Soul echo

Chapter 376 The Plague Spreads

Chapter 376 The Plague Spreads

After resting for a day, Zhong Ye and the others left Schwenningen.

It is impossible for them to find any evidence here. Even if they can sneak into the ship, there is a high probability that they will not find any evidence that can directly prove that the lord's family in Schwenningen has something to do with the traffickers.

There may be evidence in Lord Schwenningen's manor. After all, "evidence" may hurt themselves, but at the same time, it can also check and balance their collaborators.

If their collaborators want to harm them, they can submit the evidence, even if they can't get help themselves, as long as they can kill the 'enemy', their purpose will be achieved.

However, this method is too strong, as long as it is used, both sides will be hit and destroyed, so the lord of Schwenningen should not use it easily.

Because of this, if Lord Schwenningen really has any 'evidence' in his hands, then he will definitely hide the evidence very, very deeply.

Under such circumstances, obtaining evidence from them is no less difficult than directly breaking into the lord's manor and destroying their entire family.

Therefore, Zhong Ye chose to leave Schwenningen and go to other places to search for evidence.

Moreover, his next destination has also been selected.

— Schaffhausen!
They compared the maps of the Hallstatt city-state alliance and the Rhine Kingdom, and found this town closest to the Rhine Kingdom.

This is a border territory, located just south of Schwenningen. Based on their footsteps, it will only take one or two days to reach that town.

There, they might be able to find something 'new'.


When Zhong Ye and the others arrived in Schaffhausen, the icicles hanging on the branches showed signs of melting, and the cold wind howling between the sky and the earth also subsided.

Spring seems to be coming soon, but judging from the current situation, this 'fast' may need to last for several days.

When Zhong Ye and the others arrived in Schaffhausen, he heard people discussing the somewhat unusual weather this year.

People say that if it is in previous years, it will already be spring at this time.

Farmers are a little worried, what if the cold winter continues and the planting time becomes shorter?
Many of them are still in debt to the lord or a certain merchant. If the harvest is not good this year, let alone repay the debt, they may need to borrow money to plant next year.

If the church has spare money, it would be nice to be able to borrow one or two, but in case the church has no spare money to lend...

Driving the carriage on the only street in the town, Zhong Ye heard laughter and sighs.

At the end of the street, near the other side of the town, stood a brand new building.

That building has a distinctive appearance. The building materials used are probably reinforced concrete, and every window is made of glass. Although it is not transparent, it is considered quite expensive in this era.

The Adventurer's House in Schaffhausen is much more lively than Schwenningen, at least before entering the door, Zhong Ye and the others could feel the hustle and bustle of people inside.

But this is also in line with their wishes. There are too many people talking and they can get more information.

After checking in as usual, Zhong Ye and the others separated again.

But this time it was a bit different from Schwenningen, because this time they did not have a particularly clear goal.

They were not sure whether the group of human traffickers were the Rhine Kingdom going through Schaffhausen, so they could only speculate on the sidelines.

After Lily and Lilian left the Adventurer's House, Zhong Ye casually found a few adventurers who seemed to have been in the local area for some years, slapped a silver coin on the table, and sat down.


Those adventurers looked at Zhong Ye, then at the silver coins on the table, all smiling.

"What do you want to talk about?" An adventurer narrowed his eyes with a smile, put one hand on the table, moved a little closer to Zhong Ye, and raised his eyebrows at him.

Zhong Ye folded his arms, Dama Jindao sat on the chair, glanced at the adventurer, and then looked at the others.

"I'm following a gang."

Several adventurers cheered up and listened attentively.

"That's a group of human traffickers."

Hearing this, several adventurers looked at each other, and someone sighed and pushed the silver coin back, "Forget about it."

Zhong Ye did not take back the silver coin, but stared at the man, "Why?"

"We have never been in touch with such troublesome things. Only in this way can we live longer."

Seeing that these adventurers really didn't intend to say anything, Zhong Ye took back the silver coins and went to find others.

Unfortunately, he also hit a wall with others.

Some people were willing to speak, but as soon as those people spoke, Zhong Ye could tell that they were lying.

It only took him one morning to let the adventurers know that Schaffhausen had a ruthless character.

——The major churches strictly prohibit the buying and selling of people, and the people or organizations that can operate this business under the blockade of the church are all capable and connected.

However, now someone wants to track down a group of human traffickers!

Either a paladin or a demon hunter, and that person doesn't look like a paladin, so he must be a demon hunter!
Unlike some polite paladins, demon hunters are real scumbags. Once they are identified as enemies, they will definitely kill those people.

But after hearing the news, the adventurers couldn't help but have some thoughts.

Are there really traffickers around Schaffhausen?If this is the case, then some of the disappearances in Schaffhausen may be related to the traffickers?

Because of the arrival of Zhong Ye and the others, the situation in Schaffhausen gradually became chaotic. Soon, the church power in Schaffhausen was alarmed.

There is a small church in Schaffhausen on the outskirts of the city. There is only one priest and a few apprentices in the church.

The pastor belongs to the Church of the Earth Mother, and it was already late in the afternoon when he heard the news that there were suspected human traffickers in Schaffhausen.

Even though it was close to dinner time, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately rushed to the adventurer's house with two apprentices.

At that time, Lily and Lilian also returned to the Adventurer's House. Zhong Ye and the three of them sat around a table, and everyone around them looked at them with strange eyes.

When Zhong Ye heard the pastor bringing his two apprentices, they first inquired at the door, and then walked straight towards them.

Zhong Ye put down the spoon and turned to look over.


The pastor who was over middle age looked at Zhong Ye and the others, hesitating for a moment.

"Please sit down." Zhong Ye pointed to the vacant seat beside him, "It may be a bit long to talk about, you probably haven't had dinner yet, so come and eat with us."

The pastor felt a little embarrassed, but the two apprentices behind him couldn't help swallowing.

Dimu Church has always pursued a simple life, and occasionally there is a big meal, but it can't be as rich as the one placed in front of Zhong Ye and the others.

"Don't worry, I'm quite rich."

Hearing what Zhong Ye said, the pastor stopped struggling, sighed, and sat in with the two apprentices.

Then, while eating, Zhong Ye talked to the pastor about those traffickers.

The pastor and his two apprentices were dumbfounded, and they couldn't imagine that so many things happened in other places.

Not only the Kingdom of Gaul, the Kingdom of the Rhine, but even the Hallstatt City-State Alliance may have that kind of black mist-like monster...

"...In other words, you also suspect that a human trafficking team passed through Schaffhausen and headed for Schwenningen?"

The priest, who was very worried at first, was relieved when he heard the news.

Turns out it was just suspicion, not real...

Zhong Ye nodded and said: "Do you know any relevant clues? Of course, irrelevant ones are fine. We will go to other places to investigate. If we drop by, we can help you solve some things. I am a superhuman, It can solve a lot of problems.”


Although a little embarrassed, but hesitated for a moment, the pastor still sighed and said: "In the east of Schaffhausen, there is a city named Constantia, which is the city of the Kingdom of the Rhine. If you are on the way, I hope you can go to look there...

"There... it seems that some bad things have happened recently. It is said that there is a plague..."

(End of this chapter)

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