Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 11 Explosive Hammer Tang 3, Is This Your Speed? !

Chapter 11 Hammer Tang San, Is This Your Speed? !

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, Tang San's face suddenly showed excitement, and the hypocritical smile on his face faded instantly.

Without so many scruples, he also completely exposed his true nature.

If you are jealous, you will be rewarded, and you will use any means if you fail to achieve your goal!
at this time.

After successfully getting Su Chen into the set, he was not to mention happy in his heart.

Seeing that Su Chen agreed to this matter, Xiao Wu looked at Su Chen in confusion.

As the Beast God of the Star Dou Great Forest, as the number one powerhouse in the entire Douluo Continent.

Su Chen!

In the eyes of all their soul beasts, that is the supreme existence.

Tang San?

At best, it's just a piece of rubbish. If the majestic Beast God fights with such rubbish, his hands will be dirty!

At this time, Brigitte gently pulled Xiao Wu aside, and a gentle voice sounded: "Look, Sir, there must be deep meaning behind this arrangement."

Xiao Wu nodded, and retreated helplessly to the side.

Ning Rongrong tugged lightly with both hands, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda faintly appeared in the palm of his hand, wanting to give Su Chen a certain amount of benefit.

But before she could settle down, Brigitte stopped her at the same time.

The gain from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda has no effect on Su Chen.


For the current matter, there is no need to use buffs at all.

Pouting her lips, she looked at Su Chen and Tang San who were walking towards an open space, Ai Wuji Wu's thoughts, she already hated Tang San completely.

This damned hypocrisy, dare to find trouble with his brother Su Chen, life blacklist +1
"Tang San, Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass, Level 29 Control System Soul Master, please advise!"

A cluster of blue and black blue and silver grass emerged from the palm of his hand, Tang San put one hand behind his back, trying his best to pretend to be a handsome young man.

Looking at all this indifferently, Su Chen didn't even bother to introduce.

Martial soul?

To deal with Tang San does not need to open Wuhun.

After introducing himself, and finding that Su Chen had no words, Tang San's pupils burst open, and his heart went mad:

This guy is really crazy!

He didn't even introduce Wuhun, so is he planning to fight me without using Wuhun?
Forget it, never mind!If you don't use Martial Soul, then don't blame me for being rude, anyway, today I am not just simply competing with you, I will trample you under my feet, that is my real purpose!
Just in time, when you are in a state of embarrassment, let Xiao Wu see clearly the essence of your arrogance!

Full of inner drama, Tang San slapped the ground fiercely with one hand: "The first soul skill, Entangle!"

In an instant, a lot of blue and silver grass sprouted from Su Chen's feet, and they rushed towards him with a whistling.


With a soft snort, countless entwined blue silver grasses shattered, unable to get even an inch closer to him.

Seeing that the blue silver grass was all shattered, Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank, and he rushed towards Su Chen with all his strength.

"Ghost Shadow, open!"

Suddenly, Tang San turned into an afterimage, coming towards Su Chen like a ghost.

While rushing over, seeing Su Chen still motionless, he sneered in his heart: "The arrogant guy who doesn't use Wuhun can't even find my figure now, the winner this time is destined to be me! "

Just when Tang San was feeling proud and complacent, a crisp slap sounded.

Su Chen still stood on the spot, but Tang San flew upside down, supporting a deep ditch on the ground.

The clothes on his body were rubbed to pieces, and his face was bloody.

Lying in the ditch with a stunned expression, Tang San's eyes were a little loose.

He... how did he find me?

Under the shadow of ghosts, my speed should not be discovered!

In the end... what the hell is going on?

Countless puzzles filled his mind, and the sound of crisp footsteps brought him back from his thoughts.

Su Chen came pacing, with his hands behind his back, walking step by step.

The sound of footsteps was like thunder.

Accompanied by the sound of dull footsteps, Su Chen's indifferent voice sounded: "How dare you make a fool of yourself?"

"You think your speed is unparalleled? Is this your speed?!"

The nightmare-like voice resounded in his ears, Tang San's eyes were terrified, and he tried to stand up with his body.


Before he succeeded, Su Chen kicked over again.

The trench deepened many times, Tang San was kicked far away while rolling and crawling.

The mere twenties level also challenged him, the number one powerhouse in the Douluo Continent.

The afterlife is terrifying!

Just when Su Chen was going to continue to attack and completely wipe out Tang San, the system's prompt sounded abruptly.

【Ding, congratulations to the host, you punished Tang San and robbed part of your luck. 】

[Ding, luck has changed, congratulations to the host for obtaining a drop of Blue Silver Emperor blood essence, congratulations to the host for obtaining a drop of Blue Silver Emperor's original liquid. 】

[Hint: Tang San is a man of luck, as long as he punishes Tang San, he can plunder his luck and transform it. You, the host, can use Tang San as an experience bag to plunder his luck. 】

Hearing these reminders from the system, the idea of ​​killing Tang San here completely faded a little.

Treat it as an experience package?

As long as he is punished, he can get the luck to plunder Tang San, which sounds very good!

Luck is a very mysterious thing.

Through such a transformation of luck for punishing and plundering, Su Chen also saw the benefits of luck.

For the sake of luck, Tang San can be spared for the time being.

After the plunder of luck is over, Tang San can almost be shot to death.

Finding that Su Chen's footsteps stopped, Tang San's panicked heart calmed down a little, and then he showed surprise again.

It is a big taboo in battle to lose your mind during the fight.

good chance!
Forcibly propping himself up to stand up, Tang San just wanted to continue to fight, when a figure appeared in front of him like teleporting.

The cold voice also sounded: "If you are restless, just go to the bed and lie down!"


With a crisp sound, Su Chen stepped on Tang San's calf bone with one foot.

"Ah... my legs!"

The miserable howling sounded crazily, and bean-sized sweat dripped down Tang San's forehead, his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

This man, this man actually stepped on his own leg and broke it.

No... unforgivable!
Severe pain swept through Tang San's brain nerves wave after wave, and he firmly grasped the dirt with both hands.

Blood seeped into the soil along the worn-out hands, and his facial expression was twisted to the extreme.

For this, Su Chen showed no mercy.

Not killing Tang San just now was already his greatest kindness.

In the whole world, there are not many people who can get his kindness, and a Tang San who can get his kindness at this time can already brag for a lifetime.

After breaking a leg, Su Chen didn't bother to continue talking nonsense. He encountered such an unpleasant thing early in the morning.

Just as he was about to leave, an angry voice sounded: "You hurt someone, and you want to leave like this?"

After the voice fell, Yu Xiaogang, wearing a long black gown and wearing a short cut head, walked over with a gloomy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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