super golden eye

Chapter 492 Changes in the Burial Soul Realm

Chapter 492 Changes in the Burial Soul Realm

Chapter 499 Changes in the Soul Burial Realm

After Lin Jun left, they followed each other's instructions and have been working hard to practice. Now the most powerful two of these ancient survivors are him and Yao Shuang.

Their cultivation bases have all broken through the sea of ​​​​qi and reached Juyuan. If this matter is heard by others, they will definitely be terrified.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not a big deal.

After all, they used to be dusty in the power of the world, and their talents are extremely outstanding, so it is only natural that they can have such achievements.

What's more, they also have the gift of the fusion of the Heart of the World in the Burial Soul Realm.

"Brother Yu didn't come back either, does the sudden appearance of the island mean something?"

Yao Zhan walked up and down in the room, with a lot of thoughts in his mind, not knowing what to do.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally stopped, raised his head, and a look of determination appeared in his eyes.

"I'll send a message to Brother Yu first, and then go."

After finishing speaking, he took out a jade tablet, passed in his divine sense, and finally left the room.

Early the next morning, after Yao Zhan entrusted all the affairs of Linhai City to Tianji, the director of the Ren family, he left for the mysterious island in the news.

Yao Zhan has already been promoted to Gathering Source Realm, so he can naturally fly in the air. His speed is extremely fast, causing waves of air to rise above the sea.

Not long after, he came to a city not far from the nameless island.

His eyes were gloomy, looking far into the distance, this is an island city in the middle of the sea.

It is now morning, and the people on the island city are cooking food and preparing lunch. Circles of cooking smoke rise above the island, which is extremely dreamy.

"Yao Shuang said that there seemed to be an invisible barrier a few miles around the island, blocking all creatures that wanted to fly into it."

Yao Zhan stepped on the clouds, and those clouds obscured his figure very hazyly, making it impossible to see clearly.

"Forget it, I'll look for a ship here and enter it from the sea!" He muttered to himself, making a decision in his heart instantly.

Then he fell down directly and came to this city.

Although the people in the city were surprised by the figure that descended suddenly, the awe in their eyes was even more.

"It turned out that senior Juyuan came here."

Someone whispered earnestly, and desire appeared in their eyes.

After the recovery of this world, people quickly accepted the fact that ordinary people can also move mountains and fill seas, and ride clouds and fog.

But even so, a source-gathering-level powerhouse like Yao Zhan is extremely rare, and he can be said to be one of the most powerful people in the world.

After landing, Yao Zhan quickly disappeared in the crowd. After he left, a figure shrouded in a black robe looked at his back with a sneer.


Not long after, Yao Zhan came to the city's Haikou, and he randomly pulled a passerby to ask if there was a boat heading to the nameless island in the sea.

To his surprise, when he asked this sentence, the pedestrian looked at him like an idiot.

"Young man, what are you doing there? There is a great terror in that place, and no one dares to go there now!"

This man was an old man. He looked at Yao Zhan from the beginning to the end. After saying this, he shook his head and disappeared into the crowd.

Yao Zhan frowned, and looked back at the other party. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to contact Yao Shuang, but for some reason, the other party's phone could not be dialed.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?"

The uneasiness in Yao Zhan's heart became more and more serious. He looked around and saw that there were many passenger ships around, but obviously none of them were going to the unnamed island.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a stooped body quietly came to Yao Zhan's side, and vaguely glanced at the string of jade beads in the latter's hand.

"Brother, I just heard your question, are you planning to go to that unnamed island?"

After observing for a while, the middle-aged man finally revealed his reason for coming, even claiming that there happened to be a boat on his side going to the small island.

"It's just that the price is a bit expensive."

The middle-aged man chuckled, looking at Yao Zhan with bright eyes.

Yao Zhan frowned, but still nodded, took out a card, and said, "I can give you as much as you want."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man shook his head, pointed directly at the string of jade beads on Yao Zhan's right hand, and said, "I want this."

His eyes were extremely longing, if he didn't feel that Yao Zhan was not easy to deal with, he might have made a move.

Seeing the other party pointing at the jade bead in his hand, Yao Zhan frowned, took it off and threw it to the other party.

This jade bead is made of a strange stone, which is extremely precious, and can allow practitioners to better understand the power of heaven and earth.

Even so, Yao Zhan was anxious now, so he gave the jade beads to the other party.

"Hahaha, it's easy to talk, this way please."

After the middle-aged man took the jade beads, he was very happy, and quickly stepped aside, asking Yao Zhan to go to a small boat not far from him.

The ship is said to be small, but it is only compared with other cruise ships.

Its surface is rusty, and it looks like a very old ship.

At this time, there were already several figures standing on the boat, Yao Zhan frowned, he felt that these people had a deep breath, and the people who boarded the boat must also be going to the unnamed island.

"Could it be that the small island that suddenly appeared has any secrets?" Yao Zhan thought about it, and then stepped onto the dilapidated ship.

Several figures on the boat turned their heads to look at Yao Zhan the moment Yao Zhan came up.

They could also feel that Yao Zhan was not simple, so they all turned their eyes to other directions again without interfering with each other.

Not long after, the middle-aged man who took Yao Zhan's jade beads returned to the ship again, followed by two very good-looking women.

"It's you!"

Suddenly, a woman pointed at Yao Zhan, looking extremely surprised, as if she knew him.

Hearing this voice, Yao Zhan withdrew his thoughts, turned his head, and looked at the woman who had spoken just now.

At a glance, surprise also appeared in his eyes, obviously he also knew those two women.


When he was on the verge of speaking, he saw the latter kept giving him eyes, so he closed his mouth and nodded to them.

So, the woman came to Yao Zhan's side with her companions behind her, and asked quietly, "Where's Lin Jun? Why didn't you come?"

Hearing this, Yao Zhan explained with a smile, and the latter sighed in great disappointment: "My grandfather has been talking about it every day, and he wants to compete with him, but it's just that so long has passed, and there is still no sign of him."

Hearing this, Yao Zhan said with a smile: "Senior Lu Tianma has gathered resources to cultivate, and the speed of cultivation is so fast, I am also amazed by it."

The woman in front of him was Lu Xiaolian who was once kidnapped by Lin Jun. From what she said, his grandfather Lu Tianma seemed to have always wanted to compete with Lin Jun.

Lu Xiaolian was about to speak, but saw a middle-aged man approaching the crowd and said loudly: "Since everyone is here, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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