Chapter 19
Oka and Leili walked around and ate, and returned to the ship after three or four hours. They found that the purchased daily necessities were being transported to the ship one by one, and told the housekeeper, Leo, to go straight to the destination when you are done. If you have any questions, ask Lei Li, I want to practice, don’t call me at other times, and you won’t give me food, call me again when you get to the place, if it’s not the time of life and death, let everyone not bother me to practice, understand?
"Understood." Leo responded and went to supervise others to carry things.

Oka returned to his residence and began to practice Martial Art. If he does not advance in practice, he will retreat. Oka does not want to be hanged and beaten by others one day.

It wasn't until the fourth morning that Oka was told by the steward Leo that he had already arrived at the island that Master Lei Li said, and that he would arrive at the port in ten minutes, that Oka appeared on the bow of the ship.

"Hey, boss, you are willing to come out. I thought you would wait for the ship to stop at the port before you come out?" Lei Li laughed when he saw that Oka did not leave the cabin these days.

Oka ignored him and stood directly in front of the bow of the ship.

"Village chief, there are... there are pirates, there are pirates, what should we do?" The village chief asked the people on the island where Oka was coming.

"Don't panic, don't panic, we all call the old people, children and women back home, don't come out, all of us young men and men gather together to see what the pirates say, generally he only wants money and doesn't make trouble with them, We'll be fine." The village chief reassured everyone when he saw that other people were anxious and flustered when they heard someone calling pirates.

Sure enough, after hearing the village chief's words, everyone's emotions eased, and they all sent their old people, children and women home according to the village chief's instructions, and told them not to come out, and then went to gather with the village chief.

The pirate waited for the village chief and they came to the center of the village as soon as they got together. Seeing the village chief and the others gathered together, they said: Wow. . .hehe. . .Village chief and old man, are you preparing to meet our Jihalo Pirates?

"Looking at your sincerity, we will spare you from dying. Now the whole village is the residence of my Jihalo Pirates. Now you can find me a luxurious house as the residence of our Jihalo Pirates. Otherwise, there will be good fruits for you to eat." The pirate captain ignored the village chief's words, and directly ordered.

The village chief saw the [-] members of the Jihalo Pirates holding knives and guns, and reluctantly led the pirates to the best five- or six-room house in the village.

The captain of the pirate group saw the so-called mansion, there were only five or six houses in it, angrily grabbed the village chief's clothes and said: "Old village chief, are you bullying me for not knowing what a mansion is? Use a broken house to fool me."

"Mr. Captain, this is really the best house in our village. It was left by a businessman before. Our village is remote and there is nothing good. All are just some dilapidated houses. Please forgive me." The village head said.

"Well, I've delivered the food I'm going to eat later, and I'll find some women to accompany us at night, oh, it's a young and beautiful woman, don't fool me, or I'll kill you all, understand." The pirate captain laughed when he mentioned the woman.

"Yes" the village chief went to prepare food.

After the village chief asked people to give food to the Jihalo Pirates, he summoned everyone to discuss and asked the pirates to let them send their women to accompany them. They all said angrily: Village Chief, this is impossible, If he couldn't even protect his own woman, he might as well die.

"Yeah, village chief, no way, or we'll fight them."

"Yes, we are not afraid of death, we will fight with them."

"Fight, how to fight, they have guns and knives in their hands, what should we use to fight them, sticks? What difference does it make if we can only die in vain?" The village chief saw everyone shouting at each other and shouting at each other. Yes, tell everyone loudly.

"Then what should we do?" Everyone fell silent when they saw the village head shouting loudly.

"I don't know what to do. Let's think about it together. If you can't figure it out, you can only follow the instructions of the Jihalo Pirates, otherwise everyone will die." The village chief said helplessly.

Everyone heard what the village chief said, and the women hugged their husbands or parents in a panic, and clutched their relatives tightly in fear.

Just when everyone was anxious and helpless, Oka's boat was slowly sailing into the port, but because Oka's boat was too big to enter the shallow water port, it had to stop outside, and Oka and Rayleigh could only sit The boat entered the port, and wanted to talk to the leader here about how he settled down here.

When Orka's boat entered the port, he found a pirate ship was parked there, and there were more than a dozen pirate crew members on board. Ka sat on such a big boat is very willing to be very rich.

Seeing that Oka's boat had docked at the port and boarded the shore, and found that there were two people on Oka's boat, they all walked towards Oka with knives and said, "Who are you and what are you doing here? This place has been taken over by us Jihalo The Pirates have occupied it, take out all the valuable things on your body, and we will let you go, otherwise I will be sorry.

Oka obviously couldn't believe that he was robbed by this nameless little pirate group, and it was also in Raleigh's expectation that this place was really occupied by others.

It could only be robbed by force, so they exchanged a glance with Lei Li, and the two of them directly fought, with Lan's feet and a knife.Juhe slashed, each of the two made one move, except for one of the dozen pirates who survived, all of them died under the attack of Oka and Rayleigh.

Seeing the fierceness of Oka and Rayleigh, the remaining one was so frightened that there was a puddle of liquid under his feet. Oka covered his mouth, walked over and asked, "Where did your captain and other people go? And the island?" Where did the original people go?
"Go back, sir, the captain has gone to the center of the village, so the original person should be there too, please let me go, I don't dare anymore." The remaining pirates begged for mercy.

Oka didn't care about his begging for mercy. Since he became a pirate, he had no choice but to die. He gave him a finger gun, pierced his body, and gave him a whole body. Then he and Rayleigh walked towards the center of the village.

As soon as Oka and Leili arrived at the center of the village, they heard a clamor inside that they disagreed with giving their women to pirates, so they went up and asked, "Hi, are you guys discussing something? Can I ask?" Is your village head here?

"I'm the village head. What's the matter with you? If you have nothing to do, go quickly." The village head walked out and looked at Oka, not wanting Oka and the others to follow the people in their village.

"Oh, it's like this. I heard from our employee that the environment here is beautiful, and I plan to build a villa here for a vacation or something." Oka pointed to Lei Li.

"Young man, if you come here normally, I welcome you. Go now, or it will be too late. Some vicious pirates have come to our village." The village chief persuaded Oka to set up a home here and build a holiday villa. road.

 Ask for a ticket. . .

(End of this chapter)

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