Chapter 18
Oka also went into the sea, dived into the sea, changed to internal breathing, and found that the unpolluted underwater world is so beautiful, all kinds of small fish are very beautiful, Oka checked the nearly 3000-meter-long sea through his own mental power No Neptunes were seen in the range, and no Neptunes were found for nearly half an hour in the morning. Orca wondered if he had run out of luck today.

Just when Oka was thinking about it, he found that there was an offshore sea king in front of him on the left. It was estimated to be about a thousand catties. Just bite.

Oka didn't even think that the Neptune was so ferocious. Before he touched it, it rushed to attack him. Oka moved to the side, and the Neptune saw the food he wanted to eat. Attack on Oka.

Oka saw that the sea kings were attacking him again, so he didn't tease it, and pointed the gun directly.Qingtian pointed at the head of the Neptune, and saw a huge finger pointing on the forehead of the Neptune, leaving only a huge hole, and the Neptune died.

Just as Oka was looking for the Neptunes for more than half an hour and while he was with the Neptunes, Leili had already caught the Neptunes and got on the boat. After waiting for half an hour, he didn't see Okas coming up, and he and the other people on the boat all went out. What's the matter, but it's not right to think about it. Oka and himself have similar strengths. If he is fine, it is even less likely that something will happen to him.

Just as the people on the boat were thinking about it, they saw a turbulence on the sea surface, a huge figure flew up, and then landed directly on the bow of the boat. Only then did everyone see that it was Oka who came up with the sea king, and they were all worried about this generous man. The master breathed a sigh of relief.

Oka ordered the housekeeper Leo to get rid of the Neptunes, so he could do whatever he wanted to do with roasting tonight, and after greeting Rayleigh, he went back to his cabin to change his clothes.

Oka went back to change his clothes and saw outside the bow, the oily smoke rose, the fragrance wafted away, and the heads surged, all with smiles on their faces, walking towards Leili's recliner with a knowing smile, this is because of the reason Oka The gathering that Ka traveled to and saw the most people was all his own people, which gave Oka a sense of belonging to the world.

The other people's smiles are that since they were captured as slaves, they have been full and hungry. A master like Oka now allows himself to eat Neptune meat, which is only available to nobles.

"Old Lei, how long will it take to reach the land you mentioned." Oka asked Lei Li.

"Boss, it will take about five days. According to the voyage, it will take about two and a half days to reach the nearest town and island. Let's rest there, replenish supplies, and sail from where to arrive in two days. I just don't know. What's the matter?" Raleigh said.

"It's okay, don't worry, if it is occupied by the pirates, we will kill him, if not, we will buy a piece of land from the local village chief for our own use." Oka said.

Afterwards, Oka and Rayleigh drank wine and chatted about planning. Oka told Rayleigh: "Old Lei, when we get to the place, we need to find some potential nurses to learn my Navy Six Forms and body training exercises first." , You have to learn first, you know my identity, I can't stay in one place for a long time, I still have my own affairs to deal with, and maybe the Navy has tasks for me to complete.So thank you for your hard work.

"Boss, take care of yourself. Ever since I knew your identity and promised you to help you train your subordinates, I knew that this kind of problem would happen." Lei Li said.

"Well, very good, I won't treat you badly. When I get to the place, I will give you a big surprise after the base is completed, but don't worry, let the guards help you practice the basic physical skills. Scholars help, you are only responsible for the teaching of the six styles of the navy and domineering, of course you can best teach them your swordsmanship, my original intention is to make my subordinates as top-level physique practitioners as possible, physical strength is More than twice the age of others." Oka said.

"Okay, boss, I will try my best to train them well." Raleigh said.

"Yeah." Oka said.

While Oka and Leili were talking, the Neptunus meat had already been prepared, and the butler Leo was directing people to carry the table to Oka and Leili. There was Neptune meat on the table and some Vegetables and wine will certainly not be less.

In this way, Oka and Leili ate next to each other. It’s not that Oka didn’t want to eat with everyone, but then those who came from slaves would not be able to let go, and everyone would not be happy eating, so there was no need to bother Everyone's Yaxing.

It can be said that tonight is a night where everyone is happy. The time passes by everyone eating and drinking. Some people are drunk, dancing and talking about happy and unhappy things. They laugh when they are happy and cry when they are sad.

When Oka woke up at noon the next day, he got out of the cabin and was going to eat something. The steward Leo came to report that the ship had set sail and headed for the destination of Vidageil Town. Oka waved his hand and said: You don’t need to report these things to me You can decide for yourself, except for some big things that you can't resist, and Rayleigh can't handle it, you can come to me and report.

"Yes, I understand, young master, then I will go to work first." The housekeeper Leo said.

"Well, go ahead, I'll let you know if there's something to do, some of them need to be bold, don't worry, I'm here." Oka urged the housekeeper Leo.

At noon on the third day, Oka’s boat finally arrived in Vidageil Town. The housekeeper Leo came to report, and Oka ordered: “Leo, take your people and go to the town to replenish more living supplies. It may be the terminal of the next stop.” Arrived, our daily necessities are less will bring some inconvenience.

The housekeeper, Leo, responded and took people off the boat to buy daily necessities. Oka was not idle, so he called Lei Li, and they disembarked together to take a stroll around the town of Vidogil, and taste the town of Vidogil by the way. gourmet food.

Oka did not expect such a beautiful scenery in such a remote place in the East China Sea, and there are so many people making troubles. Oka and Leili strolled around casually and found that the living standards of the people in the town are good. Looking at it with a smile, the shouts of the merchants made Oka seem to return to the ancient times on the earth, indifferent to the world.

This is the life that many people dream of, and they don't know how long they can live like this, but I hope something happens to help them.

So Oka discussed with Raleigh to set up an office in this town to facilitate the purchase of daily necessities for his training base.

Second, it can be used as a liaison between the base and the outside world, and it can also be regarded as a protection base for changing directions.

[-]. It is also possible to let this place, which is indifferent to the world, leave a trace of paradise in this world.

 Asking for tickets, there is also the second volume of mutated Hokage. . .of the third volume. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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