Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 14 Martial soul mutation, Yu Xiaogang's whimsy!

Chapter 14 Martial soul mutation, Yu Xiaogang's whimsy!

the other side.

Under the leadership of Xiao Wu, Su Chen has already gone to the tutor's office in charge of their work-study students.

As for the matter of Yu Xiaogang, Su Chen had already completely discarded it in the back of his mind.

He's just a weak person, and he doesn't deserve too much attention.

Although it is too easy for others, it is easy to capsize oneself in the gutter, but when the strength reaches a certain level, there is no need to worry about this at all.

Because the graduation season was already approaching, Xiao Wu's graduation procedures went very smoothly. The only fly in the ointment was that she just went through the procedures first, and the rest had to wait for a while before completing them together with this batch of graduates. Just a graduation summary.

A million years are almost over, but for a short period of time, Su Chen didn't pay much attention to it, and let the tutors of Notting College arrange it.

After completing all the formalities, Xiao Wu pouted and followed Su Chen's buttocks, with an unhappy expression on her face.

"It's so troublesome. I thought I could leave school directly after completing the formalities. It turns out that these processes in the human world will really toss a person to death."

"It's better to let Mr. Su Chen torment you than let these processes torment you."

Xiao Wu looked at the various formalities and documents in her hand, and said sullenly.

How can I not understand Xiao Wu's implication.

This girl has always taken dedication as her ultimate goal.

After knowing that Ning Rongrong was one step ahead of him, he was even more concerned about this matter.

From time to time, there will be such a few amazing words.

Gently rubbing Xiao Wu's little head, Su Chen said with a light smile: "Our soul beasts are recultivated as humans, and we are destined to follow the rules of the human world more, so that we can improve."

"So these things are something you have to go through, just get used to it honestly."

Xiao Wu pouted, and the rabbit ears on her hair drooped a little, as if I didn't listen or I didn't listen.

Ning Rongrong covered her mouth and chuckled, took the initiative to hold Xiao Wu's wrist, and whispered a few words into her ear.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu blushed a lot, looked at Ning Rongrong suspiciously, then glanced at Su Chen secretly, and finally calmed down.

With his absolute strength, Su Chen could clearly hear the whispers of the two women, but instead of pointing out what the two women were concerned about, he sank his thoughts into his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and successfully taking away Xiao Wu, congratulations to the host for obtaining a level 5 soul power reward. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the chain mission, please go to the Shrek Academy, the host, and officially take back the control of the Shrek Academy. 】

【Complete the mission, you will get the Martial Soul Mutation Ability*1 as the host, and there is no penalty for mission failure! 】

[Special reminder: Martial soul mutation ability, host you can selectively mutate your own martial soul, and use your own beast soul as the host to derive weapon souls according to your wishes! 】

The full-faced system notification sound echoed in his mind, and Su Chen briefly understood the system's task completion and task triggering this time.

More thought was put on rewards.

Martial soul mutation ability?

After all, this is indeed a good thing!
Wuhun mutation is a very good ability, just like the Snake Lance Douluo in Wuhun Temple, the mutated Wuhun ability is very powerful.

Of course, the Wuhun mutation does not necessarily develop in a benign direction, such as Yu Xiaogang's trash.

Possessing the top beast martial soul on the Douluo Continent like the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, but it mutated into a pig.

The quality of the soul master itself is also related to the slight sound of the martial soul's mutation.

Snake Lance Douluo's talent is very high, his own quality is extremely high, the mutation of the martial soul is a mutation in a benign direction, because he can bear it.

A waste like Yu Xiaogang is a fighter in the trash, and he couldn't bear the benign mutation of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex's martial soul, so he could only turn into a pig in the end.

Analyzing the system's rewards, Su Chen didn't worry about the direction of Wuhun's mutation.

Not to mention that he can mutate according to his own wishes, even if there is no such condition, his own conditions are enough to carry an absolutely powerful mutant spirit.

The body of a beast god has the qualifications!

As for the task, Su Chen didn't pay much attention to it. For him, it was all within easy reach.

After all, Shrek Academy was born under his urging. At that time, Flender was still a stunned young man, and he went to the Star Dou Forest to practice by himself.

After meeting him, he still thought about bribing him with money. For the sake of Flender's joy, he made a few points by the way.

It was such a small act that planted a seed in Flender's heart, and when he left, he said that he would establish a soul master academy in the future, and the name would be Shrek.

In addition, Flender had promised that Shrek was just in custody, and as long as Su Chen had the intention, he could get it back at any time.

In short, it is a task to send experience.

After writing down these things, Su Chen didn't think too much about it, and originally had the idea of ​​going to Shrek.

When the time comes, just do these things by the way.


Notting College Infirmary.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San supported each other and came here to find a healing soul master for treatment.

On the spacious hospital bed, Tang San's feet were wrapped in bandages and hung up high, while Yu Xiaogang's wounds were only some flesh injuries, and he only needed a little recuperation after treatment.

Sitting quietly by the window in the infirmary, Yu Xiaogang took out a book he was carrying with him.

He took out a picture album of a woman from one of the bookmarks, looked at the graceful figure of the woman in the picture book, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva in disappointment.

On the album Yu Xiaogang held in his hand, the current Pope Bibi Dong was painted.

Under the noble papal costume, Bibi Dong showed her graceful figure to the fullest.

Looking at these with fiery eyes, Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath, thinking about the things that happened in the past, many thoughts began to emerge in his heart.

"Anyway, I used her once at the beginning. When Xiaosan recovers here, and after I arrange for Xiaosan to go to Shrek, I will go find her once."

"If it goes well, I should be able to get a lot of things related to the twin martial souls from her. If I can go one step closer, I can even complete the original things."

"However... I don't know if that old Yinbi of Chihiro Ji has completed the plan, but these things should have nothing to do with me. It doesn't matter whether it is completed or not. Anyway, she should be alone now."

"If it really happened, I was heartbroken by my beloved teacher. I took advantage of this suitable opportunity. Maybe I could finish the things that I didn't finish at the beginning, and enjoy the majestic pope taste."

Thinking happily in his heart, Yu Xiaogang was humiliated only when he thought of it again.

Su Chen's indifferent face appeared in front of his eyes.

Holding the hand of the album, it took a lot of strength to distort the album, and the expression also distorted.

What about thieves?

Wait until I train Tang San to the peak!
My master's reputation will completely resound throughout the Douluo Continent, who else will care about what I have done in the past?

History, when the time comes, should be written by a victor like me!

(End of this chapter)

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