Soul echo

Chapter 710 The Son of Purity

Chapter 710 The Son of Purity
"What's wrong? So serious all of a sudden?"

Because there is a time difference between being in the East in "Echo of Soul" and the area where Lilian lives in reality, Lilian often chooses to spend a day in the game and then return to reality to catch up on sleep.

She has been doing this since she arrived in Dongtu, and her physical jet lag is different from many people.

Therefore, if there is anything, the Illusion Company will generally discuss it with Lilian's parents, after all, she is still a minor.

But just today, Lilian was sleeping, but was woken up from her sleep.

When she rushed to the conference room in a suspended wheelchair, besides her stepfather and mother, she also saw many researchers who rarely saw each other.

Although these researchers are also studying Dan's world and the abyss, their projects do not have much overlap with Lilian's own projects, and Lilian rarely sees them on weekdays.

However, now that she not only saw them, but also saw the serious expressions on their faces, she not only felt a little uneasy and nervous.

Lilian's mother Valentina shook her head, "I don't know, Vasily and I just arrived too..."

Seeing Lilian, her stepfather Vasily frowned, "If it's an internal meeting of Phantom Company, then they shouldn't need to inform us. Could it be that the research related to Lilian and you has produced results?"

At this moment, the researchers who were whispering suddenly stopped their discussion and turned their attention to Lilian and the others.

The eyes of dozens of people focused on her at the same time. Lilian was fine, she was used to it, but her stepfather and mother felt nervous.

"Mr. Yelich, Ms. Mirko..."

The researcher who spoke paused for a moment, pondered his words, and then said: "We have notified you to come here. We do have something to explain to you, and this matter is related to your daughter."

Hearing this, Vasily and Valentina turned their heads to look at Lilian.

However, Lilian shook her head at them with a heavy expression, "It shouldn't be me..."

If it wasn't Lilian, it would be...

"Yes, it has nothing to do with Miss Lilian." The researcher sighed, "It's your youngest daughter—the thing we're going to talk about is related to your other daughter."

Hearing these words, Valentina's heart tightened, and she grabbed the armrest tightly with both hands, "What's wrong with her? Isn't she in good health? I just had a physical examination yesterday, and the data is all normal..."

Sensing Valentina's urgency, the other researchers hurriedly spoke to appease: "Ms. Mirko, please rest assured that your little daughter is fine, and the problem does not lie with her!"

"The problem is not Danya..." Valentina was taken aback for a moment.

Vasily pondered for a moment and asked, "So, is there something wrong with the other babies?"

"How could other babies have anything to do with Danya?" Valentina frowned and looked at her husband.

"Ms. Mirko, unfortunately, Mr. Yelich is right." The first researcher who spoke sighed, waved his fingers in the air, and pulled out a chart, "The problem is indeed that other new on a newborn baby."

Lilian turned her head and opened her mouth when she saw the title of the chart.

——"Neonatal Abyss Infection Rate Statistics May-June"!
This chart is very clear, and people can see at a glance that the number of newborns with abyssal infection rate of zero accounts for only one ten thousandth of all newborns!

"After the equipment for detecting the infection rate of the abyss was manufactured, we secretly installed a few in many hospitals, and those hospitals more or less knew something about the abyss."

Looking at the chart, an old researcher sighed: "There are a lot of newborns on the earth, but we can monitor only a few. Last month, we only monitored the birth of 12 newborns...but you Looking at this chart, we can see that almost all newborns have abyssal infection as soon as they are born. Although many of them are a few tenths to two percent, there are also cases where the infection rate exceeds [-]%. newborn."

Listening, Lilian only felt her scalp go numb.

She didn't know what the 'abyss infection rate' was all about, but she knew from the sound that it was not a good thing.

At least as far as she has seen and heard in Dan's world, as long as she can have a relationship with the abyss, it will definitely not be a good thing!
Vasily was able to remain calm, because he didn't know what the 'Abyss' was, and his youngest daughter's infection rate was zero, so there was no need to worry.

"So, what exactly does the abyss infection rate mean? Is Danya's zero abyss infection rate a good thing?"

Hearing her husband's question, Valentina also became nervous and looked at the researchers.

A female researcher wearing glasses nodded, "I can assure you that the zero infection rate in the abyss is indeed a good thing, because anything that can be associated with the abyss is quite dangerous to humans. And the abyss infection rate represents the degree of connection between the soul and the abyss, nothing more."

Hearing this, Vasily and Valentina breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Lilian, who was sitting next to her, asked, "However, you definitely didn't call us here just to explain this matter, did you?"

Lilian knew that these researchers still had a lot to say. The rate of infection in the abyss is not that simple. If she asked, the researchers might explain to her, but she didn't intend to let her stepfather and mother know so much. It's not a good thing.

After all, the more you understand the abyss, the more likely you will receive the temptation from the abyss.

A tall researcher pushed his glasses, nodded and said: "Indeed, we have other things we want to ask for your permission."

"What?" Vasily and Valentina became nervous again.

Researcher Gao Da explained: "Currently, we call the newborn with zero infection rate in the abyss the 'Pure Son'. Although we still don't know the birth mechanism of the Pure Son, we want your little daughter Danya to cooperate with us. Some experiments with her - don't rush to object, we promise not to expose her to anything related to the abyss, only to expose her to spells and things like Dan's world.

"You are very precious to your daughters, we know this very well, but maybe you don't know that, we care more about Danya than you, because she is one of only ten pure sons, the only one out of 12 newborns. Among the ten people, her sister was the first 'superpower' who inspired the soul without knowing it, which is of great research value."

No matter what the researcher said, Vasily and Valentina felt a little doubt about their words.

They did not conduct any excessive experiments on Lilian, but they could not guarantee that they would not conduct excessive experiments on Danya.

The researchers are trying their best to persuade Vasily and Valentina, but they have not let go. Several researchers have to turn to Lilian for help, hoping that she can help persuade her parents.

"...Does this phenomenon exist in Dan's world?" Lilian thought for a moment, then tapped the armrest of the wheelchair with her index finger, "This phenomenon of 'son of purity'."

The researchers looked at each other and shook their heads.

The female researcher in glasses explained: "The concept of gods in Dan's world is backward, and they don't have this awareness. When they were reminded by us to test people all over the world, they found that everyone was more or less connected to the abyss. Even they themselves are the same, so the pure sons have the value of research!"

Lilian nodded slightly, and asked again: "So, are there any abyss believers among the existing insiders?"

The old researcher sighed: "It's not impossible..."

"Then, after these abyss believers know the existence of the 'Son of Purity', is it possible to harm the Son of Purity?"

This question was thought-provoking, and Vasily and Valentina also looked at each other in horror.

"So," Lilian turned her head to look at her parents with a serious expression, "Dad, Mom, I think Danya must join the experiment, at least this can improve her confidentiality level and protection power, and reduce the risk of being attacked by Abyss believers. The possibility of knowing!"

"This..." Her parents fell into hesitation.

Their faces looked a little struggling, complicated and difficult to understand.

But after a while, they sighed resignedly, nodded, and signaled their permission to allow their youngest daughter Danya to cooperate with these researchers in some experiments.

At the same time, they also made a request that when the researchers needed Danya to cooperate with the experiment, at least one of them and Lilian should be present.

This request was not too much, and the researchers agreed directly.

(End of this chapter)

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