Soul echo

Chapter 711

Chapter 711
Zhong Ye walked towards the south slowly, because the matter had been settled, and the rest could be handed over to the emperor. He didn't need to do anything, so he could relax a little and heal his wounds along the way.

Naturally, lightning is far more terrifying than the lightning released by mages and warlocks. Therefore, the sequelae of lightning entering the body are much more serious than Zhong Ye imagined.

On the first day, his head was extremely dull. Although he could still think about problems, his reaction was much slower than before. At the same time, he also lost most of his emotions, and his reaction speed and enthusiasm for the outside world were slow. Lowered a lot.

The situation is getting better over time, but not completely.

Fortunately, there are still ten days before the start of the exhibition. In these ten days, he may be able to restore most of his feelings.

Zhong Ye did not get close to human settlements, and walked in the mountains and forests all the time, which could reduce the risk of him being discovered.

Now his injury is not very serious, but it is not light. Apart from the brain, all the organs in the body have been severely damaged, but the recovery speed is much faster than the brain, and now it can support him in a high-intensity battle. .

He didn't know how many abyss believers and demons were hiding in the east. If they knew the news of his battle with Shangguan's family, they might come to rob and kill him.

His current condition is not suitable for fighting. Once he fights with others, his injuries may aggravate.

Therefore, avoid as much as you can.

It was another night, Zhong Ye stopped to rest in a ruined temple in the wild.

Pick up some branches and leaves that fell around the ruined temple, light a fire, and put a stag that was hunted before on the fire to roast.

The stag has been skinned long ago, and its internal organs have been processed, and he puts it into the bracelet as a spare food.

This deer was very big, standing on the ground a little taller than Zhong Ye, and it was the king of that group, but it was a pity that it bumped into Zhong Ye's hand, and it was naturally reduced to a spare ration.

Zhong Ye is currently recovering from his injuries and needs nutrition very much. At that time, he did not find any other monsters, so he could only use this deer to supplement his nutrition.

He didn't carry any condiments with him, so it didn't taste much when he ate it directly, and it could even be said to be unpalatable, but even if it was unpalatable, Zhong Ye would eat it all with a frown.

In this wilderness, these are the only things that can supplement nutrition. Even if you don't eat this venison, other things can't be very delicious.

The venison was scorching hot, but Zhong Ye's expression remained the same.

As the attribute becomes stronger and stronger, his joy of life will inevitably decrease. For example, now his mouth can barely feel the temperature, and the same is true for his skin. Eating a "hot meal" has become a luxury. No matter how hot the food is, he will I can't feel the existence of temperature, like eating leftovers.

It's no wonder that most Legends are indifferent, but there is nothing in the world that can attract them.

Just when Zhong Ye ate most of the whole stag, he moved his ears and heard a voice from afar.

Hearing that voice and calculating the distance, Zhong Ye realized that his ear nerves had finally recovered.

"... There is a ruined temple in front of it, which is generally intact. Last time I passed by, I stayed there for one night. Although it can't protect against wild animals, it can shelter from wind and rain. It's not bad."

The sound of footsteps gradually approached, and then the people outside gradually slowed down, holding their breath and concentrating, and slowly approached the ruined temple.

Obviously, they all found the fire in the temple, but they didn't want to leave. In this kind of wilderness, who doesn't want a place that can shelter from wind and rain?

Several people discussed it outside the temple, and then sent a person into the temple to take a look.

Just seeing Zhong Ye's back and the pile of bones beside him, the man was almost scared out of his wits, and his teeth chattered uncontrollably.

He looked back a few times, but saw his companion making an inquiring gesture, took a breath, and asked in a trembling voice: "Dare, dare to ask, which road is this brother?"

"Passers-by, don't worry if you want to rest here." Zhong Ye replied while eating.

The sound of his chewing scared the questioner enough, because the sky was dark, the person couldn't see clearly what kind of bones were placed beside Zhong Ye, he could only vaguely see that it was a pile of bones.

There are so many bones, piled up so high, they must be human bones...

Swallowing, the questioner took two steps back, then turned around and walked to his companion as if he was running away.

The leader of the few people was a ruthless person, and after hearing 'the man in the temple seems to be eating people', he led the team into the ruined temple.

Walking into the ruined temple, the head took a closer look and saw a deer skull. He quickly glanced at the pile of bones and found that he could match the deer skull. He breathed a sigh of relief, clasped his fists and smiled and asked, "I'm in a hurry to hurry. I also happen to know that there is a ruined temple here, so I don’t ask for anything, I just want a shelter from the wind.”

Zhong Ye turned his head to look at them a few times, then looked back at the remaining venison.

"I'm not the owner of this place either. I'm just a passerby who happened to pass by here. If you want to rest, you can find a place to sit down. You don't need to ask my opinion."

Zhong Ye's answer made the leader feel puzzled: Could it be that he is really not a person from the world?Or is it a fledgling?
Zhong Ye didn't understand what he said, this was the thing that puzzled the boss the most, after all, Zhong Ye should be from the world both in terms of physique and temperament.

Confused, Toutou led his subordinates to the other side of the ruined temple and sat down, then put down a box with a "boom", and turned around to look at Zhong Ye suspiciously.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like it, but it doesn't match Huatou, which is really strange.

After eating the venison in his hands, Zhong Ye clapped his hands, turned his head to look at those people, and made those who were secretly watching him feel nervous.

Zhong Ye was bigger than them by a circle. Before becoming extraordinary, the difference in size was the absolute difference in strength.

"In that box of yours..." Zhong Ye raised his finger and pointed to the box carried by several people, "Is it filled with one person?"

He had already heard the sound of breathing in the box, but the sound of breathing was very steady, it sounded like he was asleep, so he didn't speak directly.

Of course, if those people turned around and left before, Zhong Ye would stop them.

Several people's bodies shook at the same time, and they immediately drew their knives out of their sheaths, roaring and rushing towards Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye didn't even move his body, but the pupils of his eyes shone brightly, and the psionic energy locked their bodies in the air.

Several people felt a powerful force strangling themselves, and they could no longer move, and then their eyes showed fear.

Their previous jumping movements were stalemate in the middle, Zhong Ye got up, walked between them, let the eyes with tearing eyes turn to him, and opened the box.

Lying inside the box was a little boy. He was wearing an ill-fitting sackcloth, but his skin was white and delicate. If he was a child from an ordinary family, his skin would never look like this.

If nothing else happened, this should be a child of a wealthy family, but he was dressed in linen clothes and stuffed into a box and taken away.

If you think about it this way, the identity of this child is somewhat worthy of scrutiny.

Zhong Ye stretched out his hand and pushed the boy, but the boy was not woken up and was still asleep.

Is this drugged?

Sighing, Zhong Ye turned his head to look at those people, and untied their restraints.

The restraint was lifted, and several people fell to the ground.

After all, it is their bodies that are bound, not kinetic energy and inertia.

"Tell me, who is this child? Why did you kidnap him? Who are you? Don't lie. I am the supervisory censor. This token can tell whether you are lying or not."

Hearing these words, those few people immediately showed panic.

They looked at each other for a few moments, the leader sat on the ground helplessly, and sighed: "I'm waiting... the villain is a bandit from a nearby mountain. He became a bandit because he couldn't stand those silverfish. Several brothers became their leaders when they were old."

Saying that, the bandit leader looked at the child, and sighed again: "The child was given to us by his mother, who asked us to take it to Bianliang and entrust it to Changuang Pavilion..."

(End of this chapter)

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