I am the Scourge

I am the Scourge


190 Chapters Completed Status


Entering the territorial hegemony game, Li Wei only wants to farm.
Unexpectedly, the system convulsed.
Set him as the only undead lord player!
In this netherworld where the weak prey on the strong, Li Wei not only has to be on guard against the bloodthirsty gazes of his fellow race, but also has to face a group of fanatical slogans rushing towards him from time to time, shouting "Oh! Holy Light, that enemy looks like he can fight!" Crazy to die!
Plant a field of hammers!
The only thing Li Wei can do is rampage violently, advance technology, continuously expand the tomb, and devour the surrounding areas.
Li Wei found that he had become the sole monarch of the world of the dead.
and many more!
What are those human players going to do...invading the Netherworld?Crusade against the devil?
Hey, I advise you not to die!

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