Soul echo

Chapter 288 'Bazaar'

Chapter 288 'Bazaar'
Zhong Ye was in a daze for a moment, but in the next moment, his keen perception told him - this is not a modern building.

Or rather, not 'Earth' architecture.

'Just' a building made of steel with a metallic luster.

The brain started to operate automatically, and began to compare the scenery of this street, and then Zhong Ye was surprised to find that in his memory, the houses on both sides of the metal building were originally pasted together without any gaps between them. It can be said that they are shared the same wall.

But now, a building appeared between the two houses, but it was not out of harmony, as if the metal building should be there.

This is a spell?

Zhong Ye stood in front of the metal building door and did not go in.

He could hear the breathing of other people from the wind, but none of those people came near here. If he had been standing here, would it be possible for those people to fight each other?
Zhong Ye pondered for a moment, then smiled, and walked into the metal building.

The door of that metal building was open. After passing through the door, Zhong Ye and the others saw a wooden board with crooked characters engraved on it.

[You are about to enter the 'bazaar', entrants please follow the following rules, if you violate any consequences, the 'bazaar' manager will not be responsible for any consequences]

[I. After entering the 'market', please do not go to any place marked with paint]

【Ⅱ. After entering the 'market', please follow the arrow signs and stand in a place with lights】

【Ⅲ、After entering the 'bazaar', please set up a stall in a place with lighting】

[Ⅳ. After entering the 'market', if you find lights flickering, please inform the staff who are patrolling in the 'market' and 'wear a badge with crossed swords' as soon as possible. The staff will deal with it, please do not panic 】

【Ⅴ、Don't kill anyone!Don't kill!Don't kill! 】

Seeing this piece of wood, Zhong Ye understood that this so-called 'bazaar' was not made by the current owner at all.

Because this board is incompatible with other places, there is an arrow mark not far away, if nothing else, it was painted by the manager of the 'bazaar'.

And these things don't seem to have any direct connection with this metal building, they were added later.

The manager of the 'bazaar' only owns this metal building, but he doesn't know anything else.

Looking at the wooden board in front of her, Lily suddenly remembered something, "This...could it be a creation from the outside world?"

The world of Dan is a single world composed of a planetary system and a few "secret realms". From time to time, things from the outside world will break through the partition of the world and enter the world of Dan.

This probability is very small, but Dan's world has existed for such a long time, even if the probability is small, there should be many things from other worlds entering.

However, since the Dan world has a planetary system, there is a high probability that things that break through the world wall and enter this world will appear outside the atmosphere, and only a few will enter the atmosphere.

However, entering the atmosphere does not mean that it will definitely appear on the ground. The probability of appearing in the sky, deep sea, and rock formations is obviously greater than the probability of appearing on the surface, and it is much greater.

So it is actually quite difficult to see something from the outside world within the scope of human life...

Maybe not too difficult, after all, goblins are things from the outside world.

Lily had heard of "Creations from Outer Worlds" before, but she never had the chance to see them—even in the palace of the Kingdom of Gaul, there wasn't a single collection from the outer world.

It turns out... there really is such a thing as an 'outside world'!

Hearing Lily Lieber's words, Lilian's ears perked up, thinking to herself, could this be a preparation for the future linkage?

Linkage is a feature of modern games, but with the virtues of "Echo of Soul", it is estimated that there will be no "plot" and only some interesting linkage activities.

After looking at the wooden board for a few more times, and even lifted it up to look at the back, and found that there was nothing missing, Zhong Ye led Lilian and the others to a hall following the arrow signs.

When they arrived, there were already many people in the hall, but those people hid their heads and covered their faces. Except for Zhong Ye and Lilian, they didn't show their true colors.

Seeing Zhong Ye and Lilian, the first reaction of the people in the hall was to be stunned. They never imagined that there would be people who did not cover their faces when they came to the 'market' - look at the companions who came with them You know, they have hidden consciousness, but they just didn't do it!
Who is this?So brave?
Almost everyone remembered the faces and outfits of Zhong Ye and Lilian, and they thought they would inquire about their identities if they had the chance, and avoid them if they were really powerful people.

Because of the wide hall, the crowd is even more sparse. Even if everyone who set up a booth is a few meters away from each other, it only fills half of the hall.

The interior space of this metal building is actually much larger than it looks from the outside, it should be related to 'space' technology, but I don't know the principle.

Zhong Ye took Lilian and the others to stroll around in the hall, looking at the products displayed on the stalls, without asking the owners of the stalls, just browsing, without any intention of buying.

This is the 'Contraband Bazaar', and the products sold are naturally contraband.

From small hallucinogens to large souls, there are also some stolen goods, such as paintings, jewelry and spell items stolen from no one knows where.

When seeing those paintings, Zhong Ye knew he had come to the right place.

——Here, Nemo's painting is very likely to appear!
After more than ten minutes, the number of people in the hall gradually increased. Some of them just came to the hall, and they gathered at the side selling paintings, jewelry and other valuables, and they knew at a glance that they were sent by nobles.

Under the watchful eyes of many people, Zhong Ye walked to a booth where a painting and some jewelry were displayed, and squatted down.

"To buy paintings?"

Seeing Zhong Ye's gaze fall on the painting, the stall owner, whose head and face were all hidden behind the black cloth, asked in a muffled voice.

"I can see it, and I can hear it."

Zhong Ye moved his eyes away from the painting and landed on the stall owner, "The frequency of your heartbeat, the sound of your muscles squirming, the sound of blood flowing, as well as your bone shape and body shape all tell me that you are a very skilled person. Thieves."

Before the words were finished, all the muscles in the stall owner's body tensed up.

"Don't be nervous." Zhong Ye interrupted his thought of making a move, "I just want to ask you some questions."

The thief gritted his teeth tightly, suppressing the panic in his heart, and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "... If you have something to say, just say it!"

Zhong Ye looked at him indifferently, but his eyes seemed to have penetrated the black cloth and skin that covered his face, and saw his soul. This look made the thief even more panicked.

"'Nemo' paintings—do you know of anyone in this city, or any other city, who has ever bought a Nemo painting?"

"Are you a witcher?" The thief asked back.

"Has someone asked you a similar question?" Zhong Ye tilted his head.

The thief took a few deep breaths, suppressed his anger, and relaxed his tense muscles, "Just when the 'bazaar' opened last time, a demon hunter came to my place."

Although the man in front of him looks very strong, he also thinks that he is good at skills. If he can find a chance, maybe he can kill this man.

However, this man is a witcher...he doesn't want to provoke a witcher!
"So? You told him?" Zhong Ye pressed.

"Of course, he gave me a lot of money. Why don't I make money for the things that move my lips up and down!" !"

Zhong Ye raised the corner of his mouth, "Ten gold coins?"

"Count Marta!"

In the next second, the thief replied: "I knew he took a painting of Nemo, but I don't know anything else."

I saw it in that earl's mansion...

Zhong Ye smiled, took out ten gold coins from the purse, then turned and walked to another stall.

(End of this chapter)

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