Soul echo

Chapter 245 Travel

Chapter 245 Travel
The cold wind was howling, standing high in the sky, looking down at the guy 'crawling' on the ground, showing a mocking smile-how could anyone dare to challenge the blizzard and travel in this kind of weather?

And on the ground, there is only one carriage!
At this time, Zhong Ye had already stepped off the coachman's seat, and together with the horse, pulled the carriage out of the deep pit.

Even though his body was wrapped in animal skins and his legs were tied with thick cloth, the draft horse could still feel the cold.

"Teacher, why don't we find a place to hide!" Lilian shouted from behind the carriage.

After shouting, Lilian couldn't help sniffing, her face full of sorrow.

How long has it been since she had a cold in real life?I didn't expect to experience a cold in the game... This is not a good experience!
"Need not……"

Zhong Ye looked at the sky with firm eyes, "This snow won't last long!"

In fact, just as Zhong Ye said, the wind has never been a patient thing.

After taunting the fools on the ground, the cold wind left quickly, with a maniacal laugh, and went to the next place, aimlessly and freely.

Lilian had already returned to the carriage, wrapped in fur, sniffing, and looking out the window dully.

——The heavy snow really only blew for a while!
When the strong wind left, the snowflakes falling from the sky gradually became thinner, and after a while, it stopped completely.

Although there was piled snow on the road, that bit of frost and snow alone could not stop the carriage from moving forward. Even the harness horse snorted disdainfully, blowing out two streams of hot air from its nose.

Zhong Ye silently calculated in his heart that they should be in the Duchy of Bourbon now, about eighteen days away from Paris.


The draft horse kicked on the ice in horror, but its four hooves kept slipping, and it was a problem to stand still.

Therefore, Zhong Ye had to temporarily take over the work of pulling the horse, pulling the carriage himself. Lilian, who was dressed like a ball, also got out of the carriage and pushed it with all her strength behind the carriage.

They really planned to take the main road at the beginning, but after arriving here, they suddenly found that the main road was interrupted.

These roads have always been built and maintained by the local lords, perhaps because the lords have not sent anyone to repair the bridges across the river after the collapse of the winter.

Fortunately, the river was frozen, allowing Zhong Ye and the others to walk across the river without taking a long detour.

Zhong Ye remained silent, but his face had already turned red, and the muscles in his neck tensed up.

Pulling the horse won't help much, and occasionally it will be counterproductive, but Lilian's posture is good enough, but unfortunately she doesn't know how strong she is. They still wear ordinary boots, and the soles of the boots don't have nails, so they slip easily.

Zhong Ye has heard Lilian's exclamation more than once. If there is no accident, it was all after she slipped...

It took a lot of effort to pull the carriage from the other side of the river. Zhong Ye himself didn't breathe much, but Lilian and the horse were tired and panting heavily.

Zhong Ye silently took off the sweat-stained animal skin and thick cloth from the horse's body, hung them on the right side and the rear of the carriage, and let the sweat dry.

After wiping the sweat off the draft horse, Zhong Ye put on a new animal skin for it to protect it from catching a cold.

There are still thirteen days away from Paris, and if the draft horse gets sick on the way, it will greatly delay their trip.

Looking up at the gray sky, Zhong Ye sighed deeply.


"It's a wolf!"

"It's a pack of wolves!"

The captain of the guard standing on the edge of the caravan with a shield in his hand shouted: "All shooters, don't be stingy with bullets. No matter how many bullets you have consumed in this battle, we will pay to replenish you in the next city!"

Both the guards and the mercenaries were all refreshed and beamed with joy.

The mercenaries who were holding muskets in their hands and were hesitating raised their guns in the next moment, aiming at the wolves that surrounded the caravan.

If you look from a high altitude, you can see a sudden and huge variegated color on the white ground, surrounded by brown, black, and gray wolves from all directions. Seeing these hungry wolves with green eyes, anyone Everyone feels scalp numbness.

The captain of the guard and several veterans in the caravan stared at the pack of wolves surrounding the caravan. They knew very well that there must be a 'Wolf King' to gather so many wolves.


I don't know which wolf uttered a frightening cry, and the wolves wandering around the caravan instantly moved, rushing towards the center like quicksand.

Ordinary people have already been scared out of their wits. Obviously nothing happened, but they can't help but scream. Even mercenaries who lick their blood can't help being frightened.

An anxious guard opened fire, followed by other guards and mercenaries.

The captain of the guard holding the shield in front of him tightened his heart, but there were already two wolves running straight in front of him, swinging their claws at the shield. He wanted to scold him, but then he closed his mouth and struggled to hold on.

When firing in a panic, not every bullet landed on the pack of wolves accurately. Some hit distant trees, shaking off the snow and ice on the branches, and some shot into the ground, stirring up a cloud of snow and dust.

Even if they were shot, many of them landed on non-lethal body parts, making the ferocious wolves even more violent.

Roaring, wailing, and cursing were ups and downs, and the sound waves spread in all directions, shaking people's eardrums with pain.

Soon, the guard suffered the first casualty—one guard was careless and did not defend in time. His thigh was scratched with three deep bloodstains by the sharp wolf claws. The artery was cut, and blood kept gushing out.

The guard also screamed, but even though his face was pale, he still resisted the battle line and waited until someone else took his place before stepping back for treatment.

The first injured person appeared, followed by the second and third, but their injuries were not so serious that they would be life-threatening.

Gunshots sounded one after another, and the hungry wolves continued to die, but the casualties of the guards and mercenaries were also increasing. Where people couldn't see, the situation was slowly tilting towards the wolves.

At this moment, a bullet flew from behind the pack of wolves, directly piercing through the head of a wolf, killing it.

Pulling the bolt, loading the bullet, loading, aiming, and shooting, these actions are done in one go, as if they have been practiced countless times.

Zhong Ye stood beside the carriage with a rifle in his hand, and kept pulling the trigger. While shooting, he was still pointing out the key points for Lilian to shoot.

——All kinds of martial arts, this is 'firearms'!
Gun shooting is a modern martial art. As a fighting master who is proficient in all kinds of martial arts, how could it be possible that Zhong Ye has never learned marksmanship?
Not only did he learn marksmanship, the system panel also recognized his firearms skills.

Due to their precise shooting skills, in a short period of time, Zhong Ye and Lilian created greater results than caravan guards and mercenaries.

The wolves also noticed them, and several wolves turned around and ran towards them. Zhong Ye immediately dropped his gun and drew out his big sword to meet them.

Several wolves were slaughtered by Zhong Ye within half a minute, and then Zhong Ye walked directly towards the pack of wolves.

The bloody wind, accompanied by the swing of the big sword, swept away the wolves.

In just two or three minutes, the wolves lost more than half.

The wolf king noticed Zhong Ye's ferocity, and no matter how unwilling he was, he howled loudly to let the wolves evacuate.

As soon as the voice came out, there was a flash of sword light rising from the ground.

With a jump, Zhong Ye covered a distance of more than ten meters, and the moonlight fell on his head, beheading the head of the wolf king.

The wolves surrounding the caravan immediately scattered and fled in all directions, and everyone in the caravan cheered for joy.

"How far is it from Paris?" Zhong Ye asked after accepting the reward from the caravan.

Those wolf carcasses could be sold for a lot of money after tidying them up, far more than what he was getting now, so Zhong Ye didn't refuse.

The steward of the caravan thought for a while and said, "It's about eight days away!"

"Thank you." After finishing speaking, Zhong Ye rejected the caravan's invitation, turned around and left, and embarked on the journey again.


There are still five days away from Paris. On the main road, Lilian can already see sporadic caravans meeting them.

As one of the few metropolises in the Western Continent, the wealth and prosperity of Paris is basically based on frequent business transactions.

Therefore, even in winter, there are many caravans in and out of Paris-that is too profitable!
Lilian let out a sigh of relief, and boredly drew pictures on the glass. At this moment, she saw a few travelers walking together through the glass.

Blinking her eyes, Lilian hurriedly wiped off the mist on the glass, and took a closer look.

Those people...are they players?
(End of this chapter)

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