I am the Scourge

Chapter 153 God Mark Metal

Chapter 153 God Mark Metal
"You're back……"

The man in the container slowly opened his eyes and looked at Li Wei.

"I can feel that the incinerator has been closed...you successfully entered there..."

A deep voice echoed in the empty room.

"Your memory is restored?"

Levi asked.


The man didn't respond.

half an hour.

He slowly spit out a word: "Spiritual device..."

"what is that?"

Li Wei took two steps closer and asked.

"You should have found a divine device there...it can give you great power..."

The man seemed to be trying to remember while talking.

"Spiritual device..."

Li Wei immediately thought of the strange metal cabin standing on the top of the crystal energy tower.

Regarding this metal cabin, there is no record in the Lunar Alchemy he obtained.

That in itself is an unusual thing to do.

Because the alchemy of the moon not only carries the knowledge inheritance of the family members of the moon, but also is equivalent to a biography.

It contains records of major events such as the coming of the gods into the world, as well as pen and ink descriptions of the miraculous material Varian metal. It can be said that everything related to them has been briefly described in it.

However, the gods' device, which sounds extremely extraordinary, has never been mentioned in the Alchemy of the Moon.

Like, they deliberately ignored the existence of this device.

There is a possibility.

That is, the time when the device of the gods appeared, later than the time of the writings of the Alchemy of the Moon.

Empower yourself with great power...

Li Wei was thoughtful.

This so-called god device should be some kind of augmentation device, but it is not known which direction the attribute will be augmented.

of course.

All of this is just the one-sided rhetoric of the man in front of him.

"what should I do?"

he asked.

"Activating the god device requires the heart of God, otherwise it will turn into the most terrifying prison in the world, swallowing up your life potential... The last heart of God obtained by the Moon Family was hidden in the temple..."

The man's voice is getting lower and lower.

In the end, he completely closed his eyes, and the vitality fluctuations in his body dropped to the lowest in an instant, as if he was dead.However, the blood bar above his head was still showing, indicating that he had only fallen into a state of extreme weakness.

Is this... a hint?
Li Wei was suspicious.

This spirit symbiosis stays here, like a reminder NPC deliberately left by the system for players.

And the ruins are like a complete dungeon process.

Whenever he completes a task in an area, or defeats a guardian monster, he will give a corresponding reward prompt...

Is that so...?
Li Wei didn't have the first time to think about how to get the heart of God.

Instead, notice an important message.

The heart of God is in the temple.

There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about this clue, and the treasure is naturally placed in the most dangerous area.

But it was as if a flash of lightning flashed in Li Wei's mind, and he caught a trace of abnormality.

First of all.

He needs to determine the position of the spirit symbiosis.

At the beginning, Li Wei was preconceived. He once thought that he was a follower created by the Moon Family. It was a reminder NPC left behind to allow latecomers to enter the core area smoothly and help them solve their troubles.

But if this is the case, why did he remind Li Wei to be careful of the family of the moon?Isn't this a contradiction?
From the perspective of this sentence alone, his position should be completely opposite to that of the Moon Family.

And so.

Everything he does now will have a completely different purpose.

The Familia of the Moon wants the newcomers to help them eliminate the unknown disaster they have brought.

The corresponding purpose is undoubtedly liberation.

Apparently, the Moon Family used the last resort to seal the source of disaster in the Moon Temple.

This symbiosis of gods and spirits seems to have unintentionally led itself to the temple, and it is very likely that it is hiding evil intentions...

Why did Li Wei suddenly come up with such a conspiracy drama?
The reason is actually very simple.

Just like the note he left to the professional players of both sides, the appearance of this note itself is very unreasonable.

Especially the description of Moonstone.

It is simply to deliberately confuse the people who have read the note to collect three moonstones, enter the temple, and control the supreme eye of the moon.

Li Wei originally thought it was his first benefit of mastering the Luna language.

But he understands.

The system will never give players a great opportunity so easily.

The system is fair, and players must pay an equal price for what they want to obtain.

Just like the Lord of Common Sense, Li Wei did not experience much difficulty in obtaining it. He only encountered a fourth-level leader, but the main reason was that what he obtained at that time was only an ordinary-level Lord of the Rings.

If the Lord of the Rings wants to be unlocked to the artifact level, Li Wei must face the revenge of the two most powerful forces in the world at the same time.

Even against the whole world.

This is the price.

Not to mention the blueprint of the abyss secret realm, which itself is a door leading to the abyss.

Sooner or later, Li Wei would release the demons sleeping in the abyss with his own hands, but the huge benefits brought by the secret realm of the abyss drove his greed, making him unable to give up exploring deeper levels of the secret realm.

This is also the equivalent price he needs to pay.


There is absolutely no such thing as a perfect pie in the sky in the game.

Even if there were, it would only belong to the lucky few, and definitely not something like him who would be struck by lightning for two hours at the flip of a coin...

So Levi was suspicious.

He can get such a masterpiece of knowledge belonging to a civilization as Lunar Alchemy, is it planned by someone behind the scenes?
Thoughts are mixed.

Li Wei was about to leave the laboratory.

The man behind suddenly woke up again and spit out a word:

"Egg of the Queen!"

Li Wei quickly understood what he said this time. It seems that the two sides successfully defeated the queen and got a special item.

"The queen's egg needs to be hatched with the blood of the heart... Otherwise, the birthed thing will be out of control and turn into a nightmare for the holder...Using the incinerator can purify the purest blood of the heart..."

The man fell into a deep sleep again after leaving such a message.


Li Wei pondered for a while.

He didn't know whether it was Baihutang or Song of Iron and Blood who got the Queen's Egg, but thinking about it, if they didn't get this reminder, maybe, [-]%, maybe...something not very good will happen to them.

That's just... nice to hear.

These two guilds can now be said to be Li Wei's enemies. No matter who is unlucky, it is a great news for him.

Think about this.

Li Wei originally wanted to kill the god-spirit symbiosis directly and let him keep this secret forever.

But when he thought that he might still provide useful information, he finally dismissed the idea...

Leave the lab.

Levi returned to the incinerator on the other side again.

The incinerator has been turned off at this time, and the entire space has returned to darkness, and Li Wei has adapted to the dark vision a little bit.

He went underground.

The remaining heat around the incinerator hadn't dissipated yet, making him feel intensely scorched. He changed into the Flame Conqueror, and only then did he feel that the flame element became much gentler around him.


Li Wei's heart moved.


He directly activated the professional skills of an enchanter, and then closed his eyes. Immediately, Li Wei "saw" countless fiery red light spots flying and converging around him, completely repelling other elements in this place.

This makes the whole area as hot as a stove.

at the same time.

Several pieces of Flame Conqueror equipment on his body were emitting a faint light that he could not see with naked eyes.

This ray of light covered his body surface, forming a layer of light red light film, which blocked nearly half of the flame elements, but there were still a large number of fiery red spots attached to his skin.

Under microscopic perception, Li Wei found that these flame elements were destroying his skin tissue, causing him to feel burning pain.

However, facing this level of erosion, the death power in his body did not passively activate the resistance effect.

This may be because these fire elements are not very harmful to him.

Now Li Wei has a deeper understanding of the elements, and he quickly thought of a solution.

Energy transformation!

A gray mist suddenly appeared on Li Wei's body, and at the same time, his mana began to be consumed continuously.

In the spirit-gathering state, Li Wei clearly saw countless dark spots of light condensed in the gray fog.

This is exactly his original energy attribute.


As soon as this death energy appeared, it was immediately expelled by the surrounding fire elements.

However, the expulsion process was not as intense as expected.

Li Wei's ability to operate, the gray fog transpired, and the "color" in the countless dark spots gradually faded, turning into translucent spots. It was Li Wei who turned them into the most inclusive non-attribute elements.

This is the housekeeping skill of an enchanter.

Enchanters can make magic items of various attributes, but it is impossible for an enchanter to have so many elemental attributes at the same time.

And so this ability was born.

Energy conversion allows the enchanter to temporarily convert its own magic power into non-attribute energy, so as to accommodate other elements that come through gathering spirits.

This process will result in a certain degree of energy loss.

This is also the reason why many one-time magic props are often not as powerful as they were originally.

With a flash of inspiration, Li Wei controlled the transformed non-attribute energy to absorb the surrounding fire elements.

But seeing, the translucent spots of light were soon dyed with fiery red, and the aura emitted gradually became violent.

Li Wei covered this part of his fire element on the body surface to form a protective layer, which immediately effectively isolated the erosion of the fire element.

The surrounding temperature plummeted.

Li Wei's mastery of this ability is not yet proficient, but the temporary protective layer created can already achieve the effect of the primary flame affinity attached to the flame conqueror suit.

The two effects are superimposed, and the fire element that is automatically attached is offset by at least [-]%, and Li Wei can no longer feel the slight burning pain.




He even began to continuously raise healing effects on the top of his head.

With this confidence, Li Wei approached the incinerator and tried to touch the high-temperature handle that still had a touch of dark red.


He was wearing the leather gloves of the Flame Conqueror, and suddenly made a fierce sound of being scalded.A sense of pain, like clenching a red-hot iron, was immediately transmitted to Li Wei's perception.


Damage is acceptable.

Li Wei originally had the pain relief given by the system, and at this moment, his face remained unchanged, a powerful force exploded, and his arm pulled, directly pulling out the heavy push-pull gate!

The box structure that was pulled out made a sound of iron frame collision.

Li Wei didn't care to check, and let go of his hand quickly. The two layers of leather gloves had been completely burned through, and a layer of black melt stuck to his palm. Li Wei tore it cruelly, and immediately tore off a large piece of leather. .

The fog of death!

Li Wei shrouded himself in a cloud of gray mist.

Cooperating with the healing effect of the blood buds, the wound on his palm began to heal quickly.

Only then did he look forward.

The object that was pulled out was like a large coffin, nearly four meters long and two meters wide, fixed on both sides by a pulley device, with a deep human-shaped groove in the middle, and thick ash could be seen at the bottom of the groove.

Looking inside the incinerator, you can see a space about five meters long, surrounded by rows of circular holes.

There are still embers of fire that have not been extinguished in these fist-sized holes.

Unexpectedly, the internal space of this incinerator, which is nearly [-] meters high, is only so large.

Levi sighed.

Suddenly, I saw a little brilliance flickering in the deposited ashes.

He reached out and took it out.

【Obtain Life God Gold】


This is a golden solid the size of a fingernail. The whole body is covered by a faint golden glow. The surface is smooth and there is a miraculous pattern flowing. After careful inspection, Li Wei confirms that it is a rune, and the rune literature has already been introduced. He only felt a kind of profound and obscure meaning.

【Life God Gold】

【? ? ? 】

Sure enough, he couldn't see the attributes, and Li Wei was not surprised.


Li Wei knows that above the purple is orange, which symbolizes legendary level items, and above orange is red epic. Only when the legendary level is reached, the items will show a shining golden color!

The light effect of life god gold is very weak.

But this cannot conceal the fact that it is a legendary item!

Legendary material!
Li Wei's heart beat uncontrollably.

Since the first battle in ancient times, legendary-level items have basically disappeared on the Eternal Continent, and have become legends in the true sense.There are rumors that it is because the gods do not allow such a level of items to exist in the world.

The specific reason is unknown.

But you can imagine it.

Even those supreme gods are afraid of this kind of power!

Li Wei couldn't help thinking that if he could find the corresponding materials and a craftsman with the ability to forge legends, he would get the most likely the only piece of legendary equipment since ancient times!

No matter how bad it is, it is an epic!

The characteristics of this life god gold made Li Wei think of a special material recorded in the Alchemy of the Moon.

Divine Metal.

It is said.

This material is born with a unique supreme rune. If someone can understand the mystery contained in this rune, they will most likely have a chance to become a god!

No matter how you look at it, this piece of life god gold looks like the legendary god-mark metal!

(End of this chapter)

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