I am the Scourge

Chapter 173 Eternal Life

Chapter 173 Eternal Life
This is exactly the method of spiritual training that Li Wei needs most.

The special talent bestowed on him by Cangwu's blood made him increase his total attributes by 1% every time he improved his basic attributes.

Being able to obtain this secret method in the Soul Scroll is not an accident, but it is actually reasonable.

The soul itself is closely related to the spirit.

in this case.

The scroll of life should also contain a secret method that fits with the physical body.

Li Wei recalled the content, and as expected, a unique practice method appeared in his mind.

"Reminder: You have comprehended—mountain torrent breathing method!"


【Mountain flood breathing method】


[Type: Passive]

[Level: Rare]

[Explanation: Use the unique breathing rhythm to accumulate your own blood. In battle, you can generate a torrent of physical explosive power. When you continue to use this breathing method, there is a certain chance that your physical attributes will be permanently improved.]


Li Wei was very curious.

He hadn't been able to directly comprehend this secret method before, most likely because he was still a body of undead at that time, and the secret of nourishing qi and blood involved in this breathing method was obviously specially prepared for living creatures.

He studied it carefully.

I found that the so-called breathing does not only refer to the exhalation and intake of air between the chest and lungs, but also to the breathing rhythm of the whole body.During the breathing process, let the body resonate with the heaven and the earth, accumulate qi and blood, wash the marrow and cut the collaterals.

It sounds a bit mysterious...

Cultivation method is not like other types of skills, which can be used after learning. The key is to master the skills of entering the state.

Many players who have glimpsed the door are stuck in this mysterious step, and they still don't get the point.

For Li Wei, meditation is very simple.

Manipulating his own magic power to communicate with the elements between the heaven and the earth, so as to achieve the purpose of tempering his spiritual power. This step, Li Wei has already achieved it after mastering the skill of gathering spirits, so he quickly entered the state.

But practice this secret method when you have nothing to do.

It takes a lot of time.

For ordinary players, it is possible to let the characters run offline by themselves when they go offline every day.

But for a player like Li Wei who uses the advanced game cabin to play and theoretically does not need to rest for a whole month, it is necessary to deliberately spare some time.

Anyway, it's easy to handle.

What is difficult is the introductory skills of breathing method.

Li Wei studied for nearly an hour before barely entering the state of resonating with the heaven and the earth.But after only maintaining it for a moment, he felt extremely sore all over his body, as if he had performed a high-intensity aerobic exercise.

But the effect is very obvious.

After this short period of cultivation, he felt that his qi and blood had become much more abundant, and there was a surge of power accumulated in his flesh and blood.

He swung his fist and used up all the power, and a gas explosion visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in front of him.

The power of this punch is even much stronger than the punch that he broke through the limit when he first transformed.



The mountain torrent breathing method is a secret method that teaches people to break through the limit!

It's a pity that the power of this secret method can only be reflected in physical melee combat, and it doesn't greatly increase the long-range combat that Li Wei is good at.


The advantage of breathing method is that it can be operated anytime and anywhere.

As long as one can maintain the state of cultivation, one will not be affected by any external factors, including when meditating.This means that once the breathing method can enter the room, the progress of cultivation will be much faster than other secret methods.

The only problem is.

The breathing method requires extremely high physical fitness. With Li Wei's current physical attributes as high as 160, he can only last for less than 15 minutes, and then he needs to rest for an hour to fully relieve muscle fatigue.

Li Wei immediately decided to practice the two secret methods together.

Meditation can increase his spiritual main attributes, and at the same time trigger the power of Cangwu, bringing double bonuses.

And because his real physique attributes are very low, although the passive effect of the breathing method will not have a substantial increase in the short term, it can also trigger the innate characteristics of Cangwu Power.

A two-pronged approach.

His attributes will usher in explosive and continuous growth.

Calmed down the mood.

Li Wei set his sights on the ultimate volume of Moon Alchemy.

He lightly stroked his fingers, and the last two marks on one side of the cover were slowly illuminated. With a light click, the closed book cover became loose. He opened the book, and flashing scenes flooded into him. mind.


Li Wei remained motionless in his current posture.

After half an hour.

He let out a long breath.

The content recorded in the seventh volume is generally a supplement to the research materials of symbionts.

Symbiosis is the main scientific research project of the Lunar Familia, and they have gone to the extreme on this road. The cultivation of symbiosis covers the entire biological field, and even cultivates such taboo existences as symbiosis of gods.

The blood bud that Li Wei holds.

It is just one of the thousands of low-level symbiosis in symbiosis.

Advanced symbionts can even perfectly replace important functional organs of living beings, regenerate flesh and blood, and reshape life.


The family members of the Moon once slaughtered tens of millions of creatures. The fundamental purpose of the symbiont research they conducted was to pursue immortality. However, looking back, this research has greatly promoted the technological development of the medical field...

Regardless of the value of these data to the medical field.

Li Wei finally found the secret about the symbiosis of the gods in the seventh volume.

Under the leadership of the white-robed priest, the family of the moon once sacrificed to the god of the moon in the chaos, and abducted three incarnations that contained its divine power, which made them make rapid progress in the field of symbiosis.


It is the ultimate combat power that exists in this world.

Their strength does not lie in the stalwart divine power they possess, but in the part of the world rules they master.

It is through the interpretation of the power of the Moon God that the Moon Familia has figured out the power of rules it possesses, and they have completely extracted this taboo power and created a special symbiosis.

this means.

Mortals who merge with this symbiosis will also gain the power to manipulate the rules and become almost god-like existences!


This type of enemy Li Wei has faced in the beginning.

It is those who are guarded by the eternal eyes of the moon.

They were originally prisoners held by the Moon Family, and after merging with the symbiosis of the gods, they all gained part of the power of the Moon God.

Including Fission Empress and Moon Eye.

However, because the God of the Moon is a god in chaos, its power is full of unknowns, which also leads to uncertainty in the form of ability obtained by the fusion person after fusing its symbiont.

Some strengthen the flesh.

Some strengthen the spirit.

There are even fission queens, who directly mutate into disaster-level monsters.Speaking of which, if the Moon Family hadn't suppressed the queen's ability to reproduce in time, it would very likely have spawned a new race.

An evil race that is bloodthirsty and warlike by nature.


These materials let Li Wei understand that the spirit symbiosis can indeed quickly create a group of powerful war tools.

But the premise is that you must never use the flesh and blood of a Chaos God...

Chaos gods are not necessarily evil.

But chaos is often harder to control than evil.

The seventh volume also records another ultimate study of the Moon Family.

eternal life.

After reading it carefully, Li Wei found that this is actually what they discovered, a method of using the Eye of Chaos.Rather than what he had guessed before, the Moon Family has mastered the supreme theory of alchemy.

There are two types of eternal life.

One is the eternity of flesh and blood.

The Moon Eye guards that Li Wei saw before, and the Moon he recruited in the incinerator, are actually the product of eternal flesh and blood. The Eye of Chaos transformed their flesh and blood into eternal metal that will not decay.

The price is.

They will retain human consciousness and live in a cold metal body forever. According to the records of the Moon Clan, the clansmen who carried out the eternalization of flesh and blood became mentally disturbed and fell into collapse not long after.

And the second.

It is the eternal soul.

This price, Li Wei has also witnessed, is precisely those spirits of chaos who have already wiped out their sanity.

They are truly immortal.

Live with the sky.

But this kind of eternity is really the eternity pursued by the Moon Family?
Obviously not.


They failed to discover the two eternal flaws in the first place.

When they woke up, it was too late, and a large number of people turned into metal monsters or invisible ghosts.It was also because of this drastic change that directly led to the final destruction of the Moon Family.

It seems that this research has only drawbacks.


What if the technology of transforming flesh and blood is used on unsanity creatures?

In Li Wei's view, there is nothing wrong with this technology, it's just that the Moon Family used it in the wrong direction.But having said that, if it wasn't for Li Wei's birth from the undead, he wouldn't have thought of this unique way of using it...

Stand up.

Li Wei stretched his muscles.

There was a burst of popping beans all over the body.

Thoroughly reading the seventh volume has benefited him a lot, and he has a deeper understanding of the inheritance system of the entire moon's alchemy.

He can't wait to test the results now.

First of all.

Li Wei found senior craftsmen in various fields in the territory, and learned all the occupations in life.

His scholar occupation allows him to integrate any life occupation status, and can be continuously strengthened.

When Li Wei successively mastered a series of life occupations such as blacksmith, tailor, gem craftsman, etc., the number of occupations integrated with his scholar occupation finally reached ten, unlocking the ultimate form of the soul of manufacturing.

【Almighty Grandmaster】


[Level: Perfect]

[Attributes: Health +5000, Mana +5000]

[Spirit of Manufacturing: Active, will enter the state of ingenuity after casting, gain a 30% manufacturing success rate bonus, and have a certain probability of making higher quality items, last for 30 minutes, cool down for one natural day]


And the bonus attributes of his scholar profession are currently:

[Scholar (Elementary): You have mastered most of the basic knowledge of life occupations, and you have received the blessing of the God of Wisdom and Knowledge. When you create occupations, your proficiency +100% and success rate +30%]


With the bonus of scholar status and full-time master, Li Wei can directly obtain a 60% success rate bonus when manufacturing a new item that has not been touched before.

This is a value that is enough to make other life players envious and jealous to the point of explosion.

Even after they have fully mastered the formula of an item, the success rate of manufacturing can barely reach this level.

And once Li Wei unlocks the formula to more than 90%, after getting an additional success rate bonus, the basic success rate will reach 80%!

This has improved his manufacturing efficiency to almost double that of other players.

And this benefit besides saving a lot of precious time.


That is, when manufacturing some high-end items with high cost and scarce materials, Li Wei can reduce the loss by nearly double that of other players.

It's not just about money.

Some materials are difficult to buy even if you have money.

Just like the extremely rare and even unique materials such as the heart of the gods and the god of life gold that he used.

Once the manufacture fails, it will be completely lost and hard to find.And with the success rate bonus of the scholar, Li Wei can turn the impossible into the possible and create unique props or equipment in the entire game!

To know.

This is only the primary bonus of scholar status.

If he can upgrade his status as a scholar to a senior level, a master, or even a grand master, and with the addition of the soul of creation, he can achieve 100% forging success rate even if he is facing an item that he has never touched before!

that level.

It is already close to a god-like existence...

of course.

It is not only this reason that Li Wei wants to focus on the occupational level of life.

More importantly, only those who have advanced and above life professional ability can teach other units.

He wants to popularize the use of symbionts in the army of undead. It is definitely unrealistic to rely on his own manufacturing. The workload of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, not to mention exhaustion, is enough to make him collapse in boredom.

He wants to pass on the inheritance of Moon Alchemy to other craftsmen.

Spread it out.

in this way.

In order to ensure that his undead army can be equipped with enough symbiotes.

It is necessary to promote scholars from elementary to intermediate.

First of all.

Li Wei needs to train three of the ten deputy positions to the intermediate level.

He already had a choice.

It is alchemist, pharmacist, and enchanter, the three systems are in the same line, and there are many commonalities in the research, which can be improved together.

Simultaneously studying three life occupations requires several times more time and energy than ordinary people.


As a result, Li Wei has a 100% proficiency bonus, which is equivalent to doubling the time for practicing life occupations.


A high success rate also guarantees him more manufacturing proficiency.

To know.

There is no proficiency reward for manufacturing failure.

After advanced, there will even be deduction penalties.

In this regard, he saves a lot of time compared to ordinary players. If the two phases are offset, the time he spends practicing three life professions at the same time is theoretically similar to the time it takes for ordinary players to practice one life profession!


After reaching a higher level.

His growth rate can still be surpassed to a certain extent...

Li Wei had to sigh.

This thing of chance.

Sometimes it is really more important than strength.

(End of this chapter)

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