
The charm of foreign beautiful girls is very great, especially in local schools, foreigners are even rarer.

Along the way, both of them attracted a lot of attention.

The boys are very envious of this.

The girl hugged her arms tightly in Huge's arms.

What is this feeling like!

We want to feel it too!
The female classmates also recognized Yusuke at this time, they were impressed by Yusuke's handsome appearance on the podium, and the girl next to him should be his girlfriend, which is really enviable!
"This is the cafeteria." Yusuke brought Jessica to the cafeteria.

"The dishes in the cafeteria change every day, but there are not many choices. Usually it is set meals or ramen. It depends on which one you like. For drinks, there is a self-service machine next to it, and you can choose by yourself."

"What do you want to eat now?" Yusuke looked at Jessica and asked.

Jessica was a little hesitant. The pictures all looked delicious, and she didn't know which one to choose.

"Yusuke, do you have any suggestions?"

“Fried Pork Chop is delicious”

"Then listen to you"

The two went to line up and quickly bought the lunch they wanted.

“Let's find a place to sit”

"Then let's go there, there is no one there," Jessica said, pointing to a table.

The two had just walked to the table when a plate was placed on the table.

The two raised their heads, and standing in front of them was Eri, with her hands crossed over her chest, looking at them angrily, her eyes were very angry.

Yusuke felt a lump in his heart, it was really a bad encounter.

The smile on his face didn't change, and now he said with a smile: "Eri, you come over to eat too."

"I wanted to go and have dinner with you, but a sneaky cat took the lead." At this point, Jessica glared at her.

And Jessica didn't show any weakness, and stared back.

"Who is the stealing cat!"

"I am talking about you!"

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel, let's have dinner together," Yusuke said at this time.

The two snorted at the same time, and sat down on the chair angrily.

Jessica was in a bad mood.

She was finally admitted to high school, finally able to commute to and from school with Yusuke, and finally able to start a happy school life with Yusuke, she was in a happy mood,
New school, new class, new classmates, everyone is full of curiosity about their foreigner status, but everyone is kind and enthusiastic. Jessica got to know everyone well in one morning. When I was in middle school, I couldn't imagine it.

When she was in junior high school, she was often alone, and her classmates looked at her with awe and curiosity, and she didn't even have a friend who spoke her mind, but it was different in high school.

Everyone looked at themselves with curiosity, but Jessica could feel their sincerity.

Jessica is very simple in a certain way, like a child, she can intuitively detect the other party's disgust and affection.

If the other party has strange thoughts, even Jessica, who is smiling all the time, can detect it. It is because of this mysterious intuition that she was not bullied when she was in junior high school.

Jessica is very happy to make new friends, and she wants to share her happiness with Yusuke.

So, she came to see Yusuke during the lunch break. It was supposed to be a happy lunch time, but...

Jessica viciously cut the pork chop on the plate, just like cutting the girl opposite, muttering in her mouth, "Cut you to death!"

It's all because of this guy, the happy mood is gone!
Eri raised her eyebrows, this guy seems to be cursing me?

She is not the kind of soft-tempered person, if she is bullied, she will fight back. This is her purpose.

At this moment, he turned his head and immediately thought of a way to retaliate.

She ate the most expensive eel fried rice set meal. She took a mouthful with a spoon and placed it in front of Yusuke.

"Yusuke!" Eri's gentle voice came.

Yusuke raised his head, seeing Eri's smiling face in front of him.

“Come, try the taste of fried rice”

Jessica glared instantly, this little bitch is shameless!
It was a beautiful trap, but Yusuke still took it and opened his mouth, ready to eat the food.

At this moment, a piece of meat appeared in his mouth, "Try my tonkatsu!"

"Yusuke has his own fried pork chop, so I don't need to eat yours"

“My fried pork chop has a heart and is more delicious”

"Fart, that's ketchup!"

"What's so delicious about eating fried rice every day!"

"Yusuke, leave him alone, eat mine"

"No, eat mine"

The two girls were arguing, spoons and forks kept alternating before their eyes.

Both of them stood up and looked at each other fiercely.

Everyone in the cafeteria looked over curiously and became even more excited when they found that the two beautiful girls were arguing.

I love watching women fight!

The next moment, the two looked at Yusuke at the same time.

"Yusuke, which one do you choose?"

“I ate them all”

Yusuke stuffed both things into his mouth directly,
Is this still a choice?Definitely want it all!

Jessica snorted, not very satisfied with such an answer, but Eri showed a smug smile, she took another mouthful of fried rice, put it in front of Yusuke, and said in an extremely gentle tone: "Yusuke, Have another bite!"

Jessica couldn't bear it anymore, and inserted a piece of pork chop again, "Eat my food"

Yusuke had to eat it again.

This happened several times in a row, Yusuke hadn't eaten his own meal, he was already full.

Eri proudly took a mouthful of fried rice, "Come on, fried rice"

"Eat my..."

Only then did Jessica suddenly realize that the pork chops were long gone, only vegetables and rice remained.

Eri suddenly showed a smug smile, you want to fight me like a fool, you are still young!
Yusuke was a little helpless, so he had to eat the fried rice.

At this moment, Eri is very proud, like a general who has won a battle.

Jessica was trembling with anger, her eyes were red, and Yusuke quickly comforted him, "Jessica, I'll give you my pork chop."

"Yusuke, I want you to feed me" Jessica said aggrievedly.

Eri glared instantly, this shameless little bitch!

Looking at Jessica, who was aggrieved and looking forward to it, and Eri with an angry face, Yusuke sighed, this meal is really difficult!

In the end, the two shared a piece of pork chop equally, and Yusuke fed each of them a mouthful, which made the two satisfied.

And this scene also stunned the students who were eating next to them.

What kind of operation is this!

One man and two women?
Fuck, it's so exciting!

Gossip news is always the fastest.

When Yusuke returned to the classroom, he met Gao Chengmu's playful eyes.

"Yusuke, we all know the good deeds you have done"

Osamu Sakata next to him was also full of admiration, "It's amazing, one man and two women, it's so enviable!"

Yusuke had a calm face, "I'll pass on your words to your girlfriend."

Sakata Osamu's face froze immediately, and he smiled sarcastically, "I'm just joking."

"I'm not kidding"

"Don't do it!" Sakata Osamu hesitated for a moment.

Having a girlfriend is the happiest thing, but at the same time, it also has the biggest weakness, which is the Achilles heel of men.

The three talked and laughed, and quickly skipped this topic.

"By the way," Yusuke said at this time: "Do you know how to recruit members?"

"You mean the recruitment of baseball club members?" Sakata asked.

Yusuke nodded, this is the task assigned to him by the class teacher, he is responsible for revitalizing the baseball club, and the new semester is a good time to recruit people.

But everyone is not very familiar with the recruitment process.

"Distribute leaflets?" Gao Chengmu suggested.

"It's too troublesome." Yusuke shook his head, "It's just me, I don't have that much time"

"How about this, you take a table and put it in the campus, write the recruitment on it as a big-character poster, and the volunteers will take the bait, what do you think?" Sakata suggested.

Yusuke thought about it for a while, this method is not bad, he just went through a ceremony to complete the teacher's task, if the time comes, if there are not enough recruits, then he can't blame himself, he has already worked hard.

Well, it's up to you to decide!
When school was over, everyone went to the club to report, but Yusuke directly moved a table and came to the campus.

It is the most intense thing for newcomers to join the club every year. Every club does its best. The beautiful club members distribute flyers, the beautiful club members do the reception, and the beautiful club members help you fill out the application form. These are the most basic operations.

And clubs with fewer female members are filled by handsome male students, and it's the same routine.

As for those who don't have both of these, they basically belong to very unpopular clubs. Their result is like what Yusuke is doing now. They put a table and write a few big characters, sit there, and those who wish to take the bait.

When Yusuke came here, people from other clubs were communicating, and they looked friendly, without any sense of competition.

Seeing Yusuke move a table over, a male classmate next to him asked enthusiastically, "This classmate, are you also here to recruit people?"

Yusuke nodded with a smile, then looked at his desk, on which was written the name of the society, Paranormal Research Society.

The male student also noticed Yusuke's eyes, and asked with a smile, "Are you interested in joining our club? Supernatural phenomena are very interesting."

Yusuke shook his head, and the other party didn't force it. Clubs like this are usually composed of like-minded friends. If they don't have the same idea, they are not welcome to join them by force.

"By the way, what club is yours here?"

The male student asked curiously at this moment, and looked at Yusuke's big-character poster.

"Baseball Club!"

The male student exclaimed, the voice was so loud that it attracted other students to come over, and everyone gathered around, and then found out that the people recruited here were from the baseball club!

"Isn't it? Isn't baseball the most popular activity? Why are you in such a mess now?"

"I remember that the baseball club in the school seems to have quite a few people."

"No, I remember they disbanded last year"

"I remembered, he is Yusuke Misawa, the one who ruined the baseball club"

As soon as the words were finished, the scene fell silent, and everyone looked at Yusuke with shock in their eyes.

Yusuke's expression was calm, and he didn't care about their discussions.

Everyone looked at each other, then quietly backed away.

The male student next to him hesitated for a while, then asked in a low voice, "Well, Sanze-san, why are you recruiting people for the baseball club?"

He remembered who the other party was. This was the classmate who was hailed as the best and the most troublesome classmate. He was the one who lost the baseball club, and now he was recruiting people for the baseball club. What kind of operation is this?

"This is my task," Yusuke replied, "I will be in charge of the baseball club from now on."

The male classmate opened his mouth, he didn't know how to comment, so he could only smile awkwardly, and then gave Yusuke the back of his head.

The recruiters here are some relatively unpopular clubs, and some students passed by here, and some students are inquiring, but no one came to inquire at Yusuke's stall.

Those who can come here are basically those who prefer less popular activities. Popular sports like baseball clubs are not suitable for them at all, so Yusuke's stall is very quiet.

But Yusuke didn't care, instead he was happy to relax.

During the spring break, he had never been idle at all. It was a rare opportunity to relax at this time, and he felt very comfortable.

The environment of the school is very suitable for relaxation. The wind blows and the leaves rustle, which is very comfortable.

The male classmate next to him looked at Yusuke curiously at this time, he actually slept here!Does he have the heart to recruit members?
This Misawa Yusuke is really weird!

Forget it, don't disturb his affairs.

At this time, four girls appeared, and the eyes of the students who were chatting suddenly brightened.

These four girls are so beautiful!
Although they are an unpopular club, it doesn't mean they don't want to recruit beautiful girls, even if they are in the club to make them look good.

The students started to act, stepping forward to hand out leaflets one by one.

Although they are an unpopular club, they also prepare leaflets, but generally speaking, they are more casual, and they can read them if they want them.

And obviously, these 4 girls have such treatment.

But unexpectedly, the four girls completely ignored their solicitation and walked directly towards a seat in the corner.

Everyone looked over curiously. That was the location of the baseball club.

Yusuke was resting when he suddenly felt someone approaching, opened his eyes, and saw Eri, Yui, Rika, and Seiko in front of him.

At this time, the four of them formed a circle and surrounded themselves.

Yusuke was a little surprised, "What's wrong?"

Eri raised her hand at this moment, "Do it!"

Seiko stretched out his hands at this time, directly holding Yusuke's arms from behind, and Yusuke did not resist, because the other party was Seiko.

Yui took out a sign and hung it on Yusuke's chest with a smile.

"Yusuke, don't blame us."

Yusuke was a little strange. He looked at the sign, and there were only two words on it.


Lixiang took out a notebook and said with a serious face: "Yusuke Misawa, I declare you guilty"

Yusuke looked confused, what crime did I commit!

Eri shouted angrily at this time: "Yusuke, you actually betrayed our organization, what can you explain!"

(End of this chapter)

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