Chapter 108

Sunrise and sunset, the off-road jeep goes all the way!
For three days and three nights, Song Anran and Lili drove alternately, and finally came to the edge of the Gobi Desert.

The forest of stones and criss-cross ravines in front of them are no longer suitable for vehicles.

The back is full of weathered stones and dry Populus euphratica. At the end of the line of sight, there are more than a dozen tall stone pillars standing on the horizon, like ancient relics.

Song Anran got out of the jeep with the map in hand to check the surrounding terrain.

Suddenly a gust of hot wind blew up, raising a large area of ​​yellow sand.

The sun in the sky seemed a bit distorted, but the wind and sand did not prevent it from casting endless light and heat on this desolate area.

Song Anran looked up at the mountains in front of him, and said to Lily who also got out of the car: "After crossing this mountain, you will leave the border and enter the mountainous area where Shen Zhixin may be hiding. Now we need to walk, let's start acting!" "

But Lily grabbed him and warned seriously: "The land on the other side of the mountain is extremely barren and barren, and there are frequent wars. It is foreseeable that we will encounter continuous battles! What you need most now is a good night's rest. Restore your physical strength to the best, and then go deep into the mountains."

"Otherwise, depending on your current state, not only will you not be able to save your friend, but you may also get involved!"

Song Anran looked at Lily, who couldn't hide her tired look, and felt her somewhat tranced mental state, and knew what she said made sense.

In a war involving life and death, one must not advance rashly, and one cannot be too cautious!
Song Anran nodded, took out the blanket and sleeping bag from the car, and directly found an open space. No matter how bright the sky was, he began to rest on the spot, preparing to restore his physical strength to the best before going deep into the mountains.

As soon as he lay down, he fell into a deep sleep.

Lily put the seat in the car flat and rested directly in the car!

In the deep dream, Song Anran seemed to hear a voice that was constantly complaining. The voice was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

The voice kept repeating, and after an unknown period of time, it gradually became clear, "You can easily cure my husband and son, why didn't you treat them? Pay back the lives of my husband and son!"

Song Anran woke up suddenly!
The night sky tonight is extremely bright, the full moon is extremely clear like a disk, and even the rolling mountains above can be seen clearly.

Song Anran recalled the dream, took a deep breath of the somewhat cold air, felt faintly uneasy, deliberately concealing her ability to protect herself, isn't it too selfish?
Confused, he stopped resting, got out of the sleeping bag, and began to shake off the thick layer of sand that had fallen on the blanket and sleeping bag!

At this time, Lily also got out of the car and began to check the weapons and things she carried with her!
Song Anran didn't think too much about it anymore. After packing up, he left the off-road vehicle and car keys here, and climbed the mountains with Lily!
The two climbed over mountains and ridges as if walking on flat ground. In the middle of the night, they found a lonely boundary marker standing in front of them, and there were two familiar red characters engraved on it: China.

After passing this boundary marker, one has officially left the country's borders and entered a foreign country.

The altitude here is already 4000 meters, the temperature drops so badly that it turns into frost!
Both Song Anran and Lili are wearing thick and warm winter combat uniforms. Although they can resist much lower temperatures, in such a vast and cruel natural environment, no matter how strong a person is, there is a limit. , the less energy consumed by oneself, the better.

"An Ran, after passing the boundary marker, even if you have entered the war zone environment, there may be landmines planted at an unknown time somewhere, follow me, don't take it lightly!"

Song Anran nodded, followed behind Lili very cautiously, crossed the boundary marker, and entered the boundless mountains.

On the first day, Song Anran was looking for Shen Zhixin aimlessly while learning and practicing various combat skills taught by Lily.

From time to time, Song Anran yelled at the deserted mountain area, calling Shen Zhixin's name, expecting to lure him or his pursuers.

Unfortunately, they still found nothing, not even a single figure!
On the afternoon of the second day after entering the foreign mountainous area, Song Anran finally found some traces, to be more precise, it was a mass of black animal feces.

Lily crushed the frozen excrement with her hands, sniffed it, and carefully inspected some traces nearby, said: "It's three donkeys, a team of about ten people, three hours ago, from here Let's go! Judging from the depth of the hoof prints, the donkey is carrying a lot of things, and they are the most convenient means of transportation in the rugged mountainous area!"

Lily also couldn't judge the origin of these people, maybe it was a smuggling team, maybe it was a tribal armed force, or maybe it was a team searching for or rescuing Shen Zhixin, there were too many possibilities.

Song Anran thought for a while, and said: "Let's catch up and take a look. This is the only clue we found. It's better than looking for it without a clue!"

Lily didn't find any opinions. Her goal was to teach Song Anran all the skills as soon as possible so that he could grow up. As for whether she could find Shen Zhixin, it was out of her scope.

They had just followed the trail for half an hour when they encountered big trouble!
The wind picked up, and the clouds thickened, and soon it rained, turned into snow particles, and finally snowed!
Looking at the gray-yellow ground slowly being covered by a layer of white, Song Anran frowned, the snow would cover up all the traces.

Taking advantage of the faint scent remaining in the air, Song Anran had no choice but to speed up her pace, hoping to catch up with this team before the scent was completely blown away by the strong wind!

Song Anran suddenly noticed that Lily hadn't followed, turned her head and saw Lily standing on the snow by herself, motionless and not knowing what she was doing.

He noticed something was wrong, ran back immediately, and asked curiously, "What are you doing? Why don't you leave?"

Lily didn't speak, just glanced down with her eyes, Song Anran looked down along her line of sight, and gasped, a landmine was stepping on her feet, apparently already activated.

Song Anran felt chills down his spine, but he walked ahead in this section of the road, he didn't step on dog shit, but Lily stepped on it, luck is such a hard thing to say!
He calmed down, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "You haven't taught me how to dismantle landmines yet, and now you can teach on the spot! But this time you have to teach me more seriously, otherwise this will be the last time you teach me Already!"

Lily looked at Song Anran and said softly: "This is a DCMU anti-personnel mine. It is a pressure mine. It is equipped with a loose fuze. It will not explode when you step on it, but it will explode when you step on it. Now the fuze has been activated and the stop steel ball has been released. , I will explode if I move a little bit. The explosion power is enough to blow you and me to pieces!"

"The purpose of setting loose and thundering is to let the comrades in arms of the ambush come to rescue him, delaying time or increasing the number of kills."

"We should have been discovered by the team in front, so they laid mines to ambush us. This sudden snow also helped them. Maybe there are snipers ambushing nearby!"

Song Anran immediately scanned his surroundings vigilantly, but there were rocks of different sizes all around, and there were too many places for snipers to hide, so it was impossible to check them one by one.

He can only give up looking for possible enemies, and the most urgent task is to rescue Lily.

Song Anran first took off the backpack and rifle, put them aside carefully, drew out the saber, walked to Lily again, and said, "I'll clear the mines first. Tell me, what are the steps?"

Lily bit her lip and said resolutely: "Go away, leave me alone! I have no hope of doing this kind of landmine that has already been triggered!"

"No! I won't leave!" Song Anran shouted!

In fact, Song Anran was very scared and wanted to retreat. This urge to survive had almost acted on his legs.

But thinking about these few days, Lily's attitude towards him was cold and fierce, but Song Anran felt that Lily taught him sincerely.This reminded him of Zhang Qinghan who often beat him fiercely when he was a child.

From childhood to adulthood, there are very few people who treat him sincerely without what they want, and Song Anran cherishes him very much!

Zhang Qinghan has already passed away, he can't helplessly watch Lily die!
(End of this chapter)

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