Soul echo

Chapter 289 'Bazaar'

Chapter 289 'Bazaar'
The gold coins were like flowing water, Zhong Ye continuously took them out of the purse in units of ten.

They are eye-catching enough in themselves, and the situation of spending money like water makes people can't help but divert their attention.

More than one person had greed in their eyes, but when they saw the long knife on Zhong Ye's back, they swallowed their greed back.

Part of Zhong Ye's energy was used to memorize the answers given by those who knew the clues, and another part of his energy was devoted to listening to the players' exchanges.

Now there are several players mixed in this hall, and I don't know why other players didn't mix in.

The players were having a heated discussion about the metal building. The words were mixed with some real things, so the aborigines couldn't hear them.

——Now players have mastered the way of talking about things in the game without letting NPCs hear them.

Moreover, they are indeed discussing things related to reality now.

"I haven't come in this thing yet, but it seems a little familiar. Looking at it now, isn't this the relic that Dongtu just discovered recently?"

"It looks like it from the outside, and it looks like it from the inside, but there are some places you can't go to. I don't know what those places look like. Is it the same as the ruins that appeared in Dongtu recently."

"But the ruins of Dongtu are completely broken, there is not even a copy, some rooms can't be opened at all, this looks good..."

"I came in with Juan just now, but he said he wanted to see what's in other places here, so he went to those places without paint marks."

Lilian held back and didn't look back, her eyes wandered around the booths in front of her, but she was actually focusing on the communication with other players.

Dongtu?There is also such a similar building in Dongtu?

Listening to their discussion, Lilian opened the game forum and chose to enter the section of Dongtu District.

She seldom pays attention to the posts on the Dongtu District forum, and only takes a look when the popularity is high enough to appear on the homepage.

After all, the east land and the west land are too far apart, the South Asian subcontinent is broken into an archipelago, and the West Asia and Indian Ocean regions are deeply affected by the power of the abyss and are full of dangers.

The northern part of the Huang Empire is occupied by cultists who believe in the Great Lord of War. Since hundreds of years ago, they have been engaged in protracted battles with that huge empire in the East.

Therefore, Eastland and Westland cannot be connected again through the kingdom of elves.

And further north of the kingdom of elves is the Arctic Ocean.

Powerful and huge sea beasts are entrenched in every waterway, and every time a fleet departs from the east or west, they have to risk their lives, and every crew member must be mentally prepared that they will not be able to return home.

To this day, neither side has explored a safe channel.

Even so, the illusory waterway in the Arctic Ocean is still the thin line that maintains the last point of connection between the West and the East.

Because the east land is too far away from the west land, it can hardly affect the west land, so Lilian, like most west land players, rarely pays attention to what happens in the east land.

It wasn't until she heard other players mention it that Lilian knew that there was something similar to the metal building in Dongtu.

After opening Dongtu's section, Lilian browsed carefully in the 'chat area', and soon, she found the posts mentioned by those players.

After entering the post, a series of screenshots were refreshed.

Lilian found a few screenshots that were similar to the current hall, compared them a few times, and found that they were indeed exactly the same.

The lights in the hall are embedded, and the design and layout of the place in the screenshots is the same as that of the current hall, except that in those slightly darker screenshots, the lights are broken.

Why are there two identical metal buildings in Dongtu and Xilu?If it was a creation from the outside world, why did it happen to fall on the Eastern Land and the Western Land respectively?Since there are already two, will there be a third and a fourth?

"Let's go."

At this moment, Zhong Ye stood up.

He has already collected all the information, and it is enough to confirm whether the clues are true one by one.

The only reason to stay until now is to eavesdrop on the discussions of those players.

He is different from the player, the player is on the earth and can borrow the earth's network, but he is in the Dan world, only the Adventurer's House can let him connect to the game forum.

If he wants to connect to the game forum, he needs to return to the Adventurer's House, but after leaving, Zhong Ye is afraid that this metal building will disappear from his eyes.

——To be honest, he is quite interested in the truth behind this metal building.

Therefore, pretending to be still looking for the next clue to stay, eavesdropping on the discussions of the players is a helpless way.


At this moment, the player who entered the metal building with another player was surprised, "Juan sent me a message, and he said that he died... not only died, but also resurrected on the spot, no A way to escape, and then died again, and now the number of resurrections has been used up."

As if responding to his voice, not long after the voice fell, the lights in the corridor outside the hall flickered. Zhong Ye and the others who were walking towards the gate noticed the abnormality for the first time, and then stopped.

【How did you die? 】As soon as the player sent the message, he heard the restlessness around him, looked up, his eyes suddenly froze.

【I have no idea! 】

The player on the other side of the private message immediately sent a reply: [The death message did not show who the killer was, only 'unknown'. 】

"Step aside!"

The lights outside the door flickered, and the staff wearing badges drove away the crowded crowd and approached the door.

They lit up the lanterns hanging at their waists one after another, gathered at the door, and let the light surround the door.

Seeing this weird scene, more than one person was frightened. In addition, some people were discussing how long it had been since they saw this kind of scene, and...whether the frequency of this kind of phenomenon is getting higher and higher recently.

"Come here."

Hearing Zhong Ye's voice, Lily and Lilian were slightly puzzled, but they still walked over obediently.

"Something came in."

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the corner of the hall flickered.

The person sitting in that corner quickly rolled up the things on the booth, kicked the soles of his feet, and fled from the spot, and the others also avoided the corner.

Lilian was so frightened that she took out her crossbow and took out a piece of holy water from her clothes. After thinking about it, she felt that it was not safe enough, so she put the holy water back and replaced it with a bottle of holy oil.

How is this going?Why is this happening all of a sudden?Is it caused by players who went to explore other places?

"Don't move! Everyone don't move!"

A shout rang through the crowd, and a man in a management uniform raised his hand and yelled, "Stand where you are, everyone, so they won't find you!"

they? What are 'they'?
The people who had come to participate in the 'bazaar' several times fell silent immediately, only the servants sent by the nobles and those who until now did not understand what happened to the terrible situation were shouting.

Then, the light in another corner flickered.

The people gathered in that corner fled immediately, and the crowd in the remaining two corners seemed to realize something, packed up their things, and walked towards the center of the hall.

Only Zhong Ye and the others were still standing not far from the gate, independent from the crowd.

Zhong Ye could hear someone pointing at them in the crowd crowded in the middle of the hall, but he didn't care. He cared more about the evil aura wandering in the hall.

"...Zhong, what do you feel?" Lily couldn't escape the influence of the tense atmosphere, she swallowed and asked in a trembling voice.

"There is something, wandering in the hall..."

The wandering evil aura did not take them as a target, and quietly sneaked into the crowd gathered in the middle of the hall. Zhong Ye looked back, his indifferent eyes made the crowd feel chills.

Suddenly, the irises of those eyes lit up!

Even Lilian could clearly see that the air around them was fluctuating, and looking at Zhong Ye's bright pupils, he knew that something must have happened.

"No, didn't you say it's okay?" Someone screamed out of fear.

Sensing the strength of the thing opposite, Zhong Ye shook his head, "Let's go, it's not a big deal."

After speaking, he walked towards the door, and Lilian and the others hurriedly followed.

The crowd also became agitated, they had already seen that Zhong Ye and the others were indeed skilled and bold.

"Don't follow, I can't protect so many people."

At the moment when they moved, Zhong Ye suddenly spoke with a loud voice that resounded throughout the hall.

Then, he wrapped Lilian and the others around their waists, and jumped over the circle of staff members.

However, surprisingly-

He turned around and walked in the direction opposite to the exit!

(End of this chapter)

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