Chapter 14
Xiguang was once obsessed with a phenomenon in the biological chain called Whale Fall, Whale Fall.

When a whale dies in the vast ocean, its huge carcass will slowly sink into the blue sea.

Xi Guang closed his eyes more than once and imagined that magnificent and beautiful scene, the sea water poured in from all directions, surrounded his body like silk, and then slowly sank, sinking... like an incomparable dream.

She saw her childhood self again in the dream.

That day, she arrived at the door of Gu's house, got out of the car, squatted in front of the flower garden and vomited faintly.After finally feeling a little better, the butler brought up a handkerchief and a glass of warm water from behind.

She took it in a daze, grateful in her heart, but still had too much discomfort and embarrassment when she first arrived in a strange environment.

Suddenly raised his eyes, looked around, only to find that Gu Yanshu was quietly looking at him not far away, and Xi Guang felt inexplicably at ease.

There is a perpetual calendar hanging on the wall of the Gu family hall. Every morning when Grandpa Gu gets up, he has to go over and tear off a page. The past days are also torn off along with the thin paper without leaving any traces.

Xi Guang saw the bright red 1997 printed on it.

Xiguang is one of those quiet and precocious children. At that time, she secretly felt that 1997 was really an unusual year.

This year, Grandpa Deng Xiaoping, who drew a circle on the South China Sea, passed away. Hetong Elementary School also held a memorial service. She stood in the first row of the line, with a small white flower pinned on her chest.There is also that place called Hong Kong. The adults said that it has returned, and they all gathered in front of the TV to watch the live broadcast, and some people sang the national anthem happily while drinking and toasting...

This year, she came to the Gu family.

Xi Guang remembers these things very clearly.

She started a brand new life, living in a neat and beautiful room like a princess, with no worries about food and clothing.There are tutors who come to teach at home every day, without the slightest pressure.With the considerate care of the housekeeper and servants, you only need to ask for what you want.This is everything the Gu family gave her.

And all she can give in return is companionship.

Accompany Gu Yanshu.

When he was with Tongzhen, Xiguang vaguely knew that Yanshu was a little different from ordinary children.Back at Gu's house, the difference in him intensified, even with a frightening hostility, especially at night.

Once, Xiguang got up to drink water in the middle of the night, and there was a light in the door of the next room. She thought that Gu Yanshu forgot to turn off the light and walked in lightly, but saw him lying on the bed stiffly with bloodshot eyes open.

Xi Guang's screams startled the entire Gu family, and everyone jumped up and down.

Lu Wanliang covered the quilt for the motionless Gu Yanshu, and expressed her dissatisfaction with Xi Guang for the first time, "There's nothing to make a fuss about."

Only then did Xiguang know that Gu Yanshu didn't sleep for many nights.There is a monster in his dream, and once he falls asleep, he will experience a gut-wrenching slaughter and fall into an abyss of despair.

What happened that night may have been the trigger.Xi Guang was sensitively aware that the atmosphere in the Gu family became dull and depressed.

She was full of guilt and self-blame towards Gu Yanshu.She wasn't actually afraid of him. The scream that came out of her mouth was purely a physiological reaction of a child who was surprised by what she saw without any psychological preparation.

The doctors came several times, and they wrote down PTSD and post-traumatic stress disorder in Gu Yanshu's medical records, but they were helpless.

The teacher who taught Xiguang an English class was Zhou Qi, a person with a natural and unrestrained personality. He had traveled around the world alone, experienced countless storms and waves, and learned a lot.Now walking and talking, there is a grace that has been precipitated by the years.

Xi Guang silently finished the words, and seriously asked the teacher how to make a person happy, so that he can be as happy as other children.

Knowing that she was referring to the young master of the Gu family, Zhou Qi couldn't help sighing, he said: "Teacher doesn't believe in fate all his life, but he believes in cause and effect, and what you plant will reap fruit. You give something, and in the dark, it will happen." Get something else. You treat him kindly with your heart, persevere, and one day, he will give you a smile back.”

Xi Guang was confused, Zhou Qi smiled and patted her head and said, "What the teacher means is that you just need to treat him sincerely."

Xi Guang asked: "Is it all right to be nice to him all the time?"

Zhou Qi was thoughtful: "It's not that easy to do it."

Xi Guang continued to ask for advice, what is the most effective way to apologize.

Looking at the worried child, Zhou Qi chuckled, "Tell him I'm sorry."

"Also, remember to tell him that you like him. If you like someone, you have to say it, and the other person will be very happy when they know about it."

Xiguang looked at the posture on TV, bowed at ninety degrees, with a very solemn expression, like Gu Yanshu giving a political and ideological report, and she said: "I'm sorry. I like you very much, don't hate me, okay?"

Gu Yanshu was still the same, although his eyes were open, he didn't know where the focus was, as if he was looking at something, but he didn't seem to be looking at anything.

Xi Guang landed on Lu Wanliang's movements, covered him with the quilt up to the tip of his chin, and carefully pinched the corners of the quilt.

Zhou Qi said that people who don't speak often like to listen to others. They live in a world of one person and will be very lonely.Xi Guang expressed his understanding, and was about to turn on the chatter mode, so he started talking without thinking.

She said: "At noon today, I saw a big snow-white wolf dog on the lawn of the villa next door. Grandpa Gu said that it was not called a big wolf dog. It was a Samoyed raised by the little bully of the Xie family. I felt like it was looking at me Laugh, hahaha, and, who is the little overlord of the Xie family?"

She said: "I found that there is a staircase behind the flower house, and you can climb to the top of the flower house. Let's go up to watch the moon together in the future?"

She said: "When I was in Chinese class today, the teacher taught a poem with my surname in it, 'Yo Yo Luming, the apple of the wild food. I have guests, and I play the lute and sheng.'"

Xiguang took out the elk pendant, put it in front of his eyes, imitated the tricks of the master hypnotist and slowly swayed in circles, having a great time, "Yanshu, I remember that you seem to like this very much. Come on, look with it..."

"Yanshu, I think you were happier when you were in Tongzhen, do you like to stay outside and don't want to go home?" Xi Guang murmured like an old woman, discussing with Gu Yanshu: "How about, When I grow up a bit and can make money to support you, I will take you to elope."

This little girl is very talented, she seems to prefer this word, and she often talks about it.

It wasn't until many years later that Gu Yanshu suddenly put a ring on her ring finger and said, "Let's elope", which was a long-cherished wish of her life.

At this time, she said that her mouth was dry, but she didn't get any response, and she was not discouraged.Looking back at the door of the room, thinking that no one should come in at this time, he began to plot evil, and leaned into Gu Yanshu's ear and said softly: "Yanshu, can I give you a hug?"

"If you don't object, then you agree."

Xi Guang leaned forward, slowly opened his arms, and wrapped them around Gu Yanshu's chest, rubbing his reddish face comfortably on the hollow of his shoulder.

The "Wisdom Backpack" she read in the afternoon said that such a hug can give people strength. I don't know if Yanshu has accepted her strength.

In the second year after Xiguang came to Gu's house, Lu Wanliang looked at the examination report about Yanshu sent by the doctor, and knew that she had made the right decision.Gu Yanshu's dependence on drugs has decreased significantly, and he has tried to speak again and express himself with others.

It was also at this time that Lu Wanliang truly accepted Xi Guang and completely gave up the idea of ​​sending her back to Lu's house.

Xiguang followed Lu Wanliang to visit Xie's family, and saw what the often-heard Xie family's overlord Zhang is like, and touched the happy Samoyed.

"Xie Feinian is the second child. There is an older brother on the head and a younger sister on the bottom. Only the second child of the Xie family is the most noisy. He was left by his parents to be raised by the old man's side. They are good companions." Lu Wanliang intends I don't want to talk about these things with Xiguang.

"I should have taken you to Wen's family. Gu, Xie, and Wen's families are family friends, and the three old commanders used to be friends from birth to death together." Lu Wanliang said: "But now the Wen family members are all abroad. It's also empty, and it will be lively when their family comes back. Wen's family also has a child named Yuyun, who was born in the same year as Yanshu..."

There is also the child who often comes to look for Gu Yanshu, named Song Yusheng, without Lu Wanliang telling him, Xiguang will know him naturally.

Grandma Gu likes Song Yusheng the most, she said that he will be great when he grows up, his gentle and personable appearance will fascinate people, especially those peach blossom eyes, which are alluring!

Grandpa Gu snorted coldly, and a cannon in his hand fell heavily on the chessboard.Gu Yanshu took the chariot and surrounded his army.

Grandpa Gu patted his thigh, "One step went astray!"

Grandma Gu clapped her hands, "Okay, our grandson won again! Add something to dinner!"

Xi Guang squatted in front of the chessboard, she couldn't understand the conspiracy and strategizing, so she took a sip of freshly squeezed orange juice and smacked her lips.Gu Yanshu was also thirsty, took her cup and drank half of it, her rosy lips were covered with a layer of crystal, which added a bit of childishness to her.

A few rays of sunlight in the afternoon came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the evergreen trees on both sides of the house were lush and lush, with swaying branches and leaves, rustling by the wind.The years are quiet and good, as if all the ugly sores and wounds in life have been erased, and there are no more ups and downs and impermanence in the world.

Xiguang thought silently, so be it.

Yanshu will gradually come out of the dark world of being alone, and she will try her best to get used to the life in Gu's family. The peonies in the flower garden will bloom, and the saplings in the corner will sprout.

In this way, let them accompany each other and grow up slowly.

At that age, she didn't know how long a lifetime was, and naively thought that if this continued, it would be a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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