Soul echo

Chapter 244 Go to

Chapter 244 Go to
Lilian and Zhong Ye stayed in Limas for another two days, and they were not idle during these two days. While undertaking and completing tasks and earning the money needed for travel, they waited for the Church of the City God to give Out of the final 'identification results'.

Among the weapons and equipment seized from the valley, a large part was Zhong Ye's spoils of war. He only left behind three bolt-action rifles and hundreds of bullets, and sold the rest for a lot of money.

But he needs to provide construction funds for several schools under construction, prepare for teachers' salaries in the future, and need to support more than a dozen families, so that little money is far from enough.

Zhong Ye saved most of the money from selling weapons and equipment, and the rest was used for travel expenses, and the money they earned from 'part-time work' in the past two days was also used to prepare for their trip to Paris.

It is a long way from Limas to Paris, and they must spend a lot of money along the way. Their travel expenses are far from enough, and they may have to work part-time during the trip.

On the third day, the priests of the Church of the Sun came to Limas from Lyon, and the person leading the team, Zhong Ye, did not know him.

But Zhong Ye didn't know him, but he knew Zhong Ye—for the clergymen of the Church of the Sun, anyone who carried [Sun Blessing] was someone who needed their respect.

Moreover, Zhong Ye had only visited the Church of the Sun in Lyon not long ago, and the clergy who led the team recognized him at a glance.

It is a pity that on the third day, the priests of the City God Church who went to the valley to investigate also returned to Limas, which confirmed Zhong Ye's guess.

——That valley is indeed a production base of hallucinogens. Although on the surface, the production base has been cleaned up, but under the power of divine magic, some clues still emerged.

The clerics found some leftover hallucinogen in that valley, and searched not for the goblin dwellings, but for what appeared to be warehouses and manufacturing facilities, for fine, loose traces of the hallucinogen.

After receiving this information, Zhong Ye bid farewell to Limas and embarked on a journey to Paris.

"Teacher, is the head of the interest group behind the hallucinogens in Paris?" Sitting in the rickety carriage, Lilian asked softly.

Speaking of the name of this city, Lilian always felt a little strange in her heart.

In the real earth, there is also a 'Paris', which is the center of the largest metropolitan area in France.

When "Paris" was mentioned in "Echoes of the Soul", Lilian couldn't help but think of that city in reality.

Shaking her head, expelling this weird feeling from her mind, Lily calmed down and waited for Zhong Ye's answer.

After waiting for a while, Zhong Ye's voice came from outside the car: "If there are no accidents, it will be in Paris..."

Hearing this, Lilian's eyes rolled around.

"If there is no accident", Zhong Ye would never say this sentence when he is not sure, which means that the last link of the "psychedelics" mission chain will most likely be unfolded in Paris.

Now that she is still running the live broadcast, many people have already heard what Zhong Ye said just now. Next, many players will gather in Paris.

"I see." Lilian said in a low voice, "you should have felt it before, right? Zhong Ye seems to encounter 'Abyss' very easily. If fighting the abyss is the main line of "Echo of Soul", then Zhong Ye should be one of them." The 'protagonist' of the main line.

"As analyzed in the forum, Zhong Ye is a 'foreigner' in Westland, and he is also a combat master. He has encountered many abysses along the way and defeated them one by one. This identity is unique enough. If "Soul If the game plot and process of "Echo" are calculated in real time, then he will definitely be targeted by the 'Abyss', which can form a 'main line' - although it is not the main line of the game in the traditional sense.

"If I'm thinking correctly, the plot in Paris will probably not officially start until Zhong Ye arrives in Paris..."

For players like Lilian, "Echo of Soul" is just a game after all, and they analyze all these things with the thinking of a 'player'.

However, this is not a 'game'!
After hearing Lilian's analysis of the audience in the live broadcast room, Zhong Ye couldn't help but took a deep breath.

As a big city, Paris should be the birth point of many players. In addition, their current location is quite far away from Paris. Before they arrive in Paris, many players may gather in Paris.

——For the players, this is the last link of a quest chain, as long as the players have the ability to travel, there is a high probability that they will choose to go to Paris.

From Limas to Paris, if the road is smooth and there is no snowstorm or other weather, it will take a month at the fastest.

Zhong Ye had already guessed that Lilian would ask him similar questions, so he informed the church of his guess early and asked the church to investigate first.

It is about the 'false gods' and evil gods. If the war is fought directly in Paris, it is very likely that there will be a tragic situation like Milan. Therefore, when informing the church of these things, Zhong Ye also specially reminded them not to act rashly.

However, even though the church had already taken action, Zhong Ye could not rest assured.

So, he is now driving a carriage, headed for Paris!


On the third day of walking on the road, there was no snowstorm, but heavy snow also blew.

In the strong wind, snowflakes fluttered and fluttered, hitting the draft horse with coldness, causing it to snort uncontrollably.

However, Zhong Ye had already covered it with animal skins, and he didn't let him run with the carriage. If he just walked, he could walk for a long time before he needed to wipe off his sweat.

Lilian wiped the glass and looked at the wind and frost outside the window worriedly.

Even when it was snowing heavily, Zhong Ye did not stop like before, but continued to drive the carriage forward.

'Is the situation that critical? ' Lilian couldn't help wondering.

But when she tried to persuade him, Zhong Ye just said "Yes" and didn't stop the carriage.

"Lilian, look at the map, where are we?"

Hearing this, Lilian woke up from her contemplation, and took a look at the map beside her.

"Probably near... Claremont?"

Zhong Ye is teaching her how to distinguish between the map and her own position recently. In this knowledge, she learns very fast. Zhong Ye just taught her a few times before and after meals, and she basically understood How to tell the map of this era.

Speaking of this city, Lilian felt a little complicated.

When they went to the 'Military City', they entered that town by using the 'Military City' as an excuse, and the city that Zhong Ye used as an excuse was Claremont.

Unexpectedly, they were really going to Claremont!
However, they will not enter Claremont, they will pass by Claremont, turn north, and head to Paris along the road officially built by the Kingdom of Gaul.

If they walk on that road, many accidents can be avoided. As long as there is no snowstorm, they can arrive in Paris within 20 days.

Arriving in Paris is not their ultimate goal. After arriving in Paris, Zhong Ye may still need to investigate to confirm his guess.

But when we arrived in Paris, the final link of the quest chain 'Lucogen' should have started...

Taking advantage of this time, Lilian took another look at the game forum, and found that many players had already gathered in Paris, at least several hundred.

This is still speaking on the forum, and there may be more players who have arrived in Paris but did not speak on the forum.

When they arrive in Paris and the last mission begins, there may be thousands or even tens of thousands of players gathered in Paris!
——This is a major 'event' since the launch of "Echo of Soul"!

(End of this chapter)

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