I am the Scourge

Chapter 73 The Underworld

Chapter 73 The Underworld
Li Wei found some general-purpose tree species in the warehouse of the Holy Land. Tree species are props that only elemental elves can collect. They are divided into two types: general-purpose and special. General-purpose tree species can only be used to build general-purpose buildings of the natural system.

Li Wei just used it at this time.

He found the trade building of the natural department in the construction list.

Ancient psychic tree.

Build it first.

Then there are some recruitment buildings of the natural department, which are also put on the construction schedule to replenish the population as soon as possible.

The basic attributes of the territory are very important. If it is delayed, it will cause the development of the territory to go backwards.

A woodland is not the same as a cemetery.

The territory of the undead clan can just recruit a group of skeletons and carrion corpses with low IQ to make up the number, and the people's hearts and stability will not be greatly affected.

But for other races.

These attributes are issues that are closely related to the residents of the territory.

The undead race can be said to be the most convenient race to manage among all races, and its shortcomings are also obvious.

Low productivity.

It takes three days for a low-level skeleton to grow into a qualified worker, even with the Hall of the Dead job transfer, it takes one day.Units of other races are productive as soon as they are recruited.


The types of property output of the undead are extremely scarce.

Such as flesh and blood and soul are basically things that other races cannot use and can only be used for self-produced and sold.

At least [-]% of the source of income of the undead comes from war.

Li Wei thought of it earlier.

Supporting war with war will not last long after all.

If he hadn't been extremely lucky to obtain the two blueprints of the Abyss Secret Realm and the Platinum Palace, his territory would probably have ceased to exist as early as in the previous battle.

It is the Lord of the Rings who can occupy this holy place of elves.

Li Wei was thinking of doing a two-pronged approach.

Right now.

The development of the natural system and the undead system have completely gone to two extremes. Most of the races in the natural system are peace-loving neutral units and are naturally good at production and construction.Li Wei is determined to develop this territory.

Li Wei first withdrew most of the undead army.

In order to prevent these elemental spirits from worrying about their work.

Only one team of powerful mutant units was left to prevent the dark forces from suddenly counterattacking.


It seems that they have decided to give up this territory.

As Li Wei observed.

Since the decisive battle three days ago, the main force of Death Castle was defeated, and he has never seen any Tier [-] units.

Includes resources for castles.

It is estimated that they were all transferred away at that time.

The black hands behind the scenes saw that the defeat was doomed, and no longer resisted, so what are they waiting for?
Li Wei was thoughtful.

It stands to reason that the treasure that controls the Holy Land is in its hands, and it can decide the decline of the Holy Land at any time.But in fact, after it occupied this place, it didn't choose to invalidate the effect of the treasure.

Is it out of free control?
Or does it extract forest nutrients for another purpose...?
"Master, I found it!"

Mill waved to Li Wei from the ruins in the distance.

He hurried over.

Most of the ruins of the castle have been cleaned up, and there is only a clearing in the center of the ruins, depicting a complex six-pointed star magic circle, and Mill is trying to put the six gemstones inlaid in the six corners of the magic circle back into place.


The moment when the gem falls into place.

A glow suddenly rose in the entire magic circle, and some real scenes gradually appeared in the light. It seemed that there was a dark world connected to the opposite side, and Li Wei keenly caught a figure flashing past it.

This is a portal.

Li Wei didn't take any risks, he called out the demon spirit of the forest, and let it summon a grass spirit into it.

Then the demon spirit of the forest shared the vision with Li Wei.

He immediately saw the opposite picture.

It was a mysterious underground world, completely different from the underground space dug by the dwarves, like a naturally formed cavity.

There are some strange fungi that glow blue fluorescence growing in the cave, providing a faint light.

"Da da da……"

There was a sound of footsteps.

Li Wei soon saw a small group of night elves appearing in front of him.

They watched the grass spirit vigilantly. Someone was about to kill it with an arrow, but a hand stretched out from the darkness grabbed it.

"Hello, respected ground lord."

A gentle voice sounded.

A figure shrouded in a black robe slowly walked out from behind the team.

He took off the hood, revealing a handsome face, with pointed ears, and an unhealthy pale skin, in stark contrast to the dark purple skin of the other night elves.

He came to the portal.

Across the light curtain, he and Li Wei looked at each other peacefully.

"Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Saroyer. I am a high elf priest and the leader of this underground world."

He saluted with a calm expression.

"You want to negotiate terms with me?"

Li Wei saw through his intentions at a glance.

"I don't think there's any irresolvable conflict between us, is there?"

Saroy smiled.

"You want to occupy the territory on the ground, but we just want to live in the underground world, and there is no conflict of interest. If you insist on launching a war against us, I think it will result in results that no one wants to see."

Saroye's tone was neither serious nor serious.

"The result is that you are killed by my troops, or enslaved."

Li Wei said lightly.

"You have to be clear, I am an undead, I don't care about the life and death of any subordinates, I can exchange countless lives for one of yours, believe me, apart from the above two, you will not see the third result."

he added calmly.

Saroye glanced at the undead soldiers behind Li Wei with an unchanged expression, shook his head, and said, "This is a two-way teleportation formation. As long as I destroy the foundation of the formation here, your troops will have no way to come here."

"I have an army of dwarves who are good at digging."

Li Wei smiled.

Saroyer's expression froze.

He tried to tell the truth from what he said by Li Wei's expression.

But soon had to recognize this fact.

"I came to you with sincerity."

He sighed lightly.

"I believe you, but you overestimate the value of sincerity, especially for an undead."

Li Wei put on a high profile, and he has already taken out his own chips.

"Now we can talk about your terms."

Levi said.


Saroye remained silent for a long time.

Li Wei's self-confidence and shrewdness interrupted all his thoughts, making all his prepared remarks invalid, and his momentum was at a disadvantage. Saroye knew in his heart that it was impossible to resolve this negotiation without bleeding.

"I am willing to give up half of the resource output of the underground world."

Saroye gritted his teeth.


Li Wei nodded and continued to look at him calmly.

"I can provide you with two thousand elite fighters every year to help you open up a wider territory."

Saroye said cruelly.

"not enough."

Li Wei shook his head.

"The things you said can be owned after I occupy the underground."

He said.

Saroye took a deep breath. He knew that none of these could satisfy Li Wei's greed, so he stated his final conditions.

"I will compromise my own lifespan, communicate with the Goddess of Life, and ask Him to help you restore your flesh and blood!"

After Saroye finished speaking, he stared at Li Wei's reaction.

he knows.

This is a temptation that any intelligent high-level undead can't refuse, and Kur is crazy about it.

No one would like to eat carrion all day long in this dark netherworld. It is the dream of countless undead to become human.


He was quickly disappointed.

On Li Wei's calm face, he couldn't see any emotional fluctuations.

(End of this chapter)

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