I am the Scourge

Chapter 144 The Forbidden Moon Puppet

Chapter 144 The Forbidden Moon Puppet

Li Wei couldn't help laughing at Nan Feng's threat.

Seeing the other person's complexion change so quickly, he suddenly understood that everything he said before was just a lie to stabilize him and trick him out, and they had no intention of forming a permanent bond with him at all.

Come to think of it.

Tangtang No.13 in the whole server, the actual ranking can be firmly ranked in the top ten Song of Iron and Blood, how could it be possible to form a permanent ally with an unknown ordinary player, that would plant a huge hidden danger for them.

Not to mention.

The building order itself was snatched from them.

Of course, Li Wei has no psychological burden on this. If the two sides switched positions at that time, the other party would make the same choice. The temptation of the first city building order in the whole server is enough to make any player abandon moral concepts.

However, most people may not dare to show greed easily due to lack of strength and fear of the Great Guild, but Li Wei happens to be the type of person who has strength and is not afraid of the other party's revenge.

"Speaking so much... isn't it just to delay time."

Li Wei looked at them with a half-smile.


Zhan Linglong's feigned anger froze immediately, Nan Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and pushed the bridge of his nose habitually, although he no longer needed to wear glasses in the game.

"Looks like I guessed right."

Li Wei said calmly.

He has kept turning on the pupil of the moon since he entered the tower, and the pupil of the moon has an effect that has been ignored by Li Wei before.

It can see the flow of energy in space.

Those red and green lines, in fact, are the energy veins hidden in the building by the mechanism.


Li Wei can still see some clear and chaotic light spots moving in his sight, they gather at his side, and collide from time to time, each collision will produce an arc of light that will cause the magic power in his body to backfire.

But Li Wei noticed that beside Zhan Linglong and the others, those chaotic elements did not attract them.

They completely emptied the energy flowing in their bodies, and there was a way to suppress the automatic recovery of mana, which also caused them to not suffer the slightest backlash attack in the crystal energy tower, but just unable to release magic.

However, just now, Li Wei noticed that the energy around Zhan Linglong suddenly became agitated again. He sensed something unusual, so he spoke out to test it out. Sure enough, the reactions of the other two confirmed his speculation.

"Since you found out..."

Zhan Linglong changed her previous frizzy image and groaned softly, which immediately attracted Li Wei's attention.

next second.

It was Nan Feng who was beside her who made the move.

His movements were as fast as lightning, and an astonishing force suddenly erupted from his still body. When he stepped on the ground, there was a burst of air explosion, and his body was ejected, spanning a distance of nearly ten meters in an instant.

Whether Li Wei was prepared, or was caught off guard by his sudden outburst.

He immediately activates the trap in the corridor through the eyes of the moon.

Several standing stone statues immediately took a step forward, spears formed a spear formation, and stabbed at Nan Feng brazenly. At the same time, steel arrows were shot from the walls on both sides, completely covering the two-meter-long passage. shrouded.

Nan Feng drew out his long sword and struck out a few times with lightning speed. He struck with the spear of the stone statue. Instead of retreating, he advanced two steps forward with the help of the stone statue's mechanism. Array.

In the face of absolute speed, the dangerous traps seem to be useless.

Nan Feng went all the way, and in just one breath, he was less than ten meters away from Li Wei.

Li Wei's expression was calm. Following his last command, a five-meter-long stone wall suddenly fell at the end of the corridor, hitting the floor with a bang, making a deafening noise.

The entire corridor was vibrating.

Nan Feng slammed on the brakes, and the boulder almost fell close to his body. A drop of cold sweat slowly dripped down his temples. Nan Feng could completely imagine what would happen to him once he was hit by this mechanism.

"Get out of the way."

Zhan Linglong yelled softly from behind, and Nan Feng immediately jumped to the side upon hearing that.


The boulder mechanism was slowly raised in a burst of shaking, Zhan Linglong immediately took a posture of accumulating power, and she held her right hand empty, as if an invisible energy gathered in her palm, faintly condensing into a translucent spear.

When the boulder lifted up half of his body, and just when he could see Li Wei's lower body, Zhan Linglong threw the spear out in an instant.

In an instant, the long spear cut through the space of tens of meters and flew towards it.

However, Zhan Linglong's pupils shrank quickly, because Li Wei behind the boulder made the same choice as her.

"Get out of the way!"

She reminded in a trembling voice.

Nan Feng also felt a piercing sense of crisis approaching. Without thinking, he withdrew directly to the rear, passing by the flying spear. Immediately afterwards, he only saw a dazzle of light bursting out in front of his eyes.

boom! !

The mountain shook for a while.

The fragile iron arrow made close contact with the solid ground, and the crimson flame erupted immediately, and the chaotic energy around it was detonated in an instant, and a colorful ball of light five meters in diameter immediately occupied everyone's field of vision.

The energy trembles violently.

Nan Feng was too late to retreat, and was enveloped by the sweeping turbulence, without even making a sound, his whole body was directly torn into pieces.

at the same time.

A translucent spear also hit the ground next to Li Wei crookedly. The energy-structured spear collided with the ground, and there was a crisp sound of gold and stone clashing. This spear actually has a solid body!

The spear bounced a certain distance on the ground. This shot could have hit Li Wei, but the energy storm interfered with the flight path first.

Li Wei was very curious.

The energy turbulence around the crystal energy tower is a deadly nemesis for mages, but Zhan Linglong, by some means, can actually use the chaotic elemental energy for her own use!

The battlefield he chose, instead of being able to limit the opponent's combat power, became his own grave instead!
Li Wei couldn't help having a heart attack.

Fortunately, he still has the trump card of enchanting bows and arrows, otherwise, he would really be digging his own grave.

Li Wei's thoughts turned quickly. He stepped forward quickly, picked up the energy spear, and tried to put it into the backpack. The translucent spear disappeared in his hand immediately and appeared in the backpack space. It really succeeded.

Li Wei didn't have time to think about the principle of this, when he heard a sharp sound of breaking wind, a black light went directly through the turbulent energy flow that was still raging, and hit the position where he was standing before. .


This ability is really abnormal!

Li Wei knew that in this situation, he was definitely not Zhan Linglong's opponent, so he immediately turned around and retreated into the hall.

When passing the floor tile trap, Li Wei had an idea. He took out the pupil of the moon stored in the crystal container, stuffed a rare blood bud in it, then closed the button tightly, and threw the box near the stone pillar.

There was still a black explosion mark left on the stone pillar, looking at it, it looked like he had failed to get the treasure before.

of course.

Whether this kind of cleverness can fool them is still unknown.

But with their confidence in their own strength, they will probably try to get it when they pass by.

Even if you can trick a person, you still make money.

Li Wei didn't retreat to the second floor of the Crystal Energy Tower. There was no mechanism to control it, and he was basically looking for a dead end.

Like the Queen's Tower, the Crystal Energy Tower has a door that can be connected to a part of the Moon Temple.

Li Wei quickly came to a metal door at the back of the main hall, took out the moon talisman, and the silver light shone, the door slowly opened, and Li Wei stepped directly into the door.

pitch black.


A strange aura suddenly enveloped Li Wei.

The divine power of death in his body was unconsciously aroused and filled all parts of his body, competing with this special energy that seemed to have similar attributes but actually had essential differences.

Li Wei realized that relying on the power of the Moon Amulet alone was no longer able to completely resist the erosion of the breath here.

However, it was only at this time that he discovered that the divine power of death can actually offset this strange energy. Although it will continue to be consumed, the consumption rate is within his acceptable range, and it will only drop 1 point per minute.

He can last a full hour and 10 minutes.

The chaotic energy of the crystal energy tower has not spread here, and Li Wei no longer has to bear the damage of magic backlash all the time.

He couldn't help but feel relieved and looked around.

Behind the door is a spacious corridor. A stone guardrail is built on the right side of the corridor, and exquisite decorative patterns can be vaguely carved on it.

And outside this guardrail, there is an extreme darkness, like a pitch-black curtain, completely stripping the entire corridor from the original world, and imprisoning it in this isolated space.

The strange aura here was already so thick that it appeared dark black, like a solidified gelatinous substance, and with his arrival, the strange aura that had been silent for an unknown period of time was stirred slightly, and instantly became cloudy.

Li Wei quickly adapted to the darkness, but his vision was suppressed to only about five meters left.

Li Wei did not act rashly, even though he had heard the footsteps of Zhan Linglong and others rushing into the hall behind him.

He listened quietly for a moment, but didn't hear any special noises in the corridor, and then cautiously moved forward.

Li Wei first came to the edge of the guardrail and stared at the darkness that was only one meter away but his eyes could not penetrate. He took out a blank weapon from his backpack and tentatively probed into the darkness.

The weapon passed through without hindrance, but Li Wei immediately felt a lightness in his hand.

When he took the weapon back again, half of the long stick had been swallowed silently, and at the break of the long stick, there was still a dense patch of small black spots, gnawing at the steel at an extremely fast speed. stick.

biology……? !

Li Wei's eyes were serious, but he didn't want to die. He quickly let go and threw the long stick out of the guardrail.

In just an instant, the long stick completely disappeared.


The "dark curtain" outside the guardrail trembled, and the seemingly silent swarm of insects was awakened by Li Wei. A black palm immediately grabbed him, but he was stopped by a force after only half a meter into the corridor.

Li Wei felt extremely palpitating in that short moment.

The scene of the steel rod being swallowed is vivid. If he is glued to his body by this mysterious black creature, only the Lord of Common Sense can save him from being swallowed...

Li Wei couldn't help staying away from the guardrail and leaning to the left. On the left side of the corridor was a wall with murals engraved on it. The years seemed to freeze here, and the bright colors of the murals were almost perfectly preserved.

Li Wei looked carefully.

The first mural recorded a bloody sacrifice.

On the tall hexagonal altar, bloody internal organs are placed in each corner. The paint used to describe this scene is extremely bright, and Li Wei seems to be able to smell the strong smell of blood floating in the air.

Right in front of the altar is a mysterious figure wearing a white sacrificial robe, engraved with eyeball-like circular patterns on his robe, with his hands raised high, and countless human beings kneeling behind him.

Li Wei walked forward unconsciously and saw the second mural.

In this scene, a dark crack emerged above the altar. An unknown being stretched out an arm from the crack and dropped a lump of meat, which depicted a baby image.

Li Wei noticed that arm, which was by no means a limb of a normal creature, was dark red in the mural. It seemed that there was no skin on the surface, but there were countless eyeballs growing densely, which made people feel shuddering.

He continued to walk forward and saw the third mural.

The altar disappeared, and the figure in the white robe appeared in a splendid palace. He knelt down towards the throne, and on the large throne sat three figures at the same time, including a child, a young man, and an old man.

Next, the fourth, fifth, and sixth paintings each record a scene in each of the three paintings.

But the scene depicted in the picture made Li Wei feel a chill.

The child was put into a glass jar filled with green solution, and countless catheters were inserted into his body. Straws of bright red pigment symbolizing blood filled the catheters, and it was unclear whether he was giving it a blood transfusion or drawing its blood.

There is no youth in the fifth mural, only a pair of bright red armor, the limbs of this armor are locked by iron chains, and through the almost completely closed visor, a pair of eyes full of madness can be vaguely seen.

The sixth mural shows the old man lying on the experimental table. His lower body has disappeared and his chest has been cut open. Beside him, there are three special crystal containers containing his flesh and internal organs respectively.

It is worth mentioning that.

In the three murals, the figure of the priest in white robe can be seen respectively.

Li Wei was thoughtful.

This should be the birth process of the "Incarnation of the Gods" recorded by the Family of the Moon in alchemy... But the picture recorded in the mural undoubtedly has a big discrepancy with the information he knows...

What did they do in the first place...

Li Wei took a deep breath and suddenly thought of a question.

Long before the Moon Familia summoned the Moon God, they had already mastered top-notch alchemy techniques, and they had already created the crystallization of technology at that time—the Eye of the Moon, known as the complete alchemy of the Moon.

So they summoned the Moon God really just for faith...?
Li Wei shook his head.

Before he knew it, the corridor had come to an end, and Li Wei passed through a door and entered a side hall.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of chains colliding.

Li Wei's heart was shocked, and he took a few steps back. The black mist in the hall suddenly gathered towards the center, forming a vortex, and the object in the vortex gradually revealed its image. It was a pair of pitch-black armor with a height of three meters.

Its limbs were chained, and it was suspended in the air. It was clearly the armor that Li Wei had seen in the mural!

Li Wei subconsciously used the probing technique, and a line of concise information immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

【Forbidden Moon Puppet】

【? ? ? 】

(End of this chapter)

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