Soul echo

Chapter 243 'Afterwards'

Chapter 243 'Afterwards'

"This is...the production base of hallucinogens?"

Lilian looked at the farmland in front of her in bewilderment, a little unbelievable, what they had been chasing before appeared so suddenly in front of them?
Zhong Ye nodded, "If nothing unexpected happens—remember what I told you about the underground world I found between Skupi and Serdika? I have always suspected that there is a goblin kingdom there The presence.

"As for the goblins in this village, I seriously suspect that they come from that goblin country and are used in exchange for weapons and equipment."

Hearing Zhong Ye's mention, Lilian suddenly remembered the town they had just left - 'Military City'.

That town was an important military town in the Kingdom of Gaul, and it mainly produced flintlock guns. It was not until the royal family shifted the focus of production in the past ten years that it gradually opened to the outside world.

And it is obviously not a matter of a day or two for the army chiefs and most of the nobles guarding that town to be corrupted. It is only a small amount of deduction, and it is a huge amount accumulated over the years.

The evidence Purcell investigated also showed that those nobles did not believe that they believed in the Lord of Pleasure, but an unknown deity.

Before Zhong Ye thought that the 'evil god' was actually the Lord of Joy, but when he came to this village and saw these things, he realized that he was wrong from the beginning.

Transport the ammunition and hand it over to the goblin kingdom, and then the goblin kingdom will trade a group of goblins to the 'false god', and the group of goblins will be used as labor to help grow hallucinogenic raw materials.

When the raw materials are made into hallucinogens and sold, the proceeds are then used to cover the deducted part of the arms bill, so that a cycle is formed, and even a check of the accounts can't find any clues.

Zhong Ye looked over the farmland, but unfortunately he didn't find anything on the opposite side.

"If this is really the production base of hallucinogens, then there must be production facilities and warehouses for storing hallucinogen raw materials and hallucinogens." Zhong Ye turned to look at the village behind him.

He discussed with the knight commander a few times, and decided to split up and look for the possible production facilities and warehouses, further confirming the guess that this is the 'hallucinogen production base'.

Turning around and walking back to the village, Zhong Ye mentioned to the soldiers who were rummaging through boxes and boxes that if they found secret rooms, secret passages and other places, they must remember to tell him.

There may be treasure in those places, but there is a greater possibility of danger.

However, Zhong Ye didn't think those soldiers would report the truth. He was not their direct superior. Even if he was their superior, they would definitely choose to conceal it. After all, compared to the real treasure, everything else was nothing.

He just reminded them to deceive their conscience.

If something really happened to them, his conscience would feel better because he had been reminded.

Looking across the buildings with larger areas and relatively empty surroundings, Zhong Ye led Lilian into one of them.

As he guessed, the interior of this building is empty, there is nothing, neither furniture nor other things, there is not much dust on the ground, and the dust is not everywhere, some places are more, some places are less, this shows The building is frequently used.

After only a few glances, Zhong Ye took Lilian to the next similar building.

Due to the haste of packing up, when the things were moved away, some traces were left behind on those buildings.

Taking Lilian to see a few similar buildings, Zhong Ye asked Lilian to identify the original purpose of these buildings.

"That's the warehouse." Lilian didn't think for long, pointing to the first building they looked at, "And it should be the warehouse where hallucinogen raw materials are stored, because I didn't see any traces left by the shelves——"Flower Butterfly 'The raw material is a plant that needs to be processed before it can be made into hallucinogens, so the raw material should not need to be handled and preserved so strictly."

Lilian turned her finger and pointed to the second building, "That one may be the warehouse for storing finished hallucinogens, and the building next to it may be a factory for producing hallucinogens."

"Why?" Zhong Ye asked noncommittal.

"Because teacher, after looking at the building for a few times, you took me in. Although you didn't say anything, I know you want me to observe carefully." Lilian raised her head slightly, and the corners of her mouth slightly Qiao, "I guessed it from your reaction, teacher!"

Zhong Ye was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and laughed, "Just be careful."

However, he did not deny Lilian's actions, and being able to guess what he wanted to do was considered an outstanding performance of observation.

Immediately, Zhong Ye changed the subject: "Then guess when they evacuated?"

"Just now!" Lilian affirmed, "We were blocked twice just now. Although they couldn't delay much time, they did cause us some trouble. The ruts on the road and the traces in the houses all showed that they Just left not long ago!
"And the direction of their escape is the other side of the valley, there is no other place for them to escape except there."

After finishing speaking, Lilian hesitated for a moment, and asked unwillingly: "Teacher, why don't we go after it?"

Originally, Zhong Ye was somewhat satisfied with Lilian's performance, but when he heard this question, he realized that the audience in the live broadcast room must have given her a hint.

Zhong Ye couldn't help sighing, shook his head and said, "They were able to pack up everything in just ten minutes, including the storage racks. It can be seen that they have already made a plan. If so, you Do you still think we can catch up with them?"

Lilian let out an "ah", her face flushed slightly.

"It's all your fault, I insisted on asking that question..."

Zhong Ye turned around, turned his back to the muttering Lilian, pursed his lips slightly, and went to gather the knights and soldiers who were still searching the village.

There was nothing to search in this village, or in other words, their chopper team alone couldn't find anything, and more professional people were needed.

But the personnel were too scattered, and some people wanted to continue the search, trying to find the treasure that didn't exist, so it took Zhong Ye half an hour to gather everyone together.

They were about to leave the village. A soldier turned to look at the goblins and asked, "What about these goblins?"

"Don't worry about them." The knight commander said in a deep voice, "Looking at them, they probably won't be able to wake up, so just put them here."

Zhong Ye glanced at it, frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

Although intelligent goblins may cooperate with humans, if there really is a goblin kingdom, then they will definitely be life and death enemies.

The goblin's reproductive ability is too strong, and it will crowd out the ecological niche of humans. In essence, humans and goblins cannot coexist peacefully.

If human beings in the Dan world contact the earth, they can still live in peace under the strong suppression of gods and state machines because of their similar appearance. If they are goblins, there is absolutely no such possibility.

Although Zhong Ye had a kind heart, he would not indulge in kindness, so he would not protect these goblins—even if they were intelligent, they looked no different from humans except for their appearance.

Zhong Ye and the others evacuated the village. On the way, the knight commander asked Zhong Ye about his future plans.

"...I might go to Paris." After a moment of silence, Zhong Ye replied.

At this moment, the knight commander had pulled up his visor, revealing a somewhat youthful face.

Hearing Zhong Ye's words, he raised his eyebrows, "To Paris?"

Zhong Ye nodded. When he realized that the black hand behind the 'hallucinogen' incident might not be the evil god of Outland but a 'false god', he remembered an incident he had experienced before.

It was a story that happened among witches, priests, townspeople and adventurers in a closed town... about the 'false god'.

In that story, in the part of the long-dead priest, the priest mentioned that he had a mage friend, and the name of that friend——

Also 'Adrian'!
 E! D! G! N! B!

(End of this chapter)

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