Chapter 420
Both Mi Xiaoxia and Mi Buhou have achieved great success in the eight or nine Mysterious Arts, possessing the power to overwhelm the sea.At this time, the two forces erupted at the same time, and it was only then that he instantly broke free from the oppression of the six realms of samsara.


At the moment when the gap is about to close, Mi should not come out with Mi Duoduo's soul in his arms.But when he turned his head to look again, the gap had been completely closed, and Mi Xiaoxia was trapped inside.


Mi should not feel a sudden pain in his heart, deep guilt and self-blame welled up.

But at this time, he was still in the six realms of reincarnation, and there were karmic fires everywhere around him.Although he has regained his strength, it is still impossible to resist for too long.

Fortunately, the exit was right ahead, there was no time to hesitate, Mi should not fly directly out of the exit.

On the border of the Tang Dynasty in the mortal world, in a remote small village, a piece of auspicious clouds suddenly fell on a family.Immediately after a sound of angry crying, a baby girl was born.

"Sister, you have finally successfully reincarnated, as you expected, Tianlinggen!"

In mid-air, Mi Buying was holding a newborn baby girl in his arms. After the inspection, his face was full of relief.

Newborn babies are still very fragile and cannot bear too much memory.So even though he didn't drink Mengpo soup, Miduoduo's original memory has been sealed, and he will gradually recall it as he grows up.

"Go home."

Taking a look below, because the baby girl suddenly disappeared, Mi Buying left a hundred taels of gold behind him, and flew away directly with Mi Duoduo in his arms.

"Hey, I can't get in touch..."

In Jilei Mountain, Mi Xiaoxia had already returned from Chang'an, suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.

Just now, the deity and the body training clone completely lost contact.

As a clone, even if it is separated from the heavens and worlds, there will be an inner sensory connection.But at this time, the contact was suddenly interrupted, which is really a strange thing.

The body training avatar is to help Mi Buying and Mi Duoduo. Could something have happened?Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help feeling worried again.

But one thing is certain, that is, the body training avatar is not dead, otherwise his deity will definitely have a response.That being the case, things shouldn't be that bad.

But still worried, Mi Xiaoxia got up and paced.After a while, I decided to go myself and go to Netherworld to check the specific situation.As for his father's face, he didn't care about it at this time.


Just as Mi Xiaoxia was about to leave, there was a loud shout in mid-air, Mi should not fall down with a baby in his arms.

"Shouldn't it be... How much is this?"

Seeing that Mi Buying was safe and sound, and Mi Duoduo was reincarnated smoothly, Mi Xiaoxia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Father, the child is wrong."

At this moment, Mi Buying suddenly knelt down in front of Mi Xiaoxia, lowered his head and said.

"I didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth before, but now I know that I am watching the sky from the well. In the six samsaras, I can see all kinds of things in the world. The world of mortals sees pregnant women giving birth. Only then do I know that it is not easy for my parents to give birth to me and raise me. My child is very wrong!"

"...It's good to know you're wrong."

Mi Xiaoxia was startled, and almost didn't react for a while.Then he nodded in relief, and pulled Mi Buying up.

"What happened in the underworld, tell me."


Immediately afterwards, Mi Buhou told the story in detail, and Mi Xiaoxia nodded in a sudden realization.

No wonder he lost contact with the body training avatar, no wonder Mi should be sensible in an instant.

Mi should not be talented, and has always been smooth sailing, until today he suffered successive setbacks, and only then did he recognize himself.

Because Mi Xiaoxia has always been very strict with him, on the contrary, he has developed a rebellious character since he was a child, and he competes with Mi Xiaoxia openly and secretly.But it wasn't until this time that Mi Xiaoxia rescued him one after another that he remembered Mi Xiaoxia's love for him.

Afterwards, in the six realms of reincarnation, seeing the scene of injustice in the fire of karma, I have actually repented somewhat.It wasn't until the end that Mi Xiaoxia sacrificed himself to send him away that he realized his father's love was like a mountain.

"Father, it's all the child's fault this time, which caused you to lose a clone."

After finishing speaking, Mi Xiaoxia blamed himself again.In the Six Paths of Reincarnation before, he couldn't help at all.

"The clone isn't dead, but it's really not that easy to get out."

Mi Xiaoxia also sighed and shook his head helplessly.

The avatar is trapped in the cracks of the six realms of reincarnation, unless there is a crack that appears next to it by chance, the body training avatar can take the opportunity to escape.

But the six realms of reincarnation are boundless, and the chances of this are too small.

"Anyway, it's good that you come back safely."

Mi Xiaoxia let out a sigh of relief. Although he lost his body training avatar, this incident also made Mi Buying realize that the reconciliation of their father and son is also a good thing.

But what Mi Xiaoxia didn't know was that the body training avatar was in the gap between the six reincarnations at this time.Sitting cross-legged in the dark, he is cultivating through the tremendous pressure of the six realms of samsara!
At the same time, in the mortal city of Chang'an, Princess Taiping was dead, and Li Longji used thunderous means to quickly arrest and behead her henchmen.

In just two days, the influence of Princess Taiping was completely cut off.At the same time, Li Longji's power also reached a peak.At this time, a minister had already written a letter above the imperial court, requesting Li Danchan to surrender Li Longji.

Li Dan is in poor health and has a weak personality. In fact, he has long intended to give in.That being the case, it just happened to go smoothly, and Li Longji also had the ambition to become emperor, which was just right for him.

The next step was to go through the motions, Li Dan gave way, but Li Longji firmly refused to accept it.It wasn't until three concessions that Li Longji accepted it in tears.

Three days later, Li Dan was respected as the Supreme Emperor, and Li Longji officially ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor!
In Jilei Mountain, Mi Xiaoxia was playing chess with Mi Buying, when suddenly there was a tremor in the sky, and a lot of good deeds flew towards him.

"This is……"

Mi Buying's eyes widened, his face was full of surprise, how could he get so much merit.

"Haha, here we come!"

Mi Xiaoxia was overjoyed, considering that Li Longji ascended the throne today, this is exactly his merit as an emperor.

The two of them had a word first, Mi Xiaoxia helped him ascend the throne, and Li Longji paid the price for the merits of the emperor.

Immediately afterwards, Mi Xiaoxia took out the golden lotus of merit, like a dragon whale absorbing water, and incorporated all these merits into the lotus platform.

"Father, are you..."

Seeing this scene, Mi should not be surprised again, Mi Xiaoxia is refining the magic weapon!

Mi Xiaoxia didn't speak, but looked at Liantai nervously.

After a long while, the lotus platform transformed all the merits, and suddenly trembled and let out a buzzing sound.


At this time, look again, the lotus platform has been upgraded by one rank again, and it is now the eleventh rank of Golden Lotus!
Thinking about it, Li Longji, who promoted the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty to the top, even though he was absurd in his later years, how could he have less merit than Wu Zetian.

"It's only the last one."

The lotus platform is upgraded by one rank again, and its power will naturally be greatly improved again.But what made Mi Xiaoxia even more excited was that he was only short of the last rank, and he was able to reappear the twelve ranks of golden lotus of merit.

Sitting on the lotus platform, there is nothing that can be broken. Unless the sage personally takes action, even the sub-sages and quasi-sages will not be able to break through the defense of the virtuous golden lotus!
As a top innate spirit treasure, only by returning to its former glory can it exert its greatest power.

"Are you really going to wait for him..."

Mi Xiaoxia thought in his heart, after Li Longji, there would be no suitable emperor candidate in the entire Tang Dynasty, who could make up for this last rank.Mi Xiaoxia thought in his heart, do we really have to wait for the emperor who changed his dynasty?

"Hey, this is..."

Just as Mi Xiaoxia was thinking, his heart suddenly moved.

Then quickly put away the golden lotus of merit and went to the depths of Jilei Mountain.Mi shouldn't know what's going on, so he hurriedly followed.

In the depths of Jilei Mountain, the training avatar and killing avatar are retreating.Seeing Mi Xiaoxia coming, Lian Shen clone opened his eyes and stood up, smiling and bowing to Mi Xiaoxia.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, you're done."

"Thank you for your hard work, fellow Daoist!"

Hearing this, Mi Xiaoxia was overjoyed again.

After reaching the Golden Immortal realm, one gets the task of founding a sect and establishing a religion, and the first part of the task is to establish the inheritance of Taoism.

Originally, this was an extremely tedious and time-consuming task, but with the jade slips from Li Shan's old mother, all he had to do was to delete, delete, add, and organize the inheritance of the Jujiao exercises.

This work is actually very mentally consuming, so it has always been handed over to the avatar of Lian Shen.

Today, it has been nearly 60 years in a flash, and just now, the compilation is finally completed!

The so-called inheritance of the Tao and the Law means that the Tao is still ahead of the Law.As for the path Mi Xiaoxia wants to take, he has already thought about it.At this point, as long as we combine with the Fa, this task will be considered complete.

"No, you still want to cut the old sky and open up a new one."

Back at the chess game, Mi Xiaoxia suddenly asked Mi Buhou.

Originally out of rebellion, Mi Buying came up with this idea, and created the astonishingly powerful wild thunder by himself from the fire.But after a series of setbacks, he has realized his shortcomings.

"Of course!"

Mi should not look firm, nodded and said.

"The alternation of the old and the new is a law. If something is old and outdated, then cut it off and replace it with a new one! Although my ability is limited now, I will do it sooner or later."

"it is good!"

Mi Xiaoxia nodded, as expected of his son, what Mi Buying thought was actually exactly what he thought.

It's just that he sees things more thoroughly than the fledgling Mi Buying.So first follow the general trend, and wait until you grow up before cutting the old sky.

This change of old and new is exactly the way Mi Xiaoxia upholds!

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaoxia didn't have any hesitation, but before that, he went to Mount Li first.

"Have you already thought about it?"

In the main hall of the old mother's palace, Li Shan's old mother looked at Mi Xiaoxia with a serious expression.

"The disciple has decided to start a sect and establish a religion!"

Mi Xiaoxia nodded, the Dao has been determined, the Dharma has been sorted out, and the inheritance of Dao and Dharma is complete, now is the time for him to establish a sect and establish a religion.

"After all, it's still early."

In contrast, Li Shan's old mother had to be more cautious, seeing that Mi Xiaoxia was only a middle-grade golden immortal, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Establishing a sect and establishing a religion is no different than others. From now on, you can only rely on yourself for everything.And it will inevitably be rejected by other sects, and the pressure at that time can be imagined.

"Forget it, it's up to you."

But over the years, Li Shan's old mother has also understood Mi Xiaoxia's temper, since he has already made up his mind, it is useless for anyone to persuade him.

"By the way, since you have established a religion, what teachings do you adopt?"

Immediately afterwards, Li Shan's old mother asked again.

"Take a new word."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled and wrote a new character on the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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