Chapter 109

At this moment, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, Song Anran and Li Liqi turned their heads to look, and saw a long and narrow silver shadow in the sky through the snowflakes all over the sky.


Song Anran's heart sank. This is a small reconnaissance drone. The person who controls it should be nearby!

Lili suddenly smiled and said: "Song Anran, to tell you the truth, even if I don't die today, I can only live for fifteen days at most. I escaped from there, I just don't want to be manipulated by others! I can help you when I meet you. You, making it possible for you to get rid of the fate of being a test subject and a thug, can be regarded as finally doing something meaningful, and I am very satisfied."

"Hurry up and go! The enemy's follow-up attack will come soon!"

Song Anran shook his head and insisted: "With me here, you won't die! After fifteen days, you won't die either! There must be a way. You and I came here not to be blown to pieces!"

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he asked, "This anti-personnel landmine must take some reaction time to explode. What is its killing radius?"

"The radius is 50 meters, and the response time is about 0.25 seconds!"

Lily suddenly came to her senses, shook her head, and said, "Your speed is very fast, but it's still not that fast!"

Song Anran smiled confidently and said, "Trust me, this method is definitely possible, you don't know how powerful I am!"

He turned to leave, then turned his head again suddenly, and said with a smile: "Lily, you look beautiful when you smile, you should smile more often in the future!"

After speaking, he immediately ran to a place tens of meters away.

For convenience, he also took off his alpine boots, and started this extreme sprint that is a matter of life and death!
Song Anran started it suddenly, every step was accompanied by a bang, like a heavy hammer hitting a drum.

With every step of his foot, the ground cracked and sank, and a shallow pit appeared in the blink of an eye.

His speed was getting faster and faster, and suddenly there was a sharp howl under the snow curtain, and his speed suddenly accelerated again, almost turning into a faint phantom.

His figure disappeared and reappeared, and suddenly appeared beside Lily.

In an instant, under the huge thrust, he and Lily collided heavily, almost sticking together.

Lily was knocked into the air, Song Anran hugged her horizontally and galloped away.

Immediately afterwards there was a bang and a blast, and the mine exploded!
In the center of the explosion, a burst of strong smoke burst out, forming a ball of fire, and the burning heat instantly expanded the surrounding air.A shock storm swept out from the center of the explosion in an instant, and immediately filled a radius of tens of meters.

Song Anran seemed to have been kicked heavily by a giant, and immediately soared into the air and flew out.

His sense of balance is really good. Holding a person in his arms, he flew over a distance of more than ten meters, but he did not fall to the ground, but stood firmly.

Song Anran put Lili down silently!
Lily, who escaped from the dead, was naturally in a good mood. She smiled again and said, "I didn't expect that, you really did it! I promise you, I will smile often in the future!"

But Song Anran didn't respond to her words, but slowly fell to the ground.

Lily panicked, gritted her teeth, and slowly turned Song Anran over, exposing her back.

Smoke was still coming from the clothes on his back. When he took the clothes off, he found at least 20 fragments nailed to his back, bloody and bloody.Lily even saw a shard, obliquely stuck in the spine!

Lily's heart instantly fell into an ice cave!
She clearly knew how strong Song Anran was physically, and her recovery ability was stronger than hers.

However, according to Lily's experience, this kind of resilience is only for ordinary flesh injuries, bone injuries and less serious visceral injuries. When it comes to brain and spinal injuries, the role of recovery ability is very limited.

Lily picked out the shrapnel on Song Anran's back one by one, the rapid blood clotting and muscle peristalsis recovery of the wound did not make her look any better.

Her face became more and more solemn, and she was obviously uneasy. She reached out several times to pull out the shrapnel on the spine, but retracted it halfway, for fear that a little carelessness would aggravate the injury.

Just when Lily finally made up her mind, she suddenly discovered that the shrapnel moved by itself and was slowly squeezed out by the flesh!At the same time, Song Anran's body also moved, and he got up unsteadily.

He slapped his face hard, and shouted: "Chacha, I was stunned, it's so embarrassing!"

After all, he babbled his mouth, even licked his lips with his tongue, looked at the stunned Lily, and said with great disappointment: "I didn't get an artificial respiration, it's a big loss!"

Lily's face turned pale immediately, she suddenly grabbed the night thorn on her back, and shot Song Anran.

Song Anran was shocked, and the bullet flew towards his cheek!He could even feel the burning from the high temperature of the bullet!

At this time, a dazzling glare shot out from the sky not far away, and immediately, there was a "boom", a shocking explosion that was enough to shatter eardrums, and suddenly resounded through the sky!

A small missile was blown up by Lily!
And she hardly aimed at it, the huge flame in the sky continued to scatter heat waves, and the snowflakes floating in the sky immediately dissipated!
Looking at the raging flames in the sky, Song Anran's eyes were opened, and he was a little dumbfounded.

This once again refreshed his understanding of Lily's shooting skills. This kind of spectacle seems to be possible only with the kind of close-in defense weapons with a very high rate of fire!
"What are you doing in a daze, you're not ready to fight yet!"

Lily's angry shout pulled Song Anran out of her astonishment, and immediately ran aside, picked up her backpack, picked up her weapon, and didn't forget to put on her boots!

Holding the night thorn, he looked around, but found nothing suspicious.

Song Anran picked out his buzzing ears, trotted over to Lily, and said, "We didn't find the enemy within sight, what should we do next?"

Lily said calmly: "The other party is using the drone to locate our position for the missile, and will definitely let the drone come over to check the results of the battle, hide, and kill their eyes first!"

Song Anran hid behind a boulder, his face felt cold, only to realize that fluttering snowflakes had once again occupied this world.

At this moment, Song Anran's dizzy sequelae caused by the impact of the two explosions had all subsided, and he pricked up his ears to listen to the abnormal sound.

All that could be heard in the ears were the rustling of snowflakes falling, as well as the loud and small whistling wind.

After a while, the buzzing sound pierced the world of snow and wind and broke in!

In Song Anran's mind world, a small plane is slowly flying in from the direction of [-]:[-], its flight altitude and flight trajectory are very clearly outlined!
Song Anran began to check the night thorn in his hand, and kept simulating the next shooting action.

At this moment, he had a confident feeling that as long as the plane entered the range of Yethorn, he would definitely be able to destroy it!

Now, all he needs to do is wait, and wait...

Song Anran suddenly stood up from behind the rock, just like he had simulated several times in his mind, raised the gun, did not aim deliberately, only raised the muzzle of the gun, and pulled the trigger to the end.

Until the moment he pulled the trigger, all of Song Anran's actions were done in one go, as if they were instinctive reactions that had been practiced thousands of times, and there was almost no time for thinking.

The crisp gunshots were still echoing between the mountains, and the nose of the drone flying in the air suddenly burst into pieces, and then fell headfirst!
"Well down!"

Lily stood up from behind another rock, and after a word of praise, said murderously: "Now, let's give them an unforgettable memory!"

(End of this chapter)

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