Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 12 The Fascinated and Confident Yu Xiaogang

Chapter 12 The Fascinated and Confident Yu Xiaogang

When Yu Xiaogang appeared, Tang San shouted excitedly.

I want to get up but my calf has long since lost consciousness. Being in a trench can be as embarrassing as it is.

Yu Xiaogang squatted on the edge of the ditch, looked at the injury on Tang San's calf bone, his face immediately became gloomy.

Knowing that Yu Xiaogang cared about him very much, Tang San immediately complained, "Teacher, these people bewitched Xiao Wu, I am..."

"The teacher knows!"

Yu Xiaogang replied pretentiously, frowning coldly at Su Chen and the others.

"You can injure Xiaosan like this without using the martial soul. Your martial soul should be a beast martial soul, and it has several great bonuses to the body."

"Relying on such brute force can indeed give you a lot of advantages in the early stage, but people with vicious hearts like you are destined to not be a big deal!"

Talking on and on, Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back, looking like he is theoretically invincible.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's appearance like this, and seeing Yu Xiaogang's analysis like this, many people around couldn't help but be amazed.

"It is said that this master is a theoretical master of martial arts research. His research on martial arts is really in-depth. It is incredible that he can guess the type of martial arts of that handsome guy just by fighting against each other once!"

"You said that this is just speculation. Before the matter is finalized, don't make such a conclusion so easily. In my opinion, this master is like a waste of eating and drinking!"

"That's right, it's really like a waste. If you stay in school, don't attend classes and don't make contributions, you're just a blood-sucking moth."

Listening to the suspicions of the surrounding students with a cold face, Yu Xiaogang has such a thick skin that he has long been immune to these.

Completely ignoring the reactions of the students around him, he stared straight at Su Chen and the others.

In his view, guessing or analysis is worth mentioning.

In short, I said one, two, three, four, as long as Su Chen's Wuhun is really as I said, then I will still be the famous master of Wuhun theory in the mainland.

Listening indifferently to Yu Xiaogang bragging about his own analysis, Su Chenyun replied calmly: "Whether I can achieve great things, I won't bother you, a trash who is not even at the [-]th level, to judge."

"From the very beginning, you were standing not far away. Tang San took the initiative to provoke you and turned a blind eye. When your own people suffered a loss, you couldn't help jumping out. You are indeed a master when it comes to protecting the calf."


i'm rubbish

Su Chen's words pierced Yu Xiaogang's heart like an awl, and his hands hidden under the sleeves were tightened into fists, and his breathing became rapid.

Because of the vicious mutation of the martial soul, he couldn't break through level [-] in his life. This was an eternal pain in his heart.

Letting Su Chen mention it like this at this time is to sprinkle a handful of salt on his wound.

The aunt who always said she could bear it couldn't bear it this time.

"Soul power does not mean all achievements!"

"My theoretical research allows me not to care about my soul power level!"

"Your strength is indeed very strong. The Junior Soul Master Academy can't satisfy you. You came here specially. If I guessed correctly, you should have come to apprentice under my sect at the very beginning."

"Tang San is my disciple. If you think that you can be highly regarded by me if you defeat Tang San, then you are completely wrong. People with constant character like you are not qualified to be my disciples. Under the door!"


Tang San in the ditch has completely climbed up, leaning on the flower bed to let himself stand precariously.

The master's scolding of Su Chen and the others filled his ears, and his face was full of smiles.

At first, they just thought that Su Chen and the others were here to find Xiao Wu, but at this moment, after being awakened by the words of the master, they suddenly became enlightened, and couldn't help but sneer.

"So it turns out that these few people also want to come to pay homage to the teacher, but now the teacher has made it clear that he is helping me vent my anger, and their purpose will be aborted."

"It seems that Xiao Wu was indeed bewitched by them, and their real purpose was just to let the teacher appear through me, and then tell Xiao Wu about these things, then everything can be resolved."

"Yesterday, because of these people, Xiao Wu took action against me, and then let Xiao Wu also attack them, so that they can also have a taste of my feelings yesterday."

Thinking darkly in his heart, Tang San looked at Su Chen and the others with a cold face.

at this time.

He just wanted to see how Su Chen and the others would not be able to step down after all their little thoughts were made public.

Following Yu Xiaogang's boastful words, the expressions of Su Chen and the others changed slightly.

Have you and others thought about coming here to learn from Yu Xiaogang?
He Yu Xiaogang?Enough for this qualification?

Is it true that after stealing some knowledge from ancient books in the Wuhun Hall, and opening up the so-called theory of the ten core competitions of Wuhun, can he be proud of the entire Douluo Continent?

Su Chen couldn't help laughing.

Yu Xiaogang's shameless efforts reminded him of many things.

Only such a shameless person would have reached such a deal with Chihiro Ji at the beginning and become a so-called 'smart' person in the Wuhun Temple.

According to the normal situation, he should become Bibi Dong's first love, and finally derived Chihiro Ji. Dong, and then Yu Xiaogang left cruelly.

But in the end things changed because of his intervention.

Even if everything came to nothing in the end, after becoming Chihiro Ji's abandoned son, he still managed to make a living by relying on the things he stole from Wuhundian.


When leaving Wuhundian, he also used the information he had to reach a final deal with Chihiro Ji.

Let the people of Wuhundian quietly send him to Liu Erlong so that he can be 'fair and aboveboard' to transfer his love to another.

Leaving aside the nasty things he has done, just the benefits he got from Chihiro Ji made him swell to this point?

Anyone want to learn from him?

Brigitte and the others also looked at all this with inexplicable expressions, and they were very clear about what happened decades ago.

So from the bottom of their hearts, they didn't have any good feelings for Yu Xiaogang.

after all.

A thief, a piece of rubbish, no matter where they are, they will not be respected by others.

It's just that now, such a trashy but shameless person can still be so confident.

After leaving Wuhundian for so many years, after enjoying the vanity brought by the title of 'Master', he really swelled to the extreme.

Seeing that Su Chen and the others did not respond after listening, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help showing a more cold and arrogant smile on his face.

The identity of a theory master is really useful!


Just when Yu Xiaogang was confident, Su Chen casually laughed.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiaogang frowned suddenly.

A bad feeling crazily grew in the bottom of my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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