The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 300 The Purchase Price of White Mushrooms

Chapter 300 The Purchase Price of White Mushrooms

Hearing what Confucius and Mencius said, Uncle Qi stared at him: "He dares not understand, believe it or not, I beat him with crutches."

Confucius and Mencius stopped talking. Although the seventh uncle didn't say it clearly, but seeing what the other party meant, that old Tian still had an opinion in his heart.

The two talked while walking, and they arrived at Laotian's chicken farm in a short while.

Pushing open the door and entering, Kong Meng saw a man in his 40s with vicissitudes on his face, processing the grass cut from the mountains.

This is also what must be done to raise chickens in Yunxi Village.

Because there is not enough food, we can only use grass instead. Fortunately, Daqing Mountain is full of grass, and it is not difficult to harvest.

Seeing Uncle Qi approaching, Lao Tian stood up and was about to welcome him.

Seeing Kongmeng next to him unexpectedly, his face immediately turned down.

Seventh Uncle naturally saw his series of movements and changes clearly.

The old man walked a few steps quickly, and the crutch in his hand hit the old man's head directly: "What are you looking at, why don't you welcome Teacher Kong when he's here."

"I..." Lao Tian, ​​who is strong and strong, was taught by the old and frail seventh uncle. He just held his head and didn't have any intention of fighting back.

However, no matter how Uncle Ren beat and scolded him, he would not say a word, expressing his protest with speechlessness.

Uncle Qi was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Kong Meng smiled lightly, comforted Seventh Uncle first, then turned to ask Lao Tian:

"Brother Tian, ​​I see that you have some objections to my asking you to build a chicken farm, what are you worried about?
Afraid that the chickens in the chicken farm will suddenly get sick and die, or worry that it will be difficult to pay back the money to build the chicken farm?
If it is the reason for the death of the chicken, I am here to make a guarantee, as long as you strictly follow the method I said, this situation will basically not happen.

As for the money to build a chicken farm, there is no need to worry.

I know everyone's economic conditions. If you don't have money, I won't ask you for it. "

Looking at Confucius and Mencius, Lao Tian wanted to say something, but he hesitated to speak.


The crutch hit Lao Tian on the head again, Qi Shugong said angrily: "Mr. Kong is talking to you, you answer quickly, what are you doing standing here coldly?"

"Seventh Uncle, don't get excited, I just want to have a detailed chat with Brother Tian.

This chicken farm is his own, I think it is better to let him decide, what do you think? "

Confucius and Mencius spoke.

In fact, when Uncle Qi was waving his cane just now, he wanted to stop him, but he didn't expect this old man over 80 to move so fast, and the other party knocked on him before he even opened his mouth.

Seventh Uncle said angrily: "Let him decide for himself?
Just like his grandson, without the old man to help him point out, he would not even be able to marry a wife.

He can be a master of farts. "

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

Seeing that Confucius and Mencius stopped talking, Qi Shugong also felt that his tone was a little too aggressive. .

After thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at Lao Tian: "Okay, since Teacher Kong said so, I will give you a chance to talk, and tell me why you reject the chicken farm so much?"

It may be that I have held back for too long, or it may be that I have been depressed for too long.

Lao Tian hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Seventh Uncle, I know you want me to improve the living conditions at home by raising chickens.

But you also know that these chickens can't get enough to eat grass, and they have to add some food every two days.

I have specially calculated that even according to the minimum amount that Teacher Kong said, the food consumed is enough for our family to eat for a year.

Therefore, I think it is not cost-effective to raise chickens. If I have this time, I might as well go to the fields to do more work. At least I can collect more food in autumn. "


Another crutch hit him, and Uncle Qi was so angry that his face turned green: "Wasting food, you know that you love your little food?

Do you know how much food these chickens can exchange for when they grow up? "

If you didn't talk just now, you didn't talk, but now that you have spoken, the old man is going all out again:

"Exchange food? In our place, even if we want to exchange food, where can we exchange it?
It's better to save the food, in case the harvest is not good in any year, you won't be hungry because of the lack of food.

Besides, it costs so much money to build this chicken farm, even if you don't have to pay it back temporarily, you will have to pay it back one day, right?

If the chickens can’t be sold, what can I use to pay off the debt?

I don't want to live in the shadow of owing money to others all my life. "


Uncle Qi was so angry that his face turned green, but although Lao Tian's words were not pleasant, they made sense.

He wanted to refute, but couldn't find a reason at all.

Seeing the big and small eyes of the old and the young, Kong Meng said with a smile: "Brother Tian, ​​what you said now seems very reasonable.

But what I want to say is that everything should not only look at the present, but also look to the future.

You don't think chickens sell, but it seems to me quite the opposite.

Maybe you've been in this place for a long time and can't feel anything.

But I think Yunxi Village is definitely a rare tourist attraction in a century.

Once there are a large number of tourists here every day, let alone the chickens you raise, even if there are ten times more chickens, you will not worry about selling them. "

"A tourist attraction?"

Lao Tian looked at Confucius and Mencius as if he was looking at a fool.

Although he usually doesn't like to talk, he is honest and honest.

But this is just the appearance, he knows many things in his heart.

That's right, Yunxi Village does have beautiful mountains, rivers, and scenery.

But after so many years, Huaguo's tourism industry has almost expanded by 10 times, but it still has nothing to do with this place.

What is tourism?

Tourism is not just painting a piece of famous mountains and rivers to become a tourist attraction.

He needs a lot of manual repairs.

Green mountains, green waters and picturesque scenery are indispensable, but these are only the basic conditions.

Convenient transportation, complete infrastructure and high security are also factors that have to be considered.

Let's not talk about others, but the convenient transportation does not meet the conditions.

Lao Tian admitted that there are indeed people who are willing to walk the mountain road for two days to visit here.

But there are definitely not many who will do this, and it will only be young people with a hot head.

Although he knew these complicated reasons in his heart, he didn't know what to say.

Knowing that before seeing the effect, no matter what you say, the other party will not believe it.

So Confucius and Mencius changed the subject: "Even if these chickens can't be sold temporarily, they can still be stored in air-dried, anyway, it's not a waste.

And I asked everyone to build a chicken farm. The chicken itself is only a small aspect, and the key is the white mushrooms. "

"White mushroom?"

Seeing that Confucius and Mencius spoke seriously, Lao Tian was taken aback: "You mean those white mushrooms?

It's really delicious to use this thing to stew chicken, but other than this, it seems to be useless, right? "

As soon as these words came out, Confucius and Mencius were indeed stunned: "Didn't the village chief tell you?"

"say what?"

"No matter how many white mushrooms you plant, I will buy them all."

"Oh, the village chief did tell me about it."

Seeing that Lao Tian was still indifferent, Kong Meng stared at him:

"Did the village chief not tell you the price of my purchase?"

"Price? What price?"

Lao Tian was completely disapproving.

Village head Andy Lau did talk to him about the takeover issue, but he didn't take it seriously at the time.

In Lao Tian's view, even if Confucius and Mencius were willing to pay for it, they would not sell for much per catty.

And during this period of time, I spent a lot of energy taking care of the white mushrooms, which was absolutely beyond imagination.

Kong Meng smiled and slowly stretched out a finger.

"One yuan per catty?" Lao Tian said, but couldn't help curling his lips in his heart.

He remembered that the people who came here to collect mountain goods a few days ago gave back two or three yuan per catty of mushrooms.

As a result, when it came to this teacher Kong, it was directly reduced to one piece. This teacher Kong's heart is much more ruthless than those who collect mountain goods.

After hearing Lao Qian's words, Confucius and Mencius staggered and almost sat down on the ground.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, he was really speechless.

It costs one yuan per catty, and what's more, it's a mountain product. I don't know how the other party came up with such a cheap price.

However, Confucius and Mencius did not explain too much, but said with a smile: "One yuan per catty is the price of grain. If it is replaced by fungi, it will be too cheap."

Lao Tian was taken aback: "One yuan per catty is too cheap, is it 10 yuan?"

Having said that, he immediately felt much more relaxed.

If Confucius and Mencius were really willing to buy it for 10 yuan a catty, even if the chickens he raised could not be sold, he would not suffer a loss.

Kong Meng was speechless again: "Brother Tian, ​​please can we have a little business sense?
Mushrooms that cost 10 yuan a catty are common mushrooms. Given the preciousness of white mushrooms, can they be the same as common mushrooms?

Even the roots of white mushrooms are 10 times more expensive than ordinary mushrooms. "

"Ten times more expensive?" Lao Tian gasped.

His voice was a little trembling: "You mean, you are willing to buy it at a price of 100 yuan a catty?"

Although he said it according to what Confucius and Mencius meant, Lao Tian still couldn't believe it.

What is the concept of 100 yuan a catty?
Years of farming experience allowed him to judge the yield of the mushrooms he planted at a glance.

If it is really converted into money at 100 yuan per catty, it will definitely be a huge number.

In this way, as long as I plant diligently for three to five years, not only can I pay back the money used to build a chicken farm, but I can also save some.

At that time, find a few familiar villagers, renovate your dilapidated house, and live in it, and you will definitely wake up from your dreams.

Confucius and Mencius shook his head again: "I said Brother Tian, ​​you are a little too timid, aren't you?

10 times the price of common mushrooms, referring to only the roots of white mushrooms.

As for the complete white mushroom, if it costs less than 100 yuan, it must not be sold. "

"One? 100 yuan?" God gasped, staring blankly at the front, not knowing what to say next.


"Oh, Uncle Seven, why did you hit me?"

Seeing Lao Tian's sluggish face, Uncle Qi waved his crutch angrily:

"Why hit you? Why did you say you hit you?
Old man, I asked you to build a chicken farm, but your nose is not your nose, your eyes are not your eyes, and you still speak ill of me behind your back.

Do you think I'm too old to know what your kid is thinking?
Since you don't want to start a chicken farm, that's fine.

From now on, this chicken farm is mine, and you can go wherever you like.

I want to teach you more in the future, I will call you Seventh Uncle! "

"No, Seventh Uncle, please don't do this, I know I was wrong, please don't care about the villain, please don't care about me.

As the saying goes, if there is an old man in a family, there is a treasure. I have never believed it.

It is only now that I understand that you are the God of Dinghai in our Laotian family. "

Seeing Uncle Seven's still angry expression, the smile on Lao Tian's face became stronger: "Uncle Seven, I know you don't believe me, but what I say is the truth.

You forgot, I was already 30 back then, and I couldn’t even get a wife. You had to sell the fox fur that you had collected for many years to make up enough money for me to marry a wife.

Although you haven't mentioned it for so many years, I always remember it in my heart.

Don't worry, when these white mushrooms grow up, I will pay you back as soon as I have money.

No, it’s not enough to just pay back your principal, there’s also interest, at least double the interest…”

Seeing Lao Tian's panicked face, fearing that Qi Shugong would take away his chicken farm, Kong Meng who was standing beside him couldn't help but smile.

Having been here for such a long time, he deeply understands the poverty and hardship of the villagers here.

Now there is a sudden opportunity to make a lot of money, even the honest and timid Lao Tian burst out with unlimited potential.

After untiing God's heart sister, the next thing will be easy to handle.

Under the leadership of this dull and honest middle-aged man, Kong Meng looked at the chickens in the chicken farm and found that there was no major problem, so he nodded and asked Lao Tian to feed the chickens according to his instructions.

When Lao Tian heard this, he immediately patted his chest hard: "Mr. Kong, don't worry, my Lao Tian is a good farmer, and it's easy to feed chickens.

The chickens will be out of the cage in two months, and I will send you a few of them by then. "

The excited way of talking and doing things is completely different from before.

Uncle Qi laughed beside him and said, "Xiao Tian, ​​you suddenly became so enthusiastic, you don't mean to fool us on purpose?"

Lao Tian immediately laughed: "How is this possible? Even if I fool the world, I can't fool you two, right?"

Uncle Qi didn't agree with him: "Whether you're being fooled or not depends on your specific performance."

After a few jokes, Confucius and Mencius said some precautions, and then the two left.

Coming out of the gate, Confucius and Mencius walked about ten steps, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He turned his head and found that Qi Shuzheng was looking at him quietly, as if he was looking at a huge treasure.

Confucius and Mencius asked suspiciously, "Seventh Uncle, what are you doing, old man?"

Seventh Uncle's old face suddenly wrinkled into a chrysanthemum: "Xiao Kong, may I ask you something?"

"If you have anything to ask, you don't have to be so polite."

Kong Meng said hurriedly.

Hearing this, Uncle Qi, who had always been calm and calm, became embarrassed instead: "I have nothing else to do, I just want to ask you, have you used up all the money you have used to build a chicken farm?"

Kong Meng was taken aback: "One more thing, why, do you need money?
It's okay, just ask if you need it, even if I don't have enough money right now, I can borrow some for you. "

"Would that be enough to build a chicken farm?"

"Of course this is enough, not to mention building one, even three or four are fine.

how?Do you still have children and nephews who need chicken farms? "

"Haha, my nephew doesn't have anyone who builds a chicken farm now." Uncle Qi laughed.

"Then what do you mean?" Confucius and Mencius were a little puzzled.

Seventh Uncle suddenly pointed to himself and asked, "How about I build a chicken farm?"

(End of this chapter)

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