Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 240 Li Dazhuang's Turning Point in Life (1)

Chapter 240 Li Dazhuang's Turning Point in Life (1)
The third day of business can be said to be another climax.

Because it was the last day, Mi Xiaobai was fully motivated this time, and his muscle exercise intensity was far higher than before. Compared with the previous two days, the speed of serving meals was faster. The diners also seemed to have made an agreement. Maybe finish eating quickly, leave after eating, try to let the people behind catch up with a meal, and never let them wait for two or three days in vain.

Although Mi Xiaobai's speed has sped up again, the quality has not deteriorated at all, and the taste is still as good. What every diner eats is definitely the original food. Mi Xiaobai feels that he has an epiphany. When making the deer fishy soup, Mi Xiaobai even entered into the soul and released the deer soul visible to the naked eye, and the sound of the deer can be heard with naked ears, which surprised the diners queuing outside the door.

This is like the delicious food in the Chinese Xiaodang's home will shine, and the cliff is an open existence.

After Wang Biao and others learned this information at the Dilang Bodyguard Bureau, they were surprised from ear to ear, and then wanted to go for a meal, but they couldn't squeeze in, so they planned to go again in a few days.

Yi Quanqiang, as the captain of the army, had an inexplicable smile at the inexplicable concentration of congestion caused by Mi Xiaobai. The measure he took was to send more than 400 soldiers to maintain law and order and severely crack down on those scalpers Started a city management business with street vendors who hawked everywhere.

The flow of people is getting less and less, although occasionally people will join in to try their luck and see if there is a chance to eat delicious food.

Anyway, when it was closed today, Mi Xiaobai might have sent away more customers than the first and second days combined, but even so, there were still half a block of people queuing up, most of them Some of them have been queuing up since the evening of the first day, but they haven’t eaten for three days. In this era where the speed of information dissemination is so fast that it explodes, the news media has spread Mi Xiaobai’s feat to the entire universe. It is equivalent to making a living signboard for Sister Liang and Liang Mu's plan.

As expected, many hundred-year-old chain stores in alien systems hoped to open a branch in Ninth Avenue, and more than 200 applicants were directly discharged.

Sister Liang began to allocate the time to meet with them according to the distance. As for the rent, Sister Liang believes that Linjiangxian is now in the link of low income and high income, so it is much lower than the usual world price. Federal currency on the fifteenth day of the month.

This means that if it is an 1-square-meter store, it needs to deliver 3000 federal coins to Mi Xiaobai every month. It is conservatively estimated that Mi Xiaobai can collect [-] to [-] million in one month. It's huge, but in the final analysis, it's just Mi Xiaobai's daily turnover.

Mi Xiaobai was surprised to find that he had only traveled to the 31st century for half a year, and he was no longer greedy for money and tasted bad. They all said that life is nothing more than yellow and white food and sex. The first two things are no longer accounted for. It can be indifferent, Mi Xiaobai is afraid that he is not too far away from becoming a monk.


Meanwhile, a galaxy far, far away.On Tenidor.

After Li Dazhuang became a gourmet, he returned to the Fried Chicken Club. He walked on the road wearing that cooking gown, and his posture was much higher. Boss Huang never thought that Li Dazhuang would come back honestly and diligently after becoming a gourmet. Honest work, no airs of being a gourmet.

Logically speaking, Li Dazhuang has become a gourmet, and Boss Huang should respect him, but Li Dazhuang's simple and silly appearance really makes Boss Huang not respect him. After he returned to the store, how should he go to work? How to go to work? Boss Huang also knows that since Li Dazhuang has become a gourmet, his value should be increased. To this end, Boss Huang has added 30.00 federal currency to his monthly salary and increased the prices of all commodities in the store. up to [-]%.

From then on, at night, Li Dazhuang would always meet a little loli, who was no stranger to him, she was an experienced gourmet, Granny Shui.

As usual, Li Dazhuang usually spends his daily life after get off work in an independent staff dormitory, but now, Granny Shui is teaching Li Dazhuang bit by bit.

Saying it teaches, but it often happens.

Granny Water: Water.

Li Dazhuang rushed to get it.

Granny Shui: Pinch your legs.

Li Dazhuang gave her a pinch.

Grandma Shui: Baishan pork head meat.

Li Dazhuang went hunting wildly, and then made delicious food.

It has to be said that Li Dazhuang has the temperament to be the one who suffers when he meets anyone, but with Granny Shui, it is a blessing to suffer, and the more losses he suffers, the more he will be educated.

Granny Shui lives in Li Dazhuang’s staff dormitory, and she often meditates with a glass of water in her hand. When Li Dazhuang went out in the morning, the glass was full of water, and it was still full when he came back. Li Dazhuang didn’t even know what Granny Shui was doing. .

Granny Shui is actually exercising her spiritual consciousness. It seems that Granny Shui is not moving, but in fact she has quietly let go of her spiritual consciousness in her spiritual sea and directly wrapped the city. She is watching Li Dazhuang's every move. inside.

Granny Shui appreciates this half-stupid man, he works hard, works hard, and never complains. Granny Shui has the heart to accept him as her closed disciple, but Granny Shui's two beloved disciples were killed by bats. Adding new disciples at such a time would only show that she is ruthless, so she shelved the matter of accepting disciples.

Granny Shui has been teaching Li Dazhuang for more than a month, and her endless sea of ​​spirits has already discovered those trivial deeds done by Boss Huang. Based on the principle of letting nature take its course, Granny Shui still did not intervene.

Until that day...


Li Dazhuang went to work at the Fried Chicken Club as usual. He was the first person to come. He got up at four o’clock every day to prepare breakfast and morning tea for Granny Shui. He would report to the Fried Chicken Club at 05:30. His work was hard work. Just to prepare the sauce.

Because this kind of sauce is very fresh, and it will be rancid overnight, so Li Dazhuang will prepare the sauce early, and after Li Dazhuang is the person who delivers the ingredients, all the ingredients they send go through Li Dazhuang’s eyes. Being able to pick them out carefully directly caused this delivery company to use the freshest ingredients when delivering ingredients to the Fried Chicken Club, and did not dare to mix any futures, for fear that the quality would be returned if it was not up to standard.

This directly guarantees the quality of all dishes in the store.

After the delivery staff, there are other employees in the store. Generally speaking, Boss Huang is the most punctual. He acts as the alarm clock in the store. As long as he comes, it means that it is already eight o'clock and the business can start.

This turmoil occurred only two or three hours after opening.

(End of this chapter)

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