Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 434 Come and try?

Chapter 434 Come and try?

"It really is you!"

The middle-aged Lin Chen is no different than ordinary people, he can tell the identity of the other party at a glance.


There was another roar of sword energy, and the man in the sky swooped down on the ground, and the sword blade was once again thrust in front of the middle-aged Lin Chen.

"Stay away from my people!"

The man faced the middle-aged Lin Chen and said, the black cloak behind him was fluttering in the wind.

"Lin Chen."

Tu Xuejing's eye sockets began to moisten, and the familiar voice and figure were definitely Lin Chen's.

"Sorry to make you worry."

At this time, the man finally turned around and looked at the crowd and said, his face has completely changed, and the appearance attribute that was originally reduced by rebirth has completely lost its effect at this time.

The man in front of him was much more handsome than Lin Chen, and his smile became warmer.

That's right, he is Lin Chen!The real and only Lin Chen in this world!
"Lin Chen, why?"

Tu Xuejing wanted to ask Lin Chen a lot of questions, but Lin Chen interrupted: "I'll talk to you after I solve the person in front of me."

Lin Chen smiled, looked at Yan Huyue and said, "Hurry up and find a chair for our old man to sit on. He's lying on the ground at such an old age, and people think he's just touching porcelain."


Yan Huyue didn't understand Lin Chen's words at all, thinking that Lin Chen was still making fun of her master at this time, is this really true?


Before Yan Huyue got angry, she suddenly felt Cang Yong in her arms move. Then Yan Huyue turned her head and found that Cang Yong slowly opened her eyes.

After Lin Chen saw the old man woke up, he nodded slightly, and once again set his eyes on the middle-aged Lin Chen: "Now I, Lin Chen, control the realm of chaos, and I am responsible for anyone's life and death, not you!"

"Impossible! Impossible!!! The Realm of Chaos has already been destroyed with you. There will never be another Realm of Chaos at this time, and it is impossible for you to live anymore!!!"

The middle-aged Lin Chen was not only dumbfounded when he saw this, but even his mind became confused. He couldn't accept the reality in front of him at all.

"Oh? Then who am I that you saw? Or you can explain to me why the people you killed with your divine power can come back to life?"

The two questions Lin Chen posed in succession hit the middle-aged Lin Chen hard in the face. The more the middle-aged Lin Chen didn't believe it, the reality in front of him made him sober, or gradually made him lose his mind .

"You don't have to doubt anything anymore, after all, you will be a dead man soon."

Lin Chen stared fiercely at the middle-aged Lin Chen and said, if Lin Chen hadn't miraculously come back to life today, I am afraid that all the people he cares about in this world would have to die, which Lin Chen absolutely cannot tolerate.

"You think you killed me?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen took a deep breath, even if he accepted the reality in front of him, but he has the most powerful divine power and the source of life in this world, even if he really wants to confront Lin Chen, he doesn't need to be afraid.

"Why not?"

Lin Chen smiled relaxedly and said, then touched the sword in his hand: "I have to thank you for being able to have today, if you hadn't asked me to go to the realm of chaos to activate the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods, I would have I really don’t know that these two can be integrated into one, becoming an invincible, incomparably cool, stretchable and incomparably hardest sword in the world!”

Lin Chen looked at his sword with great satisfaction and said, "I gave it a name that hangs in the sky, it's called Chaos God's Underworld Sword, how about it, are you afraid?"

"Merge into one?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen discovered a key point from these messy words in Lin Chen's mouth, that is, the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods merged into one in the realm of chaos, that is to say, this sword has both the realm of gods, the gods, and the gods. The power of the underworld and the realm of chaos can be said to be the strongest weapon in this world.

"If only I could get this sword"

When the middle-aged Lin Chen was still thinking about how to get Lin Chen's sword, Lin Chen said again: "Are you thinking about how to take away my sword?"

Lin Chen smiled, and then threw the Chaos God Sword in his hand to the middle-aged Lin Chen: "Here! If you want to be awesome, you can use it in front of me."

The middle-aged Lin Chen saw the Chaos God's Sword stuck in the ground in front of him in surprise, he squinted his eyes, and then wanted to pull out the sword, but it was a pity that the Chaos God's Sword was still stuck on the ground. .

"please continue"

Lin Chen raised his hand, motioning for the middle-aged Lin Chen to continue drawing his sword.


The middle-aged Lin Chen snorted coldly, and couldn't help thinking: "I don't believe that I can't pull out this broken sword with my strength!"

Then, the middle-aged Lin Chen held his breath and focused, urging all the divine power in his body. The moment he made a move, the ground began to tremble, and the entire Tianyuan Land seemed to have a major earthquake. Some cultivators and gods, so they were not greatly affected.

On the other hand, the middle-aged Lin Chen still maintains the posture of drawing his sword. The situation where there is nothing useful but middle-aged Lin Chen vividly interprets it at this moment.

While the middle-aged Lin Chen drew his sword, Lin Chen couldn't help thinking about what happened when he sent Shangguanli and Fang Zixiu away in the realm of chaos.

Originally, Lin Chen urged the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods according to the request of the middle-aged Lin Chen, but because the power of the two was too strong, Lin Chen's own soul was shattered by the shock.

When Lin Chen was dying, a voice similar to his appeared in his ears.

"Lin Chen, it's me, that Lin Chen of the 21st century."

Lin Chen heard this voice from Lin Chen in the 21st century in a trance, and his spirit recovered a little.

"Are you conscious?"

Lin Chen knew that the other party had dedicated his soul and life to him after he had a car accident. Logically speaking, it is impossible for the other party to have memory and consciousness, but how can this be explained now?

"After you activated the star of the gods and the lock of purgatory, I woke up completely, and your memory was also connected to mine, so I understand everything, and because Lin Chen in the Y century has survived for a long time In your subconscious, his memory and even his inner thoughts are clear to me at this moment!"

The other party continued: "The lock of purgatory and the star of the gods that you urged just now, in Lin Chen's thought of entering middle age, he wanted to let you and the realm of chaos die together, but what he didn't expect was that , the lock of purgatory and the star of the gods were born in the six realms, forcing these two can only destroy the six realms, if used in the realm of chaos, it will produce an unusual chemical reaction!"

"What chemistry?"

Lin Chen's consciousness began to gradually recover, but his body was still unable to move. The reason why his consciousness was able to recover may be because of the other party's words.

(End of this chapter)

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