Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 39 The Master Appears

Chapter 39 The Master Appears

"Rat tail juice?"

The concierge froze for a moment, not knowing what old Jack meant.

Old Jack quickly said with a smile, "Well, little brother, we are from Holy Soul Village. This child is a work-study student sent by our village this year. Can you see if we need to go through any formalities?"

The concierge looked Tang San up and down, and said in a strange way: "Sacred Soul Village? In this poor village, there are people who can awaken a martial spirit with soul power? Could it be that a phoenix came out of the chicken coop? Our Notting College, but It’s been a long time since there were no work-study students, so this guy must be a counterfeit, right?”

Hearing this, a trace of anger flashed across Old Jack's face, but he still held back.

Then, Old Jack took out the Martial Soul Awakening Certificate issued by Master Su Yuntao, the deacon of the Wuhun Palace, and handed it to the concierge.

The concierge took the certificate of martial soul awakening, his eyes were on the certificate of martial soul awakening, he took a quick glance, suddenly opened his eyes, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, I read it right, right? It turned out to be the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit! And it's innately full of soul power? It's just too funny, it's the biggest joke in the world! I have worked in Notting College for four full years. The concierge has never seen any innate full soul power, let alone an awakener with a blue silver grass martial soul, who will have innate full soul power! From what I can see, the proof of this martial soul awakening is mostly you Forged, right?"


Although Old Jack had a good temper, he finally couldn't hold back at this moment, and a terrifying aura erupted faintly from his body.But he still didn't make a move, if he rashly made a move and injured the academy's porter, it would definitely affect Tang San's normal study.

"Alright, you are clearly making things difficult for us on purpose! Since you said this certificate is fake, then I will go to the deacon Su Yuntao of the Wuhun Temple and let him see if this certificate is true or not! Little San, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Old Jack pulled Tang San and prepared to leave.

Su Yuntao's Wuhun Hall is actually a branch of the Wuhun Hall. Even so, the Wuhun certificate issued by the Wuhun Branch Hall cannot be fake, and the concierge naturally knows this.

However, parents who come here to sign up their children will feel sorry for him and give him some benefits. Although the concierge does not have much power, if they want to come to see their children in the future, they must go through the concierge. Of course, these concierges are also It's easy to spend, and you can buy it with a little gold coins or a few items. As the saying goes, it's easy for Hades, but it's hard for little ghosts.

But the honest and honest village chief, how could he know such ways?This kind of unhealthy tendencies is what he despises the most, and the most important thing is that he has no money!
Of course, at this moment, when the concierge heard that Old Jack was going to find Su Yuntao of the Wuhun Temple, he felt a little uneasy. If he really alarmed the people of the Wuhun Palace, then he might not be able to deal with the aftermath. It's a small matter, but I didn't expect that this stupid old man would want to make it so big?

Of course, it is also possible that the people in Wuhundian will not be mobilized because of these two country bumpkins, so the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally cursed: "What kind of shit holy soul village, from what I see, why not change it to Forget about the beggar village!"

"What did you say?"

Hearing the concierge's insults, Old Jack finally became angry. He suddenly turned around and stared at the concierge coldly, just like he had stared at Tang Hao back then. The holy soul village was his reverse scale, and no one could touch it. .

Old Jack's aura was indeed a little scary. The concierge subconsciously took a few steps back, but he quickly realized, "I'm afraid of a bird? Isn't this just a stinky old man? What's there to be afraid of?"

So, the concierge said without hesitation: "What? Is what I said wrong? Look at you two, you are in tatters and penniless. What are you if you are not a beggar? Hurry up and beg. At the gate of Ding Academy, stay away from me, it's really bad luck!"

The concierge stretched out his hand and pushed towards Old Jack's heart while talking. Now he just wants to drive the old and the young away quickly.

Old Jack was furious, if he hadn't thought about Tang San's future, he would have done it long ago.

At this moment, a thin figure appeared in front of Old Jack. The figure raised his left arm and grabbed the porter's left hand. Taking advantage of the trend, the porter leaned forward, and his right hand Stretching out again, the crutch hit the porter's abdomen, only to hear a muffled groan, the porter took a few steps back, and quickly covered his stomach, his face turning blue.

"Little San?"

At this time, Old Jack finally realized that it was Tang San who made the move at the critical moment, and gently taught the concierge a lesson.

"Brat, how dare you hurt me?"

The concierge struggled to get up, he was knocked down by a child, he suddenly felt his face was lost, he was so angry that he was about to rush towards Tang San with his fists waving.

But at this time Tang San had already slowly raised his hand, a metallic light flickered on his wrist.

"Okay, stop it for me!"

Just at this moment, a hoarse voice sounded behind Tang San.

Tang San's figure froze slightly, and he didn't continue to move.

After the porter heard it, he was stunned for a moment, and then the anger on his face turned into a flattering smile. This guy not only looks down on people, but also is a flattering villain who can change his face faster than turning the pages of a book. Authentic dog licking, he nodded and bowed his head and said, "Master Da Da? Are you back?"

Hearing this, Tang San turned his head to look, and saw behind him a middle-aged man who did not know when, and saw the man wearing a gray robe, with a thin body and a black cropped head, but his face was not energetic, with a slight trace of Decadent, there was some melancholy in his eyes, and he exuded an indescribable temperament. He just glanced at the concierge, and then said to Old Jack: "Old man, show me the awakening of your martial soul!" Bar!"

Although old Jack is honest and straightforward, since he was able to become the village chief, it shows that he still has the ability to perceive words and emotions. He can tell at a glance that this man is not an ordinary person. First of all, this man is born extraordinary. , this man's status in the academy is naturally not low. A person who can be called a master may not necessarily be an important person in this academy. If he can establish a relationship with this man, then Tang San will also have a lot in the academy in the future. A backer.

Thinking of this, Old Jack hastily and politely handed over the Martial Soul Awakening Certificate in his hand to the man.

"Master, take a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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