I am the Scourge

Chapter 167 Soul Scroll

Chapter 167 Soul Scroll
An indescribably strong malice surged out from the opposite woman's body, covering the entire hall in an instant, and Zhan Linglong suddenly felt as if she had fallen into a boundless purgatory, surrounded by hideous evil spirits howling mournfully.

Space becomes warped.

There was only blood red left in her vision.

Chi Chi!

Zhan Linglong quickly moved towards the direction in which the two Chaos Spirits were rushing in her memory, and threw two energy spears, but the rune spears flew like a sea of ​​mud, and she lost her senses in an instant after she let go.


Zhan Linglong let out a low cry, but there was no reaction in the surroundings, only the thick blood surged, and a strange suction force wrapped around her, as if it was going to drag her down, into the deepest part of this blood prison.

It is field!
Zhan Linglong immediately understood.

She herself has also comprehended the power of the domain, and no one within two meters around her can break through, but it is only limited to physical attacks.And compared with the domain displayed by the Goddess of Evil, it is simply nothing.

Faced with this pervasive and weird energy, she couldn't use all kinds of methods.

Must break the field to escape!
Enemies in its domain are invincible, and within its own domain, it is a god-like existence.Unless the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, there is no possibility of winning at all.


How to break this boundless blood prison?
At the critical moment, it was the man who propped up a holy and glorious field in time and enveloped her in it.

However, the surroundings are still surrounded by endless evil spirits and seas of blood, but within three meters of the body has returned to the normal world.

Zhan Linglong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately glanced at the man, she was naturally not a fool, when the man attacked the gray shadow, Zhan Linglong had already realized that he was deliberately provoking this fight.

She has no such emotion as anger.

Only calm.

The reason?
The two of them can now be said to be grasshoppers tied to the same rope. He still needs to use his own hands to destroy the Eye of the Moon. There is no reason to kill her...

Hmm... this possibility is pending.

About the fact that he couldn't do it himself, it was just her guess from the beginning to the end.

Maybe it's just this guy's disguise.

But there is another possibility.

That is, he has a reason to eliminate the evil goddess in front of him...

"Don't be dazed, the enemy has already attacked."

The man reminded.


A roar pierced through the sea of ​​blood.

The two irritated Chaos Spirits were completely demonized under the shroud of gray air. Their height soared to about three meters, their faces were like nightmares, their waists were slender, but they had a pair of extremely huge sharp claws.

With the cover of the sea of ​​blood, they appeared directly three meters in front of the two of them, and streaks of gray air struck like sharp arrows.

Zhan Linglong rolled up the spear in her hand, and there was a burst of wind, shattering all the free arrows. She jumped up and rushed towards one of the Chaos Spirits like a moth to a flame, but she burst out with fierce destructive power .

She struck the Chaos Spirit's chest fiercely, and the terrifying force immediately dented his chest, almost breaking it directly.

Her footsteps were flexible and she jumped up with the help of the anti-shock force. While dodging the attack of another Chaos Spirit, the spear shot out like a dragon, like a golden flash of lightning, and the sharp point of the spear pierced through its head in an instant. .

The head of the other Chaos Spirit was directly smashed to pieces.

However, Zhan Linglong didn't receive any kill prompts, let alone prompts, she couldn't even see the blood bars of these monsters.

"The spirit of chaos cannot be killed."

The man said at this time.

Zhan Linglong retreated into the radiant field, watching the bodies of the two Chaos Spirits quickly reorganize, with a dignified expression.

"Then what should we do?"

she asked.


The man replied calmly.

"The power of the Goddess of Evil should not have recovered, otherwise we can be killed instantly by relying on the domain alone, instead of controlling these chaotic spirits to attack us, we just need to drag her until her power is exhausted."

He explained.


Zhan Linglong was extremely dissatisfied with his words.

"She was seriously injured back then, and it was not easy to recover. I even suspected that she had already died, and there was nothing but a ghost in front of her eyes."

said the man.

"What is her origin? Judging by her appearance, is it related to you... an angel from the protoss?"

Zhan Linglong asked curiously.


The man was silent for a moment, he didn't know what he was afraid of, and finally said: "She is a fallen black angel."


Zhan Linglong immediately heard the clues in his words.

Anyone who listened to the man's words would only think that the Goddess of Evil was a fallen holy angel.But Zhan Linglong keenly judged that he actually used an ambiguous way of replying.

is depraved?Or a black angel?

Could it be that there has always been a branch of black angels in the angel family?


In fact, it should be called the Bright Protoss.

This group refers only to beings ruled by the Lord of Light.

They live in the high heavens, and usually would like to call themselves the children of light, but their race is not pure, but a mixture of countless races that have been subdued by the Lord of Light since ancient times.

The Angel Race is just the largest of them.

But it is the most symbolic line.

Anyone who mentions angels will always think of the light protoss first. They are holy and represent purity, but what if there is a dark and ominous alternative like the evil goddess in front of us?

I'm afraid that just spreading the news will seriously damage the prestige of the Guangming Protoss.

Zhan Linglong seemed to understand the man's attitude.

She is no longer distracted.

Concentrate on dealing with the more and more Chaos Spirits surrounding you.


The darkness is getting thicker and thicker, coming from all directions, enveloping Li Wei like a liquid.

He holds a candle.

The illumination range has been compressed to an area one meter in front of you.

Faced with this kind of encounter, Li Wei calmed down instead and took the wolf back into the space of the dead. Under such circumstances, any monster could quietly kill him, and with his strength, he was already unable to resist.

The woman is right.

It was really too early to come here at his level.

However, as a player, Li Wei didn't know how to write the word fear at all.

Even if you die this time, you can accumulate experience for future exploration.

He groped his way forward.

There was a sense of inclination under his feet, and Li Wei guessed that he should be going deep into the ground at this time, and there was an inexplicable coldness around him.

Li Wei has long been the body of the undead, so he can't feel too subtle temperature changes, but this chill seems to pass through his body and directly act on his soul, still making him feel a biting chill.


There seemed to be ghosts whispering in the darkness.

Li Wei seemed to have never heard of it.

When he was in the Netherworld, what he heard the most every day was a group of wraiths whizzing past the territory, and he was already immune to this kind of sound.

Don't say it's just sound interference.

Even if Sadako and Kayako really appeared in front of him, he could calmly take out the soul thorn, and make them spin around in place...

"Come here..."

"Come here... come here..."

Suddenly there was a whisper in his ear, as if there was a gentle female voice whispering in his ear, Li Wei didn't pay attention to it, but he didn't want her to get worse and worse, and the whisper eventually turned into a hysterical howl.

"Come here!"

"I told you to come here! Ah!!!"

"Are you sick!"

Li Wei couldn't help yelling, the voice suddenly disappeared without a trace as if frightened.

The world is clean.

next second.

Li Wei stepped on the ground suddenly, and his figure fell forward uncontrollably. He subconsciously wanted to flash, but finally held back, because he didn't know where he was, and he might put himself in danger by teleporting rashly. .

There is an effect description in the Blink skill that cannot be ignored.

Ignore obstacles.

It means that through the blinking skill, the caster can pass through some solid obstacles like an invisible body, but if the spell is not cast properly, this effect will also cause the caster to get stuck in some hard objects.

To know.

Levi is not as incorporeal as a ghost.

If he really passed the flashing skill and got stuck in a stone or metal, his only end would be to be crushed on the spot.

Therefore, casting Blink while blindsight is tantamount to suicide.

Li Wei resisted the urge to dodge away, waved his magic wand, and put an instant magic shield in front of him.


The feeling of falling did not strike as imagined.

Li Wei only felt his body lighten, and then he seemed to lose his sense of gravity, and floated up top-heavy. He hurriedly protected the candle in his hand, but found that the flame was always burning straight without any shaking.

"You're back……"

An old voice sounded.


Immediately, a ray of flame ignited in the distance, gathering Li Wei's wandering sight.The fire light seemed to be the center of the whole world, flickering slowly, but the flickering light dispelled the dense and inextricable darkness.

A thin figure was reflected in the light of the fire.

It was a skinny old man, with a stooped figure, wearing a gray black linen suit, with his hands in his arms, sitting cross-legged in nothingness, his eyes that could no longer be opened were staring at the ray of fire in front of him.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Li Wei tried his best to control his figure and float towards him.

"It's you, and it's not you..."

The old man pondered.

"...Don't be a riddle, we are still good friends."

Li Wei was speechless.

The old man ignored his ridicule and continued: "Darkness is still engulfing our world, there is not much fire left... You have led us to fail once, I don't know whether I should trust you..."


Li Wei fluttered past the old man, only his voice could be heard.

"I don't know who the person you are talking about is similar to me. The word failure has never appeared in my dictionary. You can choose to believe me, or stay here and wait to die."

he said calmly.


The old man was silent.

half an hour.

He said slowly: "I have no choice..."


The strange power wrapped around Li Wei suddenly disappeared, and he fell into nothingness. Li Wei quickly got up, and saw the old man stretched out his hands, protecting the flickering flame and floating in front of him.

The flames gradually condensed into a shimmering tome.

The figure of the old man then disappeared in the darkness.

"Time is running out... 'it' is coming..."

he said softly.

"Who is that?"

Li Wei took the scroll, which is the sixth volume of Moon Alchemy.

Scroll of Soul.


The old man could not give an answer.

"What did 'I' do? What did I need to do?"

Levi asked the question he was most concerned about.

"You will understand later..."

The old man played the Riddler again.

Li Wei was thoughtful.

If he didn't say anything, there were only two possibilities.One cannot say.This means that the mysterious power that erased the traces of that person is still there. If he mentions what happened back then, he will probably be detected by that power and wiped out.


I just don't want to say it.

There are many meanings that I don’t want to say, but Li Wei quickly analyzed the reason for the largest proportion, that is, telling the experience of the loser at the beginning is very likely to mislead his choice in the future.

Mistakes are sometimes not remedied by corrections, and may lead to another wrong path.

The best option is to let nature take its course.

"By the way, the woman in front clearly said that you have lost your mind..."

Li Wei suddenly thought of something.


The old man was a little funny, Li Wei couldn't see his figure, but at this moment he could inexplicably make up his helpless shaking of the head.

"The one who is really crazy is her. She was so seriously injured in the First World War that her soul was split, and she gave birth to a kind personality with a completely opposite personality. She should be the one you met, otherwise..."

That's all the old man said.

Of course, he still had something to say, if it wasn't for Li Wei who came here, he wouldn't have awakened the kind personality in her body.It's just that Li Wei is not him after all, and it doesn't make any sense to tell him these words.


Jishan is not the main body of her power after all.

Now that she has been awakened, the main personality should also wake up soon...

The sense of down-to-earth suddenly disappeared, and Li Wei's body immediately began to fall uncontrollably.

He only had time to put the sixth volume in his backpack.

Fortunately, the particularity of the Doomsday Candle allowed it to burn in disregard of the rules, and was not extinguished by the sudden fall.Li Wei held it tightly in his arms, protecting himself from being swallowed by the surrounding darkness.

"Can't wait anymore..."

The old man murmured while staring at Li Wei who seemed to be falling into the abyss.


I don't know how long it fell.

Li Wei's whole body suddenly fell into a piece of cold sea water.

The reason why he was sure it was sea water was because he tasted the saltiness in his mouth.Li Wei couldn't help holding his breath subconsciously, but he quickly realized that he didn't need to do such meaningless behavior at all.

He is not drowned.

After all, he is an undead.

In theory.

He doesn't even need to breathe.

All his senses are the system simulating his normal reaction as a human player.

Things like taste and smell should be lost after he was resurrected as an undead, but because of his status as a player, he will not only inherit the unique abilities of the undead, but also enjoy all normal senses.

It can be described as double the happiness.

 Thank you Huaxia Yongchang for the reward of 1666 book coins!Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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