Chapter 419
"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you break in!"

Seeing that Mi Buying and Mi Xiaoxia entered the six realms of reincarnation successively, Shentu sneered at the corner of his mouth, finally venting his anger.

The six paths of reincarnation connect the netherworld and the heavens and worlds, and are the passage for souls to reincarnate.

Cross the Naihe bridge and drink Mengpo soup, forgetting the past.Enter the six reincarnations and eliminate evil karma.Therefore, in the six realms of reincarnation, a huge amount of karma has been accumulated, which has already become a blazing fire of karma.

Burning body with fire of karma, not to mention ordinary souls, even golden immortals are hard to resist.Therefore, anyone who enters the six realms of reincarnation must carry a talisman, which is not only a guiding light, but also a talisman.Like a flat boat on the rapids, although it shakes, it is safe from danger.


Both Mi Xiaoxia and Mi Buhou didn't take the talisman, and just rashly broke into the Six Realms of Reincarnation.

The six paths of reincarnation connect ten thousand realms, and without seals to guide the way, it would be difficult for them to get out.And there are karmic fires everywhere inside, they are all just Earth Immortal cultivation bases, so they definitely won't last long.

Shen Tu was proud again, as long as nothing happened, the father and son would be dead!


Compared to Shen Tu who relieved his anger, Emperor Fengdu frowned slightly.

He knew that Mi Xiaoxia was just a doppelganger at this time, and Mi Xiaoxia himself was fine.As the saying goes, if you kill a tiger, you will be killed instead. This time, he killed his clone, and most importantly, his son. How can Mi Xiaoxia let it go?
Think about Mi Xiaoxia's great achievements, the three eradication of Jilei Mountain killed 20 heavenly soldiers and generals, and Li Jing returned home in defeat.Later, 40 Buddhist soldiers of the Buddhist sect were killed, and the Tathagata Buddha and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas came together, and they could only leave in despair in the end.

Compared with Tianting and Lingshan, what is this small hell, can it stand Mi Xiaoxia's toss?
"The soldiers can only come to cover up the water and soil."

Emperor Fengdu sighed helplessly, the matter was so irreversible.Mi Xiaoxia's revenge is certain, and they can only be prepared to resist.

As for whether it can be stopped or not, let's talk about it later.


Emperor Fengdu and Wufang Ghost Emperor left, Yama of the Tenth Palace returned to his throne, and the underworld temporarily regained its calm.At this time, Mi Xiaoxia was in the six reincarnations, turned on the fire, and was looking for traces of Mi Buying.

Mi shouldn't have been pushed into the six realms of reincarnation by Shentu, and he didn't have time to get the talisman.In this way, it is like falling into a hole in the ice without knowing how to swim!
Without even thinking about it, Mi Xiaoxia immediately jumped into the Six Realms of Reincarnation completely out of instinct.

After entering, I just felt that the pressure was coming from all directions, like falling into a turbulent river.Lifting his breath slightly, he made a firm as a mountain, and then he stood firm.

And look at it at this time, the six paths of reincarnation connect the heavens and the myriad worlds, where there is no boundary.And in this bright white passage, there are crimson karmic fires everywhere.

Karma fire is no different than others. Although he has cultivated to the level of immortality, he still can't resist it with the ability of body training.But what is unexpected is that Mi Xiaoxia, as a time traveler, does not have merit and karma, so these karmic fires cannot burn him!
"Must be as soon as possible!"

Not afraid of karmic fire, the threat of the Six Realms of Reincarnation was reduced by half in an instant. Mi Xiaoxia regained his composure and hurriedly searched for Mi Buying's whereabouts.

Although Mi Xiaoxia is not afraid of karma, but Mi should not be sure.And with his current situation, he definitely won't last long.So Mi Xiaoxia must find them as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no ashes left, and there will be no question of collecting the corpses.

"This is the Six Paths of Reincarnation..."

While looking around, you can see that many scenes flashed in Karma.This is the memory hidden in karma when the soul is reincarnated.There are wives and children separated, friends rebelling, and fathers and sons killing each other, all the sorrows and sorrows of life are included.

With Mi Xiaoxia's current cultivation and disposition, seeing these scenes, he couldn't help being shaken for a while.

"Oh! Why is everything so unnecessary?"

After a long while, Mi Xiaoxia sighed, all the tragedies in the world are actually caused by individuals themselves, if I knew today, why bother.

"……found it!"

Just as Mi Xiaoxia was sighing, he suddenly saw a ray of light in front of him, it was Mi Buying.Overjoyed in my heart, I didn't care about anything else, and hurried over.

There is no limit to the six realms of reincarnation. Fortunately, Mi Xiaoxia came in right after him, and Mi Buhou didn't run around, so he was so lucky to find it.

But at this time, Mibuying's situation is not optimistic.He huddled into a ball, surrounded by blazing karma.Although he barely resisted with his immortal energy, his immortal energy was thin, and he was burned by the karmic fire that leaked in from time to time, and his expression was extremely painful.

And the most important thing is that Mi Buying's immortal yuan is running out.It only takes a moment to be burned by the fire of karma, and at that time, both he and Mi Duoduo, who he protects, will be burned to ashes by the fire of karma!

Just when Mi Buying couldn't hold on, and felt hopeless, suddenly there was a muffled sound, and all the surrounding karmic fire disappeared.

"This is……"

Mi Buying blinked, his face was full of bewilderment, and then he looked up again, just in time to see Mi Xiaoxia's concerned face.


"It's alright."

Mi Xiaoxia pulled the fire and pulled Mi Buying up, seeing that he was not burned by the fire and that Mi Duoduo's soul in his arms was also safe, he was relieved.

"I am fine."

Mi should not be stunned, and then came back to his senses, and said something in a low voice.

"It's fine."

Mi Xiaoxia nodded, not noticing the change in Mi Buying's expression, but standing still, observing the six paths of reincarnation.

But at this moment, Mi Buhou was secretly looking at Mi Xiaoxia.Since he was a child, he has determined to surpass Mi Xiaoxia. He originally thought that he has some skills now, but he is still unable to resist the karmic fire.But looking at Mi Xiaoxia again, the ferocious karmic fire didn't touch at all!

My heart is full of doubts, and at the same time, I feel a sense of loss.Taking Mi Xiaoxia as his goal, he originally thought that he was going to climb over this mountain, but when he reached the top of the mountain, he realized that there was an even more towering mountain in front of him, and he couldn't even reach the mountainside.

Thinking about what happened today, first, outside Cheng'an City, the wild thunder was easily dismissed by Mi Xiaoxia.Then in the underworld, the mere ghost emperor put him in trouble.If it wasn't for Mi Xiaoxia's rescue, he might have died.

In the end, he strayed into the six realms of reincarnation, and faced with the karmic fire, he was born to be able to control Liuding Shenhuo, but he couldn't do anything about it.And at the critical juncture, it was Mi Xiaoxia who saved his life again.

"It's pathetic, it's ridiculous."

Thinking of this, Mi Buhou suddenly sighed and shook his head, he was too self righteous before.

"What's ridiculous?"

Mi Xiaoxia turned his head and asked a question.

"Oh, nothing."

Mi should not shake his head, then lowered his head slightly.

Mi Xiaoxia didn't have time to think about it, and then frowned again.

The six realms of reincarnation include the realm of heaven, the realm of humanity, the realm of animals, the realm of asuras, the realm of hungry ghosts, and the realm of hell. Different paths lead to different outcomes.

The six realms of reincarnation are very large, and there is no sign to guide it, so it is difficult to find the exit.In fact, this is not a big problem, Mi Xiaoxia is not afraid of karma, so he can find it slowly.But the crux of the problem now is that they fell into the wrong place, they just entered the animal road.

He and Mi shouldn't have no problems, and the protection of the fairy body can still return to the mortal world in real body.But Mi Duoduo is different, she only has her soul left at this time, once she leaves the animal realm, she will be reincarnated as an animal.

"Then what to do!"

Mi Xiaoxia told the situation, Mi should not help feeling anxious for a while.

How could he let his sister reincarnate as an animal, he was very anxious for a while, but at this time he had no other way, so he couldn't help becoming more anxious.

"It seems that it can only pass through the gap."

Compared to Mi Buying who panicked, Mi Xiaoxia remained calm, thought for a while and said something.


Mi should not be startled, with a puzzled look on his face.

As the saying goes, there is a thin line between heaven and earth, there is a chance for everything.The Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Six Paths are distinct, but in fact, it is not impossible to intersect.Occasionally there will be cracks in the Six Paths of Samsara, as long as you pass through the cracks, you can enter other passages!

Of course, this action is extremely dangerous.

Cracks are equivalent to loopholes in the Six Paths of Samsara, so once they appear, the Six Paths of Samsara will immediately make up for them.In this way, if there is a slight mistake, it is likely to be pinched to death by the healed crack!

"Can this work..."

After hearing what Mi Xiaoxia said, Mi Buhou couldn't help worrying, it was too dangerous.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it! This is the only way now!"

Mi Xiaoxia's eyes are firm. He has encountered many difficulties in his life, and every time his life and death are uncertain, but he has won all of them!
"Before that, you should recover your strength first."

Immediately afterwards, Mi Xiaoxia cleared out a place without karma, so that Mi should not rest and recover.

There is no aura in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but fortunately, Mi Buhou has a lot of elixir, as long as he takes the alchemy, he can gradually restore his immortal essence.

Mi should practice to recover and adjust his state, while Mi Xiaoxia carefully observes everywhere and finds suitable gaps.

"Hey, there's one! No, no, no..."

Not far away, a black gap suddenly appeared, but then Mi Xiaoxia shook his head.This gap does not lead to humanity, and it is too narrow, closing in an instant.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was like a day in such a flash.Mi shouldn't open his eyes, and after taking a lot of pills, he finally regained his previous strength.

He stood up and walked towards Mi Xiaoxia, wanting to ask how the situation was.

"Here it comes! Quick! That's it!"

At this moment, Mi Xiaoxia suddenly yelled, grabbed Mi Buhou and flew towards a gap.

This gap is not far away, directly connected to the human path.And the most rare thing is that the other end is at the exit of humanity.That is to say, as long as one enters the human realm through this gap, one can return to the mortal world immediately afterward.

But the only downside is that the gap is a little narrow.But the opportunity is rare, the next time there is such a suitable opportunity, who knows if it will take a hundred years or a thousand years.

So without thinking too much, Mi Xiaoxia pulled Mi Buying and rushed directly into the gap.

Entering the gap, the surroundings are in darkness, only two points of light at the two ends, one is the animal road where Mi Xiaoxia and the others came, and the other is the human road they are going to.

But what Mi Xiaoxia didn't expect was that there was a huge pressure in this gap.When they come in, it's like little bugs in amber.


The gap between the six realms of reincarnation is caused by the mutual extrusion and friction of the six realms, making loud noises from time to time.And every time there was a loud noise, the pressure suddenly increased, almost crushing Mi Xiaoxia and the others.

"The gap is about to close!"

At this time, looking at the bright light on the opposite side, it is rapidly shrinking, and it is obvious that it will heal and close soon.Once closed, Mi Xiaoxia and the others will be trapped in this crack forever.

"With all my strength, I will send you out!"

At this time, Mi Xiaoxia walked behind Mi Buhou and said something in a deep voice.

"Send us out..."

Mi should not open his eyes wide, turned to look at Mi Xiaoxia with a look of surprise.

At this time, Mi Xiaoxia was ready, with his arms curled up, and his palms pressed against Mi Buying's feet.

"Let's work together!"

Mi Xiaoxia gave an order, and then shouted loudly.

"go with!"

There was only a muffled sound, and a huge force erupted between the soles of Mibuying's feet and Mi Xiaoxia's palm, and Mibuying's whole body was like a cannonball, going straight to the point that was about to close the light.

(End of this chapter)

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