super golden eye

Chapter 493 Nameless Island

Chapter 493 Nameless Island
Chapter 500 The Nameless Island
On the surface of the sea, there are waves bursting, countless waves churning, and the sound of rushing can be heard endlessly.

The people on the boat did not interfere with each other, so it was considered calm for a while, Yao Zhan and the three lived very leisurely.

"You really can't fly here."

Yao Zhan glanced at the crowd calmly. He had just quietly tried to fly in the air, but found that there seemed to be a kind of Taoist suppression around him, making it impossible for people to fly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little heavy in his heart. He knew the past of the Burial Soul Realm, and when this vision appeared, he couldn't help but worry about Yao Shuang's safety.

Suddenly, a piercing sound came from the sky above, everyone was surprised and looked up hastily.

I saw an old man galloping at an almost lightning speed.

"It's the Great Elder of the Baiyun Sect!"

A young man who hadn't spoken the whole time yelled, his expression extremely surprised.

"If only I had Juyuan cultivation base, I could fly over there without paying the fare!"

A woman spoke with some reluctance, obviously being beaten up by the middle-aged ship owner.

All of a sudden, the sound of exclamation on the ship was endless, lamenting the power of Juyuan.

But Yao Zhan and the other figure shrouded in black robes did not speak, they were the old man who was staring at Yukong without saying a word.

The middle-aged ship owner looked at the old man in the sky silently and sneered.

The old man was white-haired and had a fluttering beard. His cultivation base was strong, and he obviously heard the exclamation from the boat below, so he couldn't help but feel very complacent.

Therefore, his speed became even faster, approaching the boat in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, there was a bang.

There was a loud noise, and the old man's expression was painful, his face collapsed, as if he had hit some invisible barrier.

"what happened!"

On the boat, the young man let out an exclamation just now, apparently extremely horrified by the scene before him.

"That's the source-gathering powerhouse! Has someone plotted against him?!"

An old man muttered to himself, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Then will we be silenced!"

The woman earlier let out a terrified cry, and her face was extremely bleak.

Yao Zhan watched this scene calmly, his heart was a little heavy, because the old man fell into the sea without a sound after hitting the invisible barrier, which made him very afraid of the existence of the nameless island.

At this moment, a haha ​​came.

Everyone hurriedly looked back, only to see the middle-aged captain with his hands on his hips, watching everyone laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

Lu Xiaolian's face was a little pale, and she asked everyone's doubts.

Hearing this, the middle-aged ship owner glanced at the latter, and then said hehe.

"You don't even know the special features of that small island, so you still want to explore?"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and they were a little embarrassed.

The middle-aged ship owner taunted them like this, making some grumpy people unbearable.

But they really don't know much about the nameless island, they only know that it was formed suddenly after a thunderstorm a few days ago.

The thunderstorm was extremely terrifying, and it was so powerful that it almost spread throughout the Soul Burial Realm.

So for the small island formed after the thunderstorm, some caring people moved their minds and prepared to go to investigate.

Seeing that everyone did not refute his words, the middle-aged ship owner couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

"It's reasonable for you to pay so much for the boat, and I'm not a traitor..."

After a pause, the middle-aged ship owner continued to talk.

Under his words, people's expressions kept changing, some were surprised, some were afraid, and some were in disbelief.

"So you can't fly here?!"

The young man who spoke before mumbled to himself and understood everything.

"That is to say, the senior just now paid that price because he was flying in this space?"

A woman cried out, understanding everything.

After knowing this secret, everyone gradually became silent, and gradually became somewhat resistant to the unknown island.

Some less courageous practitioners asked the ship owner to turn around immediately, wanting to return to the city.

Of course, don't refuse this request. It's not that the ship owner refuses, but some passengers stand up and deny it.

Among them, there are not many bold and cautious people who want to reap benefits from this mysterious island.

Over the past few days, everyone on the boat has become more silent from the beginning of silence.

Today, everyone stood at the bow of the boat and watched the scene in front of them.

They walked along this seaway for several days and finally noticed the change.

The surrounding waves gradually calmed down. Although the surrounding fog was extremely dense, covering the surrounding area to block everyone's sight, they could still see some trees growing in the water.

"What kind of tree is this, it can survive in sea water!" A person said, the shock in his eyes was not hidden at all.

Gradually, the boat moved on again.

The surrounding scene suddenly changed.

The originally uneven trees on both sides became taller and taller, almost blocking out the sky.

Although they grow in seawater, they do not affect their luxuriance. Spots of sunlight are sprinkled among the overlapping branches, shining in the water, reflecting those water flowers sparklingly, which is extremely beautiful.

"finally reached."

Yao Zhan watched everything calmly. He took out his mobile phone and found that there was no signal.

"Sure enough."

He was thinking like this, wanting to find Yao Shuang quickly.

"Is this the nameless island?"

Everyone got off the boat and set foot on this unnamed island. They looked left and right, wanting to discover the difference of the unnamed island.

"Captain, you..."

A young man turned his head and wanted to ask the captain about something, but his expression suddenly changed, extremely ugly.

"Where's the owner of the ship?!"

Hearing this sound, everyone turned their heads one after another. They didn't see the figure of the captain, and even the small boat disappeared without a sound, only the waves lapping on the beach over and over again.

"I wipe! How do we go back!?"

The young man came back to his senses and made this extremely frightened voice.

The rest of the people also looked ugly, not knowing what to do.

Most of them are Qi Sea cultivators. Although they can walk through the water, the sea is too vast, and they might be exhausted halfway through.

Moreover, the sea near this unnamed island has already become extremely strange. The so-called invisible barrier has appeared, and all flying is prohibited. Maybe there will be something hidden in the water, making their way back very dangerous.

But even if they know this, some people don't believe in evil, and want to rely on their own strength to cross the sea and return to land.

"I don't believe that I can't go back by myself." A man said this. He was the one who tried his best to dissuade the ship owner from turning around. Now the ship owner disappeared with his boat, which made him even more unwilling to stay here for a while.

After all, the man took a lunge and rushed into the water, and wrapped a layer of real energy on his feet, allowing him to step on the water.

"Haha, it really works."

After walking a few hundred meters, the man suddenly laughed: "You guys continue to explore there, I will not accompany you, the uncle will leave first!"

As he said this, he turned his head away and wanted to move on.

Suddenly, the man stopped and looked around in horror.

The surrounding fog filled the air and became thicker and thicker. In an instant, the figure of the man disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.


Suddenly, a scream came, resounding through the sky, causing countless people to shudder unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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