Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 239 Wine Master Walks

Chapter 239 Wine Master Walks
"I don't need to do this thing. I'm also very busy these days, so I'll let you do it. You love food so much, and you're an excellent business model. I'll leave it to you. I don't worry. You should know What fits and what doesn't."

Mi Xiaobai entrusted this task to Sister Liang. In the final analysis, the system is still inaccurate, but the system can’t be blamed entirely. I also accounted for a large part of the reason. After all, I eat too much food, and I really don’t care about ordinary food. Guess, it's better to say that the taste buds are more picky, so Mi Xiaobai himself doesn't have that kind of excessive appetite, but Mi Xiaobai always feels that it's not a good thing, he once read a book, the protagonist of the book is against My own evaluation is that I have no feeling for eating, and thus lose my qualifications to be a human being. Mi Xiaobai therefore thinks, will I also lose my qualifications as a human being because of this?
After hearing this, Sister Liang became even more excited. She can understand that Mi Xiaobai entrusted her with many things, because it can all be attributed to Mi Xiaobai's ignorance of the market and the need to hire capable people in this area, but in the ranks of food selection , Mi Xiaobai also resolutely gave her power, which moved Sister Liang even more.

what is this?It's absolute trust. Isn't this the kind of boss Sister Liang dreams of?
Although she also thought about going it alone and working hard to create her own career, after three or four years of hard work, her edges and corners were smoothed out, and she found that this path was more suitable for her, but occasionally her career did not go well. They all hope to find someone who absolutely trusts and understands themselves. Sister Liang thought that such a person would never exist, but now Sister Liang seems to have found it.

Sister Liang nodded, very grateful, since Mi Xiaobai trusted her, she would naturally put all her energy into mobilizing all the cells on her tongue coating, and become a person truly worthy of Mi Xiaobai's trust.

Afterwards, Sister Liang and Liang Mu went to investigate again. Mi Xiaobai had never seen such a hard-working employee. The 130-page research report was completed in one day. How many people were interviewed and how much information was collected during the period? She has been lazy and sneaked to the point where the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, but Sister Liang can finish everything tirelessly. She is definitely a model of a serious and excellent employee and deserves to be commended. Therefore, Mi Xiaobai is sure that it is absolutely correct to invite her.

After they left, Mi Xiaobai was finally able to relax again. He wanted to take a hot shower in the bathroom and add some rose petals. The system will provide them during this time, and the petals of yellow roses are said to have a miraculous effect on relaxing the nerves.

Regardless of the diners queuing up outside, Mi Xiaobai closed the door, walked to the second floor, and looked out the window subconsciously. Originally, the Ninth Street was very deserted at this time, but it became lively because of the people queuing up all night. This also made Mi Xiaobai feel that the idea of ​​a night market is very promising. After all, the night life is so beautiful, and people in the future just don't have a deep experience.

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaobai went to the bathroom, took off his clothes and took a bath, and sprinkled a sweet yellow rose. This yellow rose has three flowers on one stalk. At this time, why do you have to recite "Difficult Road" when you go to the toilet like the eve of the college entrance examination?Naturally, it is necessary to enjoy the good bathing time.


Mi Xiaobai was immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

It's time for Jiu Lao to come back. As Mi Xiaobai's mentor, Jiu Lao cannot stay with Mi Xiaobai all the time, nor can he not see each other for a long time, because this is against the purpose of the Food Association.

The wine master has never been a person who treats himself badly, so he simply chose to meet Mi Xiaobai one day, and spend the rest of the time brewing wine in his spare time, which is worthy of his title as the wine master.

The wine master has just discovered that a flower mixed with the blood of a certain beast can breed a fighting spirit. This kind of wine is most suitable for soldiers who are about to go to the interstellar battlefield, but considering that only two cups of blood can be refined from one beast's blood Wine, if this food recipe is born perfectly, it may cause the extinction of a species, so Jiu Zun decisively gave up and continued to make this food recipe.

He calculated that the time was almost up, and then he jumped up from this flower field, and the height of the mountain was as high as a jump. His steps were as light as walking, and suddenly he walked quickly. With a sudden rush, he broke the sound cone in the air, surpassing the speed of sound, The sky is like a thin white god, and almost no one can catch his shadow, and no one even knows who he is. He passed through the sky of a certain sect, and the disciples of that sect called out "God" as if they had seen a celestial phenomenon. Edict", the head of the sect even said in a low voice: "There are treasures to be revealed, there are treasures to be revealed!"

But they didn't know that this was just a sneaky walk in the sky by a gourmet who was taking a break from his busy schedule.


When Jiu Zun arrived at Linjiang Fairy, Mi Xiaobai had just come out of the bath, and happened to catch up with the scene where Mi Xiaobai came out of the bathroom naked.

The atmosphere at the scene should have been embarrassing, but Mi Xiaobai didn't try to hide it, and Jiu Zun didn't show any disrespect, but it only lasted three seconds.

Three seconds later, Jiu Zun stared at Mi Xiaobai's lower body for about two seconds, then showed an indescribable smile, waved his hands, and jumped out from the window sill.

Mi Xiaobai froze, it took him a long time to understand, he rushed to the edge of the window sill, and shouted: "Why are you dissatisfied with Lao Tzu's big bird! It is a treasure that can break through the sky! Could it be that your Is the size bigger than me! Don't run away, you old man! Come back to me!"

However, Jiu Zun did not come back until Mi Xiaobai calmed down and took a look at the information on the ingredients that Jiu Zun gave him in his free time, and then, Jiu Zun came.

Holding a large water tank in one hand, Jiu Zun walked up to Mi Xiaobai, and said, "It's the third day, let me see how much your strength has improved."

Mi Xiaobai raised the kitchen knife and smiled confidently, "Hmph! You will definitely be pleasantly surprised!"


Today's competition.Indeed, Jiuzun was a little surprised. Mi Xiaobai seemed to have been completely reborn. He was so proficient in knife skills that he had experienced thousands of times. At least the puffer fish slices can always peel off one by one. It may be due to the softness and hardness of the meat and the order of blood drainage, which caused Mi Xiaobai to cut the meat not very evenly. The heart directly leads to the failure of the cooking. In the end, even because of a wrong knife, all the puffer fish meat exudes amazing decay.

This is undoubtedly a failure, but for Mi Xiaobai, he has made great progress.

In fact, the system has already told him the method, but he didn't study it more carefully. It's like teaching you theoretical mathematical formulas, but you can't solve problems.

Mi Xiaobai gradually tended to understand, and there was a significant improvement. Mi Xiaobai dared to believe that in a short time, at most two days, he would be able to serve a qualified gourmet puffer fish sashimi.

(End of this chapter)

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