Soul echo

Chapter 375 Puzzle Completed

Chapter 375 Puzzle Completed
In addition to the 'gang' that was like a joke, Zhong Ye also visited the Thieves' Guild in Schwenningen - he didn't expect that this small town also had a Thieves' Guild.

But considering that it is close to the border and there is a big pier, it is not surprising that there will be a Thieves Guild here.

However, unlike the few thieves who would confide everything with a little coercion, the members of the Thieves Guild had seen the world, and no matter what Zhong Ye did, they were unwilling to speak up.

Even though Zhong Ye had already bid five gold coins, the members of the Thieves Guild who were in charge of receiving him remained tight-lipped - he could see that they knew about it.

Fortunately, he didn't particularly need this information. After confirming the attitude of the Thieves Guild, Zhong Ye left without any hesitation.

When he returned to the Adventurer's House, neither Lily nor Lilian had returned.

Looking around the hall, he fixed his gaze on several adventurers.

They were not drinking and eating meat, but were discussing things quite seriously.

There is a primeval jungle around Schwenningen, and the monsters and potions there are the main source of income for adventurers in this town.

Zhong Ye thought for a while, then took out a silver coin from his purse, and flicked it over.

The silver coin fell on the table between several adventurers and bounced up twice.

Several adventurers didn't pick it up immediately, and turned their heads to look in the direction where the silver coin came from.

Zhong Ye's figure caught their eyes at the right time, "Inquire about some news."

They looked at Zhong Ye, then at the silver coins on the table, and looked at each other, a strong man who looked like the leader of this group of adventurers nodded to Zhong Ye, "Sit down, what do you want to ask? "

"There is a forest on the other side of the river. That's where your usual adventures are, right?"

Although he was a bit puzzled as to why Zhong Ye would ask this, the strong man still nodded, "That's right."

Zhong Ye smiled slightly, "Then have you noticed the change in the waterline of the big ship of the lord's house?"

This question is really weird, who will pay attention to this?
The strong man frowned, wondering if the man who looked taller than himself was here to amuse them. Just as he was about to answer, he heard one of his companions say, "I've noticed."

This sentence attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked at the person who made the sound in surprise.

Zhong Ye glanced at it, "Tell me?"

"All along, when the ship set off, the waterline was not deep." The talking adventurer gestured, "My father is a businessman, and he taught me when I was a child—such a waterline Merchant ships that are not deep must be loaded with expensive goods, otherwise they will inevitably lose money once they travel, even if they sell and buy while on the road, they cannot make ends meet.

"However, Schwenningen is a small town with no special products. Then, where did the merchant ships' high-value cargo come from?"

The adventurer smugly asked the question, and the faces of the other adventurers immediately showed enlightened expressions.

One of his companions slapped the table excitedly, "No wonder you keep asking us to explore more unknown areas in the forest!"

"Hush!" The adventurer who spoke before was taken aback, "Hush!"

The muscular man who looked like the team leader exhaled and looked at Zhong Ye warily.

Zhong Ye smiled, and took out another silver coin from his purse, "This is a thank you gift for you."

After Zhong Ye got up and left, several adventurers let go of the map they covered with their hands, and redid the adventure route.

A church or temple of some deity exists in most towns, sadly, not all.

Schwenningen didn't have church power, so in this town, Zhong Ye and the others couldn't get help from the church.

But even if there is no church, the brilliance of the gods still envelopes the town and protects the people here.

Zhong Ye had just ordered some meat and was about to feast on it when the door of the Adventurer's House was pushed open, and Lilian walked in from the outside.

Lilian saw Zhong Ye's tall back at first sight, trotted over, and sat down beside him.

"Teacher, guess what I found out?" Lilian raised her chin with a proud face.

"Don't guess."

"Guess what~"

Zhong Ye sighed helplessly, "First of all, it has something to do with that ship."

"Hmm." Lilian nodded repeatedly with a smile on her lips.

Zhong Ye's brain turned, and he continued to guess: "The crew members of that ship are all locals, so you should have met those crew members and their families."

Lilian smiled, "Continue!"

"If our previous guess is correct, the crew and their families are unlikely to reveal any secrets to you, so you probably have heard some well-known things, but they can be related to the news we knew before, for example—— The number of voyages of that ship."

"Correct answer!" Lilian snapped her fingers, then looked at Zhong Ye in amazement, "Teacher, you are so good, you guessed it right."

"Simple reasoning." Zhong Ye was neither surprised nor happy, and his expression didn't change at all. This kind of thing was indeed a trivial matter to him.

"That ship sails twice a year, twice a year, and each time it brings back a lot of things." After the funny, Lilian also became serious, "In contrast, the salaries of the crew should be very generous, whether it is them or The food and clothing expenses of their families are not what the average commoner of this era can afford."

Zhong Ye looked sideways at him, "Continue."

"Bringing so many valuable commodities and wealth back, it is impossible for them not to encounter water bandits, and even on the way, they will encounter water bandits, but every time the ship can return safely, which shows that Big problem."

After a pause, Lilian continued: "Then I also found out that many children in Schwenningen want to become crew members of that ship when they grow up, but it's not that no one opposes and spurns the crew members of that ship." ——Some old people and even middle-aged people in Schwenningen are puzzled by the thoughts of young people.

"Then I asked again, only to find out that this route has only appeared in the past ten years."

Nearly ten years?In other words, human trafficking may have been carried out covertly for ten years?
Zhong Ye frowned. This incident was revealed ten years later. During these ten years, did those traffickers really leave no clues for discovery and pursuit?
After thinking about it carefully, Zhong Ye realized that this hypothesis seems to be valid.

From the two places of Montreux and Schwenningen, it can be seen that even the lords are their accomplices. If they want to cover up the evidence, it seems that it is not so difficult.

Seeing Zhong Ye lost in thought, Lilian hastily added: "Later, I compared the opponent's statement with other people, and found that in the beginning, the money brought back by that ship every time it sailed was not There are so many, and the recruitment of crew members is still very loose, but in the third year, the selection suddenly becomes stricter.

"The proponents are saying that the naysayers are only going against it because they didn't get on the boat in time and didn't make that money."

The situation became more and more strange, Zhong Ye raised his hand and rubbed his chin, "What about the opponents? Do they know that the boat might be used for human trafficking?"

Lilian paused for a moment, then shook her head lightly, "Their reasons for objecting are all kinds of strange, although I didn't ask explicitly, they probably don't know.

"However, one of the old men who was an adventurer and is now a devout believer said that although he didn't know what the ship was for sale, he had looked all over Schwenningen and there was nothing there. , it is impossible to have any valuable cargo, so he believes that the ship must be doing some shady and shady business."

Zhong Ye nodded slightly, tore off a piece of hot barbecue with his hands, and brought it to Lilian's mouth.

In his hands, the roasted meat cooled down quickly, and soon fell to a level suitable for eating.

"Ahh!" Lilian ate it in one gulp, her eyes narrowed.

"After that... there will be no more after that. I only found out so much."

Lilian chewed a few times, swallowed the barbecue, and looked at Zhong Ye's hand enviously, "Teacher, is that also the use of 'Qi'?"

"Don't be so ambitious, you still can't learn this."

Lilian pursed her lips, and heard a "squeak", and the door of the Adventurer's House was pushed open again.

She turned her head and looked, as expected, it was Lily Lieber.

Lily went straight to Zhong Ye and sat down, took off her gloves, picked up the barbecue and blew on it, wanting to eat it up, but soon her tongue was burned and she had to put down the barbecue.

Zhong Ye didn't respond, Lilian looked at him curiously, and asked, "Are you mad?"

Hearing Lilian's question, Lili remembered her previous experience and punched the table angrily.

Lily gritted her teeth and said viciously: "Do you know how outrageous those guys are? They want me to be their lover? If I hadn't been polite, I would have punched them in the face, those damn fat pigs!"

Zhong Ye tore off a piece of barbecue and brought it to Lili's mouth. Without any hesitation, she turned her head and bit it, chewing vigorously.

"What news did you hear?" Zhong Ye asked just in time.

Zhong Ye's actions softened Lily's heart, she was no longer so angry, snorted softly, and said: "The group of fat pigs once thought that there were some high-value things around Schwenningen, so they secretly organized people to search, but there was nothing Discovered—hmph, they deserve it for not discovering!"

In this way, all the clues have been pieced together, and now there is only evidence... and where can I find this evidence?

(End of this chapter)

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