Soul echo

Chapter 261 The Moment of Demon Slaying

Chapter 261 The Moment of Demon Slaying

People screamed, and those who were close to the city gate turned around and ran, while those who had entered the upper city directly ran forward with their heads buried.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The clergy were coerced by the rebellious crowd and wanted to approach the city gate, but how could the panic-stricken people hear their cries.

Fear filled their minds, leaving them only to 'run' and 'scream'.

Seeing that the peaceful situation was broken, the middle-aged man standing on the city wall couldn't help sighing.

It's a pity that he failed to lock in all the civilians who wanted to enter the upper city for refuge.

Bending down, he took out his weapon from a dead soldier lying on the ground. The middle-aged man leisurely placed his musket on the battlements, aiming at the crowds of people gathered in front of the city gate, surging outward at a very slow speed. .

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he whistled. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a crossbow arrow shot from the side.

The speed of the crossbow was so fast that the middle-aged man had no time to dodge, so he raised his hand hastily to cover his face.

The crossbow shot through his palm, and the holy water accumulated in the blood tank soaked into the palm along the veins and muscle texture, and the middle-aged man's left hand instantly burned.


He raised the muzzle of the gun in severe pain, and squeezed the trigger with his tightened index finger. The bullet shot into the sky, and he didn't know where it was going to fly.

Not high-level cultists or demons!
Lilian breathed a sigh of relief, jumped up lightly, and bounced back to the city gate with the help of the wall beside her.

The cultists whose faces were covered by helmets were holding flintlock guns, and after one shot, there were no bullets.

They don't even know how to reload, and of course, even if they knew how, the clergy wouldn't give them time.

If you want to become a formal clergyman, you need to go through combat training. In the past, you used knives, swords, shields, and flails, but now you need to identify and use firearms, so the clergy immediately recognized the flints in the hands of those cultists. Fire the gun.

Lured them to fire a shot, the clergy rushed straight up, aimed at the enemy's neck, and greeted that part with the weapons they carried.

Compared with the head wearing a helmet, the necks of these cultists have no protection!
It was the biggest failure to let these cultists line up in two rows on both sides of the street. Two clergymen ran into the arms of the cultists, shouted to resist their bodies, and advanced to the upper city.

Crackling gunshots sounded, and some civilians were accidentally injured and screamed, but the clergy had no time to care about these things, they had to focus all their energy on fighting.

Most of the bullets landed on the cultists who were pushed into the upper city by two clergymen. The two of them did not die at first, and even held on to the cleric's body tightly, but as their bodies were continuously hit by bullets, In the process, strength is gradually lost, and life has come to an end.

The kinetic energy of the flintlock bullets was not strong enough to penetrate the human body. Using the body of the cultist as a shield, the two priests attacked the upper city.

At this time, Lilian also loaded the crossbow string, raised the light crossbow, and shot her eyes along the direction of the arrow, landing on a cultist.

The trigger was pulled, and the kinetic energy stored on the crossbow string instantly ejected the crossbow bolt, and before the crossbow bolt slid down, it was inserted into the neck of a cultist.

The holy water ignited the evil body, and the cultists couldn't help screaming, and the raging fire erupted from their throats, turning it into a torch in an instant.

But that flame was holy, and it was only aimed at the power of the abyss, even the clothes on the cultists were not ignited.

The people who ran past it didn't even feel the temperature, but they couldn't help screaming when they saw the flames burning on it.

"Highly concentrated holy water?"

The eyes of several clerics brightened. Although they did not have high-concentration holy water, ordinary holy water was enough to cause their attacks to cause more damage to the cultists.

"Go to the holy water!"

A priest shouted loudly, and his voice was heard outside the city gate, making all the priests gathered in front of the city gate hear it.

Without the slightest hesitation, all the clergy took out the holy water, poured it on their weapons, and then rushed into the upper city with fanatical belief.

The middle-aged man who just took out the crossbow bolt from his palm couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when he saw this scene.

The situation is beyond his control. If everything goes according to plan, those priests will definitely stay until the end before entering the upper city. At that time, he only needs to close the city gate to separate the priests from the civilians.

"No, no, there is still a chance..." the middle-aged man muttered in a low voice.

"Where are the cultists?!"

A shout suddenly came from the end of the street, and he suddenly looked up, and saw groups of adventurers running over.

Even though they couldn't help but began to breathe, the faces of this group of adventurers were still full of excitement.

And not just one or two, their entire team looks like this...

"A believer in the blood god?" The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, thought for a moment uncertainly, and then decided to run away - before anyone noticed him.

"Are you trying to escape?"

Just as he turned to leave, a crisp voice came from behind.

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, and his eyes slipped to the lower left corner. At his feet, there was a soldier's corpse with a gun in his hand.

The middle-aged man squatted down quickly, his fingers touched the body of the gun, and there was a gunshot from behind, and then the piercing pain spread from his shoulder.

The pain lasted only for a moment, and was quickly converted into pleasure.

The middle-aged man grinned grimly. Hearing the sound of eager footsteps behind him, he pulled out the musket from the corpse, turned around and held it flat.

But the moment he turned around, a light sword drew over and chopped off his wrist.

The musket fell downwards, but the light saber stopped in the air for a moment, turned back swiftly, and slit the middle-aged man's throat.

The middle-aged man knelt down on the ground clutching his throat, blood spewed out uncontrollably, and the holy flame also burned.

The muscles on his face kept trembling, and the feeling of suffocation filled his brain, and soon, he felt pleasure.

Rolling his eyelids, he looked up, saw a handsome face, and saw a light sword reflecting cold light, and immediately, the tip of the sword struck.

Fearing that the cultist would not die, Lilian made another strike—piercing the light sword into his head, crushing his brain.

Pulling out the tip of the sword, the body was brought down to the ground, and the flames exploded on it.

This should be dead, right?
No matter what kind of cultist they are, their vitality is surprisingly strong. Sometimes, even if their heads are cut off, it may not be able to kill them.

Lilian let out a foul breath and turned her head to look towards the direction of the city. After the players joined, the battle on the street was coming to an end. Their fighting skills could be said to be crude, but they couldn't stand their high attributes.

In the growth process of the aborigines, in addition to the main attributes, other attributes will also be tempered. In terms of individual combat power, it is impossible for players to surpass the aborigines. However, the number of players is large enough, and they can be resurrected. Heaping can also kill aborigines.

Today's battles on the streets are just a microcosm of the actions of the players in Paris. From their yells just now, it can be heard that many cultists have been cleaned up, to the extent that they need to be found.

This also means that not only the battle on this street, but even the battle in Paris is coming to an end!

I don't know how the battle situation on the teacher's side is going...

Lilian couldn't help sighing, now that Paris is in chaos, even if she wanted to go to the battlefield on Zhong Ye's side, she couldn't go there.

What's more, the reason why Zhong Ye didn't take her there must be because she would distract him - the enemy is a 'false god', and the gold content of this false god is not known to be much higher than that witch, naturally It needs to be faced with caution.

However, Zhong Ye also has the help of the church. With so many churches, it is impossible for him to fight alone. There must be other strong people to help him [Kill God].

Now she shouldn't worry about Zhong Ye, but should do her best to help the suffering people, so when Zhong Ye comes back, she will definitely praise her!

Lilian pursed her lips and smiled, turned over and jumped off the city wall, stepped on the wall, and landed on the roof of a house.

"Everyone, don't run away! Other places are very dangerous. The gate to the upper city is already safe. Come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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