I'm really not a superstar

Chapter 2 Dragon's Reverse Scale

Chapter 2 Dragon's Reverse Scale
Just when Dorsey was struggling to find the golden finger.

Suddenly, the system moved again.

"Milestone event reached: activate the system.

According to the host's current ability value, randomly draw a star card. "

Star card?What the hell?
"The host's current ability value is 46, please randomly select a star card with an ability value between 40 and 50"

Joey Dorsey has a black line on his head, and his ability value is 40~50. Can he be regarded as a star?Ability similar to my own, can there be any use for it?

There is a faint feeling that is not good...

In the system, N multi-player cards flashed like a revolving lantern, and he silently called out in his heart.

A card appeared in the system in rotation, and slowly stopped.

On the card was a tall, thin white player with a B on the top and the man's name on the bottom: Steve Novak.

"Star cards are divided into C-level, B-level, A-level, and S-level, which represent the regular competitive level of the player in different periods.

The host can choose whether to equip the star card, and the star card can only be used for one game. "

Joey Dorsey was ecstatic, he found a treasure!
Steve Novak, a big white pure shooter.

Speaking of it, if we follow the normal historical development track, I and he later became teammates of the Rockets for just over a month.

Novak's most famous story is that he once missed only three three-pointers in an hour of shooting practice.

If you only talk about open space, no interference, and no pressure shooting, Curry, who made 100 of 94 shots, may not be the opponent of this big man.

Joey Dorsey's strength, jumping, and defense are top-notch in the NCAA. The only difference is offense. If Novak's shooting ability is added, he is almost an all-round fighter!

It may not be impossible to wrestle with "The Great" Oden!
As if seeing through Joey Dorsey's wishful thinking, the system issued another reminder.

"How to use the star card:
The host can equip the star card at any time during the game, once equipped it cannot be canceled.

After being equipped, the host fully inherits the physical and technical abilities of the players on the star card, and its original attributes (except ideology) will be temporarily overwritten.

Please use with caution! "

This is the sound of broken dreams!
Joey Dorsey's big mouth, which was still happy just now, froze there, as if he could swallow a Big Mac burger in one gulp.

I should have guessed that the system of this dog day would not be so kind!
Co-authoring this is going to take me from Joey Dorsey to Steve Novak!
Novak, who has a 43% three-point shooting rate in his career, has such a low overall rating because his weakness is too obvious-except for three-pointers, he can hardly do anything!

As a big man, he has no speed, no strength, no bounce, no defense, and slow shots. Even the mid-range shooting percentage seems to be not as abnormal as the three-pointer.

Such a player, facing Oden, is probably more likely to be blown up than the original Joey Dorsey!

The bathroom door was slammed open from the outside.

"Joy, what are you doing? Come out quickly! The game is about to start!"

It was Cui Wanjun, assistant coach of the University of Memphis, who opened the door.

Yes, the assistant coach of the University of Memphis is Chinese, and it is the famous coach Cui Wanjun who later led many CBA teams.

Back then, the Basketball Management Center sent 15 Chinese coaches to the University of Memphis to observe and study. Cui Wanjun was recognized by Memphis coach Calipari and stayed on the team to assist him.

Joey Dorsey followed Cui Wanjun back to the side of the court listlessly.

"Joy, why can't you come out in the toilet! Are you constipated!"

The team's leading scorer, Chris Douglas Roberts (CD Roberts), teased with a grin.

"He's not constipated, I think he's trying to figure out how to escape from the toilet flush so he doesn't run into Oden!"

Point guard Will Kemp interjected.

It caused the surrounding teammates to burst into laughter.

"That's enough! Joey, I believe in you. As you said, you are the mighty Goliath, and it doesn't matter if your opponent is the No. [-] center in the NCAA Oden!"

Head coach Calipari stopped the jokes of his men, and at the same time, he also took the opportunity to cheer on his number one defensive champion.

"However," Calipari suddenly changed his tone, and couldn't help but joke, "Goliath, you have to pay attention, don't get hit by David's trebuchet again!"


The team roared with laughter, and there was a cheerful atmosphere in the air.

In fact, Joey Dorsey also knows that everyone is not really laughing at him. He has always been very popular, and everyone likes to make fun of him.

Obviously, everyone knows that the winner of this important game lies in whether they can defend "The Great" Oden.

Coaches and teammates are using this method to help themselves decompress.

However, looking at these guys cheering him on, why does his pressure seem to be even greater!

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder, but it was the team's power forward Robert Dozier.

I saw this naive big man said solemnly: "May God bless us!"

Sure enough, the only way to experience the same pressure is to face Oden's inside partner together!

The game is about to start...

After the NCAA game enters "March Madness", attention will soar.

College basketball is more obsessed with basketball itself than the Vanity Fair of the NBA.

Coupled with its crazy competition system, youthful atmosphere, and passionate stories, the unique charm of NCAA has made fans all over the United States go crazy.

Especially after the "Sweet Sixteen" is freshly released every year, the eyes of the American basketball world will temporarily move here from the NBA arena.

"Elite Eight" and "Ultimate Four" will become the hottest topics.

Even the stars of the NBA will lose their former spirit at this time of year and play weakly.

No way, who made the attendance and ratings sluggish during this period, everyone went to watch the NCAA!

And basketball managers, coaches, and scouts put all their energy on the NCAA arena, waiting to discover a few talents and put them in their draft shopping carts.

The basketball family cheered for their son;
Agents are desperately trying to sell their players;
Journalists brag in the media that some young talents have a bright future;
Many NBA stars are also busy cheering for their alma mater.

The NCAA is just like a martial arts event in the American basketball world!
At this time, the stadium of East Carolina State University was full of seats.

Cheerleaders and support groups from both sides, fans who came from all over the United States, professional media reporters, and football critics packed this small venue to the brim.

There are even scouts from many NBA teams haunting it.

Before the start of the game, everyone was whispering, which team do you like and which player do I admire.Although everyone's voice is not loud, but gathered together, it is like a torrent, which can be called a turmoil.

The DJs on the scene seemed to be not lively enough, playing passionate music, and the dynamic rhythm stimulated the nerves of everyone present.

Whether it is the University of Memphis or Ohio State University, the players are all young men in their 20s who are full of vigor. How can they not face such a big scene without blood and passion.

Players from both sides lined up on the field, whether they were white or dark, their young faces were faintly flushed with excitement, as if they had taken the legendary blue pill.

But some people are different.

There was no flush on a dark face, but a faint paleness.Before the game started, he was dripping with sweat. Those who didn't know thought he had just taken a sauna before the game.

That man, of course, is our poor Joey Dorsey.

Although he had already prepared to be ashamed and made a lot of mental construction, but when he came under the watchful eyes of the public, when he thought of being crushed to pieces in front of the camera lens and in front of the American audience, he couldn't wait. Quickly dig a hole and bury yourself.

In the previous life, Joey Dorsey, the American black and tough guy with a big nerve, didn’t recover for two weeks after losing the game, not to mention our Comrade Joe Dorsey, who was born in New China and grew up under the red flag. .

You know, Chinese people value face the most!
"Zhou Shu is ashamed, what has I to do with Lu Xun!" Joey Dorsey could only comfort himself repeatedly in his heart.

"Hey Goliath, I'm waiting for you to teach me a lesson!"

A heavy voice sounded beside him, and Joey Dorsey looked up, but saw an unusually rough and vicissitudes of life face.

There is no doubt that this is Greg Oden, the hero of the game.

This guy is half a head taller than Dorsey, with muscles all over his body, containing explosive strength.And that rough and vicissitudes of face added a bit of oppression.

Dorsey only felt that the air was oppressed in an instant, his mind was blank, and he seemed to be a little short of oxygen.

I don't know why, but under the heavy pressure, I actually blurted out the first reaction in my heart:
"Are you really only 20?"

Time stands still...

Many years later, Dorsey was still very sure that at that moment, he saw a flash of light in Auden's eyes, and that sharp look made him shudder.

That is murderous!
I touched the dragon's reverse scale! ! !

Dorsey can't wait to tear his broken mouth, the conscience of heaven and earth, this is really the instinctive reaction of this body!The cannonball attribute of this body has been engraved in the DNA!

"Oden...Greg...brother...big brother...you listen to me..."

The emperor is angry!


(End of this chapter)

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