Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 120 1 mouthful of soup, 1 mouthful of vegetables, more than half the cultivation

Chapter 120 One mouthful of soup, one mouthful of vegetables, the cultivation base will increase by more than half
Thank you Pineapple, Qilu, Shuyou 1954958757, Jing Yeyue, and Cai Huang Dashuaibi for their recommendation tickets

Fourteen stalks of cabbage cores were placed on the cutting board. Mi Xiaobai turned the Chinese kitchen knife back to the first gear, picked up the small kitchen knife, and cut the young leaves of the cabbage cores front and back three times. The position is very particular, the cut can not be too far, nor can it be deep, after the cutting is done, throw the cabbage core into another milk pot and boil it with holy spring distilled water.

The core of cabbage is very tender, so after the water boils, simply pass through the water once.

Take it out and then soak it in cold water. What you want is that the cabbage core becomes crisp and refreshing.

When the whole process is ready, there is only the last step, pouring the juice.

Take a spoonful of fresh soup and pour it on the cabbage. The core of the cabbage absorbs the soup and turns steaming.

A few seconds later, the cabbage core actually emitted a golden light, like a golden dragon in the sea.

Junior five-star, boiled cabbage, it's done.

Mi Xiaobai put a large bowl on display, but the standard of gourmet food is only a small bowl. Anyway, this is not Linjiang Fairy, so what's the point of cooking something casually?
Mi Xiaobai put away the kitchen utensils and did nothing but walk to the door and opened it.

The moment the door was opened, the fragrance wafted ten miles away. He Yu rushed into the kitchen from the end of the corridor sticking out his tongue and hands and feet. Mi Xiaobai stretched out his arms and stopped He Yu.


"Gourmet, it's ready, I can smell the aroma."

"It's ready, you are in charge of asking other people to come and taste the taste, otherwise you don't want to drink it." Mi Xiaobai said seriously.

"Come on! Let's go!" He Yu rushed back to the corridor.

Taking advantage of this time, Mi Xiaobai put the bowls of several people on the table, a bowl with a spoon and a pair of chopsticks, and then put a soup pot the size of a hot pot in the middle, before Wang Biao and the others came, scooped it up first. I took a ladle of soup, and got two cabbage cores in my bowl.

The light yellow color in this soup is all the essence of chicken, and the essence of beef bone is completely absorbed by the tender vegetable core. Don't look at this is just an ordinary soup, but it contains great knowledge. Judging from the fact that it can be rated as a primary five-star dish, at least it has the characteristics not inferior to gourmet soup dumplings and gourmet longxu noodles.

Use a spoon to gently scoop up a sip of the soup. The soup is very delicate, without foam or soup residue. It is just a smooth spring of water, with the color of Chinese emerald jade. The soup flows from top to bottom. You can still vaguely see the greenness in the soup, no wonder this soup is called boiled water, boiled cabbage, there is always evidence to rely on.

"After drinking soup for a lifetime, this is the first time I have seen such a delicate soup. The smell is very light. I don't know how it tastes."

Put the soup into the mouth, and take a simple sip. At first, Mi Xiaobai just wanted to try whether it was hot or not, but he didn't want to take a sip. Mi Xiaobai suddenly moved his index finger, scooped up a spoonful of the soup and One spoonful, one sip after another, and finally put down the spoon and drink directly into the bowl.

After eating a bowl of soup, Mi Xiaobai's face turned rosy, as if he had just been in a sauna, he clicked his tongue and wanted to drink it.

"It's only now that I realize that the chicken and beef I've eaten before are all wrong, and none of them have the original taste. This bowl of soup is full of authentic meat flavor. The recipe given by the system is amazing!"

After Mi Xiaobai finished drinking the soup, a data suddenly appeared in Mi Xiaobai's mind.

The system displays: [The host's current cultivation base is 59% of the refined iron realm, and there is still 41% to the white jade realm]
Mi Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, the data looked really obvious, but Mi Xiaobai didn't know how much skill he had gained by drinking this bowl of soup, but he hadn't advanced for a few days, and he was already in the middle stage of refined iron, so It seems that it won't be long before the white jade is indeed available.

Afterwards, Mi Xiaobai looked at the tender cabbage in the bowl again, and nodded: "There is still cabbage, I don't know what this cabbage tastes like."

Mi Xiaobai picked up a piece of cabbage, the cabbage was still stained with some soup, Mi Xiaobai took a bite of the tenderest tip of the cabbage, just like that, Mi Xiaobai was stunned.

This is cabbage?How can it have the taste of water radish when biting, it is crispy and sweet, and exudes the sweetness of gravy. Mi Xiaobai has never liked to eat cabbage, because the taste is always not good, and there is a bitter taste of vegetables, but this bite of cabbage After eating, Mi Xiaobai put the whole cabbage into his mouth out of control. This feeling was really comfortable. One cabbage was not enough to fit his teeth, so Mi Xiaobai ate the second one. After eating, Mi Xiaobai Still want to eat.

The data sent by the system made Mi Xiaobai silent for a while.

The system displays: [The host's current cultivation level is 66% of the refined iron realm, and there is still 34% to the white jade realm]
"Two cabbages have helped me improve my cultivation by [-]%. I haven't practiced it until now. Just eating it will bring me to the White Jade Realm. Maybe it's time for me to reflect on why I'm so hung up. big."

At this moment, He Yu rushed into the kitchen and yelled, "I brought them here! Can we drink now?"

Mi Xiaobai glanced behind He Yu, but there was no one there, "Where are they?"

"Still on the road, I came here by running, can you drink?" He Yu looked extremely excited.

"Drink." Mi Xiaobai nodded.

With Mi Xiaobai's permission, He Yu naturally picked up the spoon and scooped up a bowl full of soup, and added two cabbages. Originally, he wanted to add a few more cabbages, but Mi Xiaobai disagreed, so He Yu had to make do with it. .

As a result, He Yu drank a whole bowl, and at this time, Wang Biao, Liang Lin, and Ye Kun also came here.

Mi Xiaobai was taken aback: "Where's Ye Gan?"

Ye Kun smiled wryly and said, "My brother is driving the dart boat. I'll take his place after I finish eating."

"Thanks for your hard work. Come and drink. There is still meat in the pot. By the way, there is still meat in the pot. You can take it out and eat." Mi Xiaobai frowned. In fact, he also wanted to eat meat, but the system would not let him eat it. , because for this boiled cabbage, chicken and beef are like soup dregs, Mi Xiaobai must not touch it, but these bodyguards can, just don't waste it.

"Thank you, Mr. Gourmet, I am really flattered that Mr. Gourmet can cook for me." Wang Biao bowed to Mi Xiaobai.

Mi Xiaobai knew he couldn't bear it, but he could bear it all, so let it go, then, Mi Xiaobai said: "There are two pots of animal blood over there, both of which are pure yang, you and He Yu can use them, Take it to take a bath, it is also helpful for cultivation.”

"Thank you, Mr. Gourmet!" Wang Biao cupped his hands in thanks.

He Yu was so happy that he was about to jump up. These ingredients are usually expensive, and the Escort would not allow them to go hunting. Now that Mi Xiaobai gave them two big pots, who would not be happy?

"Gourmet, you are paying attention. When I cultivate the vault, I will definitely kill the sun, the moon and the stars for you." He Yu's words are a joke. Although the previous statement may not be true, the latter sentence is indeed true. that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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