Soul echo

Chapter 262 Expulsion

Chapter 262 Expulsion

【You should wake up...】

Eyelids trembled, and Adrian opened his eyes suddenly.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a deep darkness, but in the depths of that darkness, there was still a little bit of starlight seeping out.

Cosmos, starry sky - people have entrusted countless romantic legends to this unknown land, and even mages who pride themselves on rationality inevitably have fantasies about it.

Because they know that the stars in the night sky are the light of 'life'.

The infinite star sea represents infinite life and countless unknown wisdom.

At any time, the cosmic starry sky is a beautiful scenery that can make people intoxicated. However, Adrian only took a look and diverted his attention.

In front of him, there is a phantom.

The phantom is dim and almost blends into the background, but if you pay attention, everything is less eye-catching than that phantom.

Under Adrian's gaze, the phantom gradually solidified.

Looking at the phantom, Adrian thought for a moment, " my soul?"

【You are already dead. 】

Facing these abrupt and rude words, Adrian was not angry, because he had already remembered everything that had happened before, and his mind was clear enough.

"You are the king of conspiracy, and the one outside is the lord of pleasure."

It's not a question sentence, but a statement of a fact. In his own consciousness space, Adrian regained his sobriety—or in other words, the two evil gods let go of his control.

The phantom in the distance just smiled and didn't speak.

"Everyone knows that I am controlled by the evil god, only I was kept in the dark, thinking that I was just borrowing your power..." Adrian took a deep breath, "Actually, I am the biggest source of infection."

Because he was out of the control of the evil god, when Adrian recalled the things he had done in the past, he easily found a lot of doubts.

However, he has not noticed all this time...

"Probably from the time I saw that notebook more than 20 years ago, you have been eyeing me." Adrian frowned, "Not two years after that... I started to study' Ascension Ceremony'."

[Aren't you curious? 】

"I'm really curious, but it's not to the point of breaking my promise!" Adrian stared at Phantom, "And I also know that the 'Ascension Ritual' is definitely a bait thrown by you, and once you accept it, you will become your servant !"

[However, you still accepted it, didn't you? 】The phantom chuckled, 【I never manipulate anyone's mind, all the choices are made by you, you can choose to study the 'Ascension Ritual', or you can choose to forget that part of the memory, at that time you have already You are a high-level mage, you can do it, but you didn't...]

Adrian was silent, he had nothing to refute.

Here is the 'soul', the 'space' where consciousness resides, so he has no way to tell lies, no way to deceive himself.

He has the ability to forget that memory and make himself no longer remember it, but he didn't...

With the reason of 'for this world', he can deceive outsiders, but now, he can't say such words.

[Now, you have a chance. 】

Phantom raised a finger, waved his hand, and a little bit of starlight appeared beside Adrian.

[The foundation of the existence of that guy outside is your original believer, but you also know that you have been targeted by 'players' for a long time. 】

With another wave of Phantom's hand, the universe in the background was replaced with countless pictures.

In each picture, there is a person dressed as an adventurer fighting the cultists. Even if one of them is killed, someone else will take the place of the killed person.

In just 'a few seconds', dozens of pictures disappeared one after another.

[With the efforts of the 'players', the foundation of His existence in this world is disappearing, and it won't be long before you have a chance to 'resurrect'. 】

"Why?" Adrian looked at those pictures, then retracted his gaze, and looked at the light spots around him, "Why did you help us?"

If the Lord of Pleasure is going to be expelled from this world, then He will definitely not let it go and leave easily.

But if He had been 'killed', there would have been no time and energy to deploy a follow-up.

【I don't want him to benefit. 】

Phantom smiled and pointed to the light spots around Adrian, 【Those are the believers I helped you protect. When the guy outside weakens to a certain extent, you can be revived with their support. 】

Adrian widened his eyes and took a deep breath: "You don't want the Lord of Pleasure to benefit, what about you? As the most treacherous and cunning existence among all evil gods, you will definitely benefit from it!"

【Well, yes, when you are resurrected, those remaining believers will become my believers, and they will become my pawns. 】

Phantom didn't hide anything, told Adrian about his plan, and then asked: [So, your choice? 】

Two choices are placed before Adrian, one is to let the Lord of Pleasure stay behind, and the other is to let the King of Conspiracy get his remaining believers. No matter which choice he chooses, it will cause great harm to the Dan world. Impact.

Adrian was silent again, he looked up at the disappearing pictures, thinking silently.

The Lord of Pleasure will definitely set aside a part of time to arrange backhands and create influence, so he has to make a decision before that.

"I choose..."

Adrian lowered his head and looked at the strange phantom in the distance.


A smile appeared on Phantom's face, and with a wave of his hand, the images in all directions froze for an instant, and then shattered with a bang.

It raised its hand and pushed it far away, and Adrian's body flew backwards, and then felt the 'gravity' again.

The body is hanging down, and the cold wind whistling in the ear is becoming more and more clear.

After going through a long dark area, his eyes suddenly lit up, and infinite brilliance bloomed in front of him, quickly covering his senses.

"No! How do you—"

There was a pressing touch on the face, and Adrian opened his eyes.

"How can you resurrect?!"

Looking through the gap between his fingers, Adrian saw Zhong Ye's figure.

Didn't see other people, is it because they are already dead?

But it doesn't matter anymore, as long as there are still enemies!
"Kill me!" Adrian tried his best to grab control of the vocal cords from the Lord of Pleasure, and shouted.

At the same time, he is also spreading his power along the faith.

—kill them!Be sure to kill them before they are transformed into followers of the Lord of the Cursed!
Zhong Ye leaped forward and pulled the straight knife out of its sheath. A raging flame ignited from the handle and spread along the blade until it reached the tip.

The Lord of Pleasure roared, waving his long whip of thorns.

Long whips fluttered and the air hummed.

The muscles of both legs tensed suddenly, and the speed instantly increased to a level, then jumped high, passed the head of the Lord of Pleasure, and landed behind him.

The Lord of Pleasure wanted to turn around, but at this moment, his joints became like rusty machinery, extremely stagnant.


The power of the gods flowed back into the believers' bodies along with their beliefs, destroying their brains and hearts.

While killing his followers, Adrian was also curbing the actions of the Lord of Pleasure.

——This is also the only thing he can do for this world!
Zhong Ye swung the blue bird, and with the clear chirping sound, the blade sliced ​​open the back of the Lord of Joy's neck.

The flames from the sun erupted suddenly, but the splashing flames did not hurt Zhong Ye at all.

With a deep breath, the breath circulated, as if infinite power was squeezed out of the cells, Zhong Ye clenched his teeth, and pressed down the straight knife.


The head screamed and fell in response.

Adrian timely connected all the beliefs that had not been separated from his perception, and then detonated his soul.

There is also a trace of memory, which was pulled out of his mind before the explosion and floated into the sky.

——Go on, this is my last strength!

Afterwards, the incarnation of the Lord of Pleasure suddenly exploded in front of Zhong Ye.

The spread out flesh and blood spilled onto the ground, but they were still alive and wriggling, trying to re-condense.

However, they didn't struggle for long, and slowly lost their vitality, completely dead.

At this point, the [God Killing War] is finally over.

(End of this chapter)

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