I am the Scourge

Chapter 61 Breakthrough

Chapter 61 Breakthrough
Enemies surrounded him from all directions, but only Tier [-] units showed up so far. The dark thugs and night elves that appeared in the previous troops did not appear, perhaps because the other party was concerned about their identity.

The last resource left in fighting the undead is corpses.

All corpses will be transformed into new undead.

It has already lost more than 70 Tier [-] units. It is expected that there will not be too many Tier [-] units.

The other party probably thought that when he couldn't support himself, he would command this force to defeat him in one fell swoop.

In this operation, I didn't bring any summoned units with the team, and the protracted battle was indeed very unfavorable to me.

Li Wei defended the position, commanded the troops to resist the enemies besieging from all sides, and quickly analyzed in his mind.

Gotta break out!
Go somewhere out of its sight.

Or find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, which can guarantee that it will not be breached for a long time, otherwise, the army led this time will not be able to effectively harass it at all, and will be trapped to death in this forest.

On the west side of the forest is the Blackwater River.

Li Wei looked away.

The river runs through the steep mountains of the Black Mountains, thus forming such a dangerous terrain as the Peeling Valley. Perhaps I can also imitate its approach and build a stronghold for troops by the riverside relying on the mountains...

It works.

The more Li Wei thought about it, the more reliable he felt.

It takes at least half a day for the troops to cross the mountains and reach the Death Forest. As the main attacking side, it can be said that they are at a disadvantage. If they do not receive follow-up support for a long time, they are easily surrounded by the enemy.

And the forest is the opponent's home field. If there is no crushing force advantage, this battle is destined to be stalemate for a long time, and it is difficult to have a result.

To build a stronghold, first, you can station a large number of troops, gather troops, and give the opponent a fatal blow at any time.

Second, it can play a role in harassment. You can send troops out from time to time to seize wild recruitment points like pale spider nests in the forest. While weakening the opponent's troops, you can also continue to grow your own troops.


This stronghold can also be used when attacking Peeling Valley in the future.

"You go and do something for me..."

Li Wei turned around and told Theodora to go back to the territory and help him go to the market to buy a book of lords.

"Dong dong dong...!"

At this time.

There was the sound of drums beating deep in the forest.

A group of large lizard-like land beasts appeared, carrying animal-skin war drums on their backs, and a small gray-skinned dwarf vigorously beat the war drums on their backs, and the surrounding enemy troops suddenly seemed to be beaten with chicken blood.


A group of red-skinned bloodthirsty pigmen burst out of the forest.

They wielded chain hammers, unstoppable, and for a moment they frantically repelled the black fire sword that had just expanded the battle line!

The bloodthirsty pigmen have their own berserk spell, which can bless the group. Although the effect cannot be superimposed, it has an additional blood-sucking effect. After the increase of the animal skin war drum, they are even braver than the black fire mad sword!
The battle line that had just been fought was compressed back to the front again.

The opponent seemed to have guessed his intentions, and did not give him any chance to break through, and wanted to drag him to death here by virtue of his superior force.

The sound of beating drums shook the sky.

It overwhelmed all the noises on the battlefield, making it even more difficult to guard against the attack of the poisonous needle wolf and scorpion hiding in the distance and sniping coldly.


Theodora made a move suddenly, swung the short sword, and split an arrow that was shot towards him.

Li Wei reacted belatedly, startled, and looked into the distance.

The opponent finally dispatched a night elf unit.

This arrow almost killed me...

Li Wei was terrified.

His current blood volume is more than 5000 points at full count. The balance of the Lord of the Rings makes his blood volume and mana value equal, and the attributes attached to the equipment are mostly blood volume, which prevents the effect of the mana barrier from being triggered.

If this blow hits, it will be a real life damage.

His blood volume is really not enough in front of Tier [-] units.

The other party is not stupid.

Thinking about it, he had already seen through his identity.

I'm afraid it is laughing secretly at this moment, how could a lord like himself lead the way to such a dangerous front line of the battlefield...

Elemental Chaos!

Li Wei didn't hesitate anymore, he held the blue bottle tightly with one hand, and pointed with the other hand, feeling that the magic power in his body was quickly absorbed by the Lord of the Rings like a flood.

With the appearance of the night elves, the tactic of sticking to the ground is no longer the most suitable choice.The output of Tier [-] units is too terrible, sticking to the fortifications is equivalent to being a living target for the opponent, and the possibility of breaking through becomes even lower.

He made a decisive move.

Behind him, the bone witch tacitly shook his staff.


Dazzling bolides fell from the sky with terrifying power. The astonishingly high temperature seemed to evaporate all the water elements in the surrounding air, making people feel extremely hot and suffocating at close range.

This attack has never been exposed to the opponent's intelligence. All units that know the power of the meteorite technique have been killed. It is expected that the opponent, no matter how powerful and calculating they are, will not be able to guard against this level of magic.


As the meteorite approaches.

A group of humanoid units dressed in vine leaves suddenly appeared in the distant forest. They chanted spells, released blue-gray magic power, and summoned thick vines to rise quickly to form a huge protective umbrella.

However, this level of defense was simply unable to resist the power of the meteorite technique, and was pierced through like a shattering blow.The meteorite fell into the colorful area, and in an instant, a magnificent mushroom cloud exploded!

The earth is shaking.

The violent shock wave spread out in an instant, easily knocking down a half-meter-thick tree, and the ground was lifted by a terrifying force, flying sand and rocks in an instant, and objects within a radius of [-] meters were instantly destroyed!
The fortifications a hundred meters away were pushed by a huge force.

Flames blazed through the smoke.

"rush out!"

Li Wei commanded loudly.

Most of the enemy troops on the west side were wiped out by this blow, and a weak point appeared in the encirclement immediately. Theodora shouldered the mission and took the lead, beheading the remaining enemies on the path, and quickly ran towards the terrifying crater.


A roar.

A burly dark thug appeared next to Li Wei. It awakened the power of the bear in its body, and its body soared to a height of four meters in an instant. On its back was a bunch of out-of-fitting white manes, flowing with blue-purple electric light.

It picked up Li Wei and held it in front of its chest. With its other arm, it swung a giant battle axe, smashing all the obstacles blocking the way.

It followed Theodora's figure and quickly broke through to the west.

The rest of the troops followed suit.

Summon skeletons!

Li Wei suddenly cast a spell on a corpse on the side of the road, which is the kind of strange unit that can control trees.

He guessed that the enemy can clearly grasp his movements, which is closely related to the ability of this unit.

 Thank you for the reward of 100000 starting coins from the big guy who doesn’t rain in May!Thank you for being the leader of this book!Thank you for your support! ... This is going to add more plans, the code word speed is impressive, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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