I am the Scourge

Chapter 131 The Soul Hunting Blade

Chapter 131 The Soul Hunting Blade
Magic Shield!
Mana barrier!

Li Wei put two shields on himself immediately behind the fog wall. He looked around and saw no trace of the twisted soul. Thinking that the fission undead was triggered after going down the steps, he secretly buckled the skill , followed Xiong Da slowly down the steps.

Suddenly, a gust of dark wind hit his face, and the icy cold pierced his neck with pain. Li Wei didn't see the enemy, but he had a premonition in his heart that he was about to be attacked!
The dark magic shield that condensed like mist shattered directly, and a sharp edge struck from behind, slashing straight at his head with undiminished momentum.

Li Wei's heart frantically warned.

Although he has blessed two shields, the effect of the mana barrier can only be triggered when the health value is lower than the mana value. Faced with a one-time damage that is enough to kill him in seconds, it will not have any effect at all.

He gripped his wand tightly, and pale golden magic patterns quickly spread across the soles of his feet.


Li Wei's figure disappeared suddenly, and when he reappeared, he was already in an open space ten meters away.


Under his control, Xiong Da turned around immediately, and the black magic eyes infected by the death energy immediately stared at the figure of the distorted soul.

Deterrent stare!

The twisted soul's body rolled back like smoke, retreated three meters away, and then moved lightly to the right side. It could move for a certain distance and then was forced to stop. It couldn't get out of Xiong Da's gaze. Inevitably limited by the effect of the deterrent gaze.

Li Wei glanced at its state, and sure enough, the previous damage had been fully recovered.

The blood recovery mechanism when the monster is out of combat is not a joke. The recovery amount of 10% of the maximum life value per second is not affected by any reduction effect, and all negative states will be cleared.

This is a system mechanism with the highest priority. It is basically impossible to kill a high-level monster in a wretched way.

Seeing this, Li Wei quickly took out a scroll from his backpack, entered the mana value to activate it, and quickly shook it out.

The bondage of light!

Five white lights full of sacred aura intertwined from the scroll and flew towards the twisted soul. Its body turned into smoke, and it instinctively wanted to avoid it, but it was still caught up by the lights and tightly wrapped around its body.


The holy light eroded its body, making a corrosive sound, distorting the soul and howling in pain, it turned its head to look at Li Wei, the body was temporarily distorted as if the signal was bad, but nothing happened in the end.

Li Wei's heart is slightly settled, and the twisted soul is a leader-like creature, which has a high resistance to strong control skills.

However, in addition to the control effect, this light binding scroll also has an effect, which is forbidden to move.

He guessed that the means of distorting the soul's sudden disappearance should be some kind of displacement skill, and he guessed right.

It doesn't hurt to guess wrong.

Restricted by Xiong Da's deterrent gaze, even if it can be forced out of sight through displacement skills, it will still be affected by the negative effect of deterrent gaze in the next two or three seconds, greatly weakening its desire to attack.

Then a crimson bomb appeared in Li Wei's hand, and he threw it vigorously, directly in front of the twisted soul.

The flames surged, covering it in an instant, and the twisted soul wailed in pain in the flames. Its long skirt seemed to be ignited, and sparks were hung on it, and the venomous eyes suddenly glowed.

"Reminder: You are being watched maliciously, because your willpower exceeds 50 points, you have been exempted from the effects of this curse!"

The prompt came.

Li Wei glanced at the system records and found that the effect of malicious staring was to greatly increase his threat value.

That is the value of hatred.

Under normal circumstances, the unit under the malicious stare will definitely become the first target of the twisted soul, but due to the impact of Xiong Da's deterrent gaze, the twisted soul can't leave the area it is facing.

Li Wei's movements were not slow, the second Golden No. [-] had been thrown out one after another, the flames exploded under the feet of the twisted soul, chi chi eroded the smoke under it, and dyed its hair tips with a gleam of fire.

The characteristics of the ghost make it take double magic damage every time.

After the two bombs went down, the Twisted Soul's blood volume had already been knocked down by one-tenth.

The power of the Golden One is more reliable than I expected.

Li Wei felt a little relieved, but he was not careless. Seeing that the effect of the binding scroll of light was about to disappear, he took out a crystal white bone covered with holy light again, crushed it with a click, and two golden chains immediately penetrated the space, appearing in the twisted soul side, lock it firmly.

God's lock.

Reduces movement speed by 50%.

Li Wei held a golden number one in his hand, looked at the timing, and threw the bomb decisively at the moment when the twisted soul body melted into smoke and condensed again.

The tumbling flames evaporated the chill here, and the dark red frost melted, forming pools of water stains like blood, and an indescribable stench erupted at the same time.

Li Wei frowned slightly, and quickly relaxed. The system did not limit his senses due to his undead characteristics, especially after obtaining the Lord of Common Knowledge, Li Wei felt that his body was becoming more and more like a living person.

Ghost roared.

The rising fire briefly obscured Xiong Da's vision, allowing it to passively interrupt the effect of the deterrent gaze.

This is the only downside to the deterrent stare.

Although the control effect of this skill is very strong, it can also be easily interrupted. Compared with other forced hatred skills, it can only be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

The distorted soul resumed its action, and immediately found Li Wei, who had caused the most damage to it, and a solid chill pierced from behind, and Li Wei activated the magic robe's own skills calmly.

Arcane wave!

The silver patterns flowed on the robe, forming a magical array in an instant.

Invisible energy burst out all over Li Wei's body, and the frost under his feet spread in a sputtering shape. The violent magic power boiled and exploded, forming a vacuum area with a diameter of three meters around him without dead ends in an instant.

The twisted soul was not directly shocked. Its physical strength exceeded 80 points. After passing the judgment, it was only stagnant and the attack was interrupted. However, Li Wei felt that the chill had not disappeared, so he decisively restarted his skills.

Arcane wave!

The silver magic pattern on the magic robe that had used the skill once was slightly dim, but under Li Wei's forcible cast, huge magic power was released from the gray silver pattern again, and an invisible energy burst out suddenly!
Bang! -

Li Wei took advantage of the short-term rigidity of the twisted soul, and immediately distanced himself from it. At this moment, Xiong Da had turned around, and his indifferent eyes stared at the twisted soul again, and an inexplicable strong sense of threat suddenly enveloped it.


The twisted soul waved its saw blade and let out an angry howl. It seemed to realize that it was difficult to hurt Li Wei, so it simply rushed directly to Xiong Da. The pale figure floated quickly on the ground, and it was pulled into a distance of tens of meters in a blink of an eye.


It swung the saw blade and chopped at the bony armor on Xiong Da's body, cutting through the armor abruptly, causing bone residues to scatter everywhere.

But Xiong Da didn't completely lose his energy attack methods. Gray mist rose from its body surface, and with a roar, it exploded suddenly, forcing the twisted soul back for a certain distance.

Immediately afterwards, a group of ferocious flames struck from behind, instantly devouring the twisted soul's body.

boom! -

Bright damage numbers rose above its head.

Before the twisted soul could react, a holy light appeared above its head, and a holy sword vaguely appeared in the light, exuding a strong sacredness and coercion, forcibly suppressing the twisted soul's desire to attack.

Facts have proved that Li Wei's more than 2000 gold is not in vain. He is well aware of the characteristics of leader-level creatures, and he chooses some magic scrolls and props that are not mandatory to control, but have alternative restrictive effects.

seal displacement.

Reduce movement speed.

Weaken the desire to fight...

If the negative states are applied one by one, the strength of the twisted soul is almost non-existent. Even though it has the ability to kill Li Wei directly, it can't show it at all. It is no exaggeration to call it the most aggrieved boss in history.

But it's also undoubtedly one of the most well-known bosses to die.

If it weren't for the special leader unit that carried the city building order like the Rock Lord, let alone ordinary players, even professional players would not be willing to spend more than 2000 gold easily just to kill a regular boss.

can only say.

Twisted Soul is completely dead with kryptonite power.

With a roar.

The body of the twisted soul gradually dissipated in the flames, and its eyes were full of unwillingness. This battle was really aggrieved, and even its explosive skills in the final stage were forcibly interrupted by Li Wei with a scroll.


It let out an ear-piercing scream, and before it dissipated, it stretched its arms and pointed at Li Wei. A ray of black light gathered at its fingertips, and flew out with a swish, directly sinking into Li Wei's body like a thunderbolt.

"Reminder: You have been cursed with venom, and because your willpower exceeds 80 points, you have been exempted from the effects of this curse!"

Li Wei: "..."

"Hint: Successfully kill Twisted Soul, gain experience +15600!"


The twisted soul dissipated completely, and the black saw blade in its hand immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, there was also a gray spar that absorbed all the smoke it dissipated.

Li Wei first brought Xiong Da back into the undead space. It endured the continuous blood loss from the whisper of the ghost, and it also took damage from the Golden One by mistake a few times.

Stepping forward to pick up the two pieces that twisted the soul, a faint purple brilliance enveloped Li Wei's hands.

This black saw blade is a perfect weapon!

【Blade of Hunting Soul】


[Type: One-handed]

[Level: Perfect]

[Attributes: physical attack +922, crit rate +10%, damage enhancement +10%, when hitting an enemy, one of the two effects of tearing and bleeding will be caused, this effect can only be effective for flesh and blood units]

[Hunting Soul: Active, release the power of the hunter in the weapon, gain a short-term status bonus, physical attack +231, last for 30 seconds, and the duration of each enemy killed during the skill duration is +10]

[Explanation: Those who hunt the darkness will eventually be swallowed by the darkness, listen carefully... the soul in this weapon is whispering to you]

[Durability: 480/480]

[Requirements: Strength 30, Dexterity 20]


This is a fifth-order perfect weapon.

The basic attributes of Soulhunting Blade are slightly worse than the Fengwang Longsword of the same level, and there is only one special skill attached to it.

But the physical attack bonus of this weapon can only be described as abnormal.

After Li Wei wears the emblem of magic power, the upper limit of the panel's magic attack is only 1300 points, which is because he has the effect of the Lord of the Rings bonus.

Generally, when a player wears a set of rare equipment after the fifth level, it is not bad if the magic attack of the panel can exceed a thousand.

And this weapon directly adds 1153 physical attacks.

It's just so powerful.

The attributes of perfect equipment are not in the same dimension as rare equipment. Both purple equipment can match the bonus of a blue equipment. No wonder the top echelon players can always pull a lot of ordinary players away.

Li Wei put away the Soul Hunting Blade.

He estimated that it would not be a problem to resell this weapon for one or two thousand gold.

At this stage, Tier [-] rare equipment is in short supply, and perfect level equipment is even rarer on the trading platform.

Don't look at those top professional players who all have purple outfits, that's the result of the whole guild's efforts to cultivate them. Generally, big guilds have dedicated trading personnel who are always guarding the trading platform, and good equipment is almost gone as soon as it is put on the shelves.

This Soul Hunting Blade has no worries about selling.

At least it paid off.

Li Wei looked at another drop of the twisted soul.

【Evil Spirit Crystal】


[Level: Perfect]

[Explanation: Energy crystals that condense strong resentment can be used to create equipment, or can be used directly. After direct use, a twisted soul will be summoned to assist in the battle. It will exist for 5 minutes. The specific attributes of the twisted soul will be determined according to the user's intelligence attribute. Decide】


Obviously, the best use of evil spirit crystals is to create equipment. Perfect grade materials have a chance to forge perfect equipment. The value of a piece of purple equipment is definitely higher than using this item directly.

Li Wei put away the evil spirit crystal, he had already thought about the use of this crystal, and made himself an advanced magic wand.

Gu Fu in the territory is a master-level blacksmith. It is no exaggeration to say that it is difficult to find a higher-level blacksmith than him in this world.

If he does it himself, the probability of forging perfect equipment is at least 80%.

After the twisted soul was killed, the fog wall blocking the entrance of the passage dissipated quickly.

Li Wei felt light all over.

The gloom that was suppressed in my heart disappeared without a trace.

The temperature in the space warmed up, the frost began to melt, and stinky ice water dripped from the ceiling from time to time, which made Li Wei a little annoyed.

He propped up the magic shield on top of his head, probed forward, and soon came to the break in the square, but saw a huge incinerator about [-] meters high in the dark pit below.

There was a noise from nowhere.

Immediately afterwards, Li Wei saw a ray of light glowing in the center of the incinerator, with crimson lines extending from it, like the veins of the human body, covering the entire surface of the incinerator in an instant.

A dull roar rose from inside the incinerator, and bright red flames faintly shone through the gaps in the huge furnace.

The incinerator turned out to be working!

Li Wei was surprised. He didn't act rashly. He watched quietly for a while, only to feel that the surrounding temperature was getting higher and higher, and soon reached the level that ordinary people could not tolerate.

Li Wei immediately opened the backpack, took out a set of fiery red robes and put them on.

He always carries a set of Flame Conqueror for no other reason. Although the attributes of this set of equipment can no longer keep up with his level, the primary flame affinity effect attached to the set is miraculous in some hot environments.

(End of this chapter)

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