Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 13 You, Yu Xiaogang, are just a thief!

Chapter 13 You, Yu Xiaogang, are just a thief!

what happened?

Why am I so flustered?
Thinking anxiously in his heart, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help breathing quickly, and his hands under the sleeves were squeezed with sweat stains.

He has been pretending to be a god for decades, and he thinks that he has a very strong ability to judge people. Moreover, with the theory of the top ten core competitions, he has been flourishing for decades.

But now...

After a smile leaked from Su Chen's face, he started beating drums.

Su Chen was too lazy to do anything to rubbish like Yu Xiaogang.

Even if he wants to kill Yu Xiaogang now, he only needs to snap his fingers lightly.


If he had to deal with such rubbish by himself, it would undoubtedly dirty his hands.

This kind of rubbish is even worse than those incomparably stinky soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Suppressing his smile, Su Chen said softly, "Let's not say about apprenticeship, let's not say that there is no one in the world who can teach me."

"Even if there is, you don't have the qualifications. A self-proclaimed master, but a waste of more than 20 levels?"

"A person who claims to be the top ten core competitiveness of Wuhun, but pretends to be crazy and can't see his cousin Wuhun, and still wants to develop a love story?"

"A person who has been a thief for the sake of gaining benefits, making deals with certain people, do you deserve it?!"

The sonorous and powerful words fell.

Every word of Su Chen dropped a heavy bomb in Yu Xiaogang's heart.

The muffled rumbling sound made his scalp tingle!

In order to constantly improve his master personality, he has been working hard to pretend.

Like Liu Erlong.

The martial soul is a fire dragon martial soul mutated from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon martial soul has always been a martial soul inherited by direct disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

After the mutation, although it won't be easy to see, the power of Wuhundian spreads all over the entire continent, and it is very clear about many secrets.

He is also a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and has stolen a lot of things about Wuhun from the Wuhun Temple. There is no reason why he does not know that Liu Erlong's real identity is the illegitimate daughter of his second uncle and Fengchennv.

At present, the beauty has the taste of taboo.

All along, he has been pretending, pretending to be crazy and foolish.

As long as I pretend not to know, everything has nothing to do with me.

but now……

Su Chen exposed everything mercilessly, and Yu Xiaogang's complexion was already sallow.

The secret no longer exists!
His body was trembling faintly, Yu Xiaogang looked at Su Chen with a lot of fear in his eyes.

Under the fear, there is more anger.

If you wanted to come out to protect Tang San just because of Tang San's affairs, then deepen your personality again.

Then at this time, he was completely angry about his own affairs.

As for Tang San?

Where is your own personality important!
The pupils began to be bloodshot, and the veins pulsated crazily on his forehead.

Like a crazy beast, Yu Xiaogang asked word by word: "Who are you...?"

"A little thing who only knows nonsense, dare to question my achievements?"

As soon as Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, Bi Ji, who had always been known for her good temper, stepped forward.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Yu Xiaogang, and slapped him hard.

There was a dark green fluorescent light surging in the palm, and without hurting Yu Xiaogang's outer skin, he slapped Yu Xiaogang far away.

Tang San, who was waiting in the trench to watch Su Chen and the others make a fool of himself, saw Yu Xiaogang flying upside down towards him, his eyeballs suddenly burst.

What the hell!

Yu Xiaogang pressed heavily on Tang San, who only had the strength of more than 20 levels, and had been bluffing and deceiving by relying on his status as a master.

His body had already been exhausted to the extreme, even though it was just a normal slap from Bi Ji, it was also a slap he couldn't bear.

When Fei Yu Xiaogang was drawn, Bi Ji's indifferent voice sounded: "A mere rubbish, how dare you speak insultingly to an adult?"

"Do you still want to know the identity of the adult? The identity of the adult is the existence of rubbish like you, which can only be looked up to for the rest of your life!"

He didn't kill Yu Xiaogang, and after a little punishment, he returned to stand beside Su Chen.

Seeing that Su Chen's expression was still normal, he was slightly relieved.

As one of the top ten fierce beasts, Bi Ji is too aware of the respect of Su Chen, the beast god.

The Silver Dragon King is the co-owner of their thousands of soul beasts. Gu Yuela said a long time ago that anyone who provokes Su Chen will be regarded as provoking her, no matter if it is a soul beast or a human being.

Anyone who witnesses, if he does not defend the majesty of the co-lord, remove the bones of the spirit beast, will be left dead in the wilderness.

Therefore, she must defend the majesty of the co-lord, and the majesty of Su Chen, the beast god.

after all……

This is the only person who can turn their soul beasts over, and the only person who can compete with the gods.

After Bi Ji shot here, Xiao Wu also put her hands behind her back, bouncing towards Yu Xiaogang.

The same rules apply to her as well.

Walking in front of Yu Xiaogang, under Tang San's astonished eyes, Xiao Wu also stepped on Yu Xiaogang's calf with one foot.

The high heels trampled a bloody hole on Yu Xiaogang's calf.

The same rules apply not only to Brigitte, but to her as well.

The majesty of the Beast God cannot be challenged!

Yu Xiaogang, who had been half fainted by Bi Ji's slap, let out another miserable howl.

All this was not stopped, and after Xiao Wu also punished Yu Xiaogang, Su Chencai walked towards the interior of Notting College with his hands behind his back.

Next, it's time to go through the graduation procedures for Xiao Wu. After completing the graduation procedures according to the normal process, she can almost leave here.

Although he could directly skip all of these, such procedures are beneficial to Xiao Wu after all, it can be regarded as a kind of experience in her cultivation as a human being.

As for Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, they were just ants who were punished by the way today.

When the value is drained, just send them on the road.

Seeing Su Chen leave, Bi Ji and the others also followed behind.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, the old and the young, huddled together in the flower bed like bereaved dogs.

One head was buzzing strangely, one calf bone was broken, and he couldn't even stand up.

Seen by many Notting College students who passed by here, both of them blushed.

"Old... Teacher, are you okay?"

Yu Xiaogang tried his best to wake himself up, feeling the burning pain on his face, and the sharp pain in the hole where the high heels stepped on his calf, he gasped: "It''s okay!"

"Let's go to the infirmary first and find a healing soul master to treat us, and then today's matter is not over!"

Hearing the words, Tang San nodded heavily, looking at the back of Su Chen and the others leaving, the teeth of the two masters and apprentices intertwined.

The severe pain pulled the two of them back from their thoughts, and then they limped towards the infirmary.

As for the surrounding students, Yu Xiaogang didn't have the heart to continue to pretend to be powerful.

All the eyes were like needles piercing the bone, stinging extremely, and crazily spawning other thoughts in his mind.

The hatred of humiliation is irreconcilable!
even if...

Fish dead net broken! !
(End of this chapter)

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