Soul echo

Chapter 712

Chapter 712
"Entrust to Changuang Pavilion?" Zhong Ye narrowed his eyes, "Do you know where Changuang Pavilion is?"

"Hey! Isn't it just a brothel?" The bandit leader grinned, "The child's mother came from Changuang Pavilion, and she was afraid that she would not survive, so she entrusted us to bring her son out."

Zhong Ye also sat cross-legged on the ground, and after hearing those words, he pointed his thigh with his index finger and asked, "What's the matter if you can't survive? Also, why did she give her child to you bandits?" ?”

"Because her husband is the magistrate of that county, the villain is her last choice. If she chooses the villain, her son may still have a chance of life, but if her son is placed there, it will be a dead end!"

The leader of the bandit is worthy of "studying for several years". Although his appearance is vicissitudes and slovenly, it can be heard from his conversation that he still has some knowledge - at least he can use idioms.

And he also saw that Zhong Ye didn't seem to be doing anything to them for the time being, and his tone became much more relaxed.

Zhong Ye was a little interested in what he said, "Tell me?"

His attitude confirmed the conjecture of the bandit leader, who laughed and said: "The child is the son of the magistrate of Muye. The third concubine gave birth to a son for Magistrate Muye, that boy."

After talking about the background of this incident, he paused for a moment and continued: "The concubine gave birth to a son, and if he put it on someone else, it would be a terrible thing, but the county magistrate of Muye had a son with Fa's wife. He is not young, so he has been in peace all the time, but just last month, something happened, and the eldest son of Muye County Magistrate suddenly became critically ill, and no amount of treatment could cure him.

"Magistrate Muye and his first wife tried all methods, but failed to cure his eldest son. Then, a few days ago, a Taoist priest came to the door. The villain didn't know what happened. The child's mother So I asked someone to find the villain, and asked the villain to help send the child to the Changuang Pavilion in Bianliang, and asked to keep it secret all the way, so don't let other people know about it."

After listening, Zhong Ye stroked his chin.

If one imagines based on the known information so far, there may be something in the child that can cure the illness of the eldest son of Makino County Magistrate, but his mother disagreed, so she secretly sent the child out.

If the facts are as expected, then the child's mother is probably dead.

A 'concubine' is never a real person. In the husband's family, it is equivalent to the husband's property. If the husband loves it, the status may be higher than other servants, but it will never be higher than the main wife.

The main wife can beat and scold the concubine at will, but as the main wife of the magistrate of Muye, even if she beat the concubine to death, as long as the magistrate of Muye doesn't want to lose face, he will definitely cover up the matter.

If the child's mother really sent him out because she didn't want her child to become the 'medicine' for the eldest son of Makino County Magistrate, then the child's mother might really be beaten to death.

"Then why did you drug him?" Zhong Ye pointed to the box.

But the bandit leader shook his head, "We didn't give you that medicine! That baby already looked like this when it was handed over to us!
"The villain is a bandit and cannot enter the county town, so this kid was sent out of the city to us."

That's why that child was wearing an ill-fitting sackcloth. Is the reason for concealing his identity?

Zhong Ye nodded slightly, and looked up at the bandits.

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

The bandit leader's smile faded away. He was not stupid. Hearing Zhong Ye's question, he knew that he and others were about to suffer.

The man in front of him was someone who would meddle in his own business just because he heard the sound of breathing in a box. What would happen if he knew that he and others had killed someone?
The bandit leader fell silent, and all the bandits under him turned their attention to his boss, hoping that he could come up with an answer.

After thinking for a long time, his eyes fell on the badge hanging on Zhong Ye's belt. The bandit leader took a deep breath, and smiled at himself: "'s harmless to beg for this food." Take your life?"

Xie Zhi didn't open his eyes, and he didn't growl, which showed that the words were true.

"How many people have you killed?" Zhong Ye's face was calm, without any emotion.

"Three people." The leader of the bandit answered questions like a stream, and then he added, "The villain is a bandit, but he is only looking for money, so he won't kill people easily."

After staring at him for a while, seeing the bandit leader sweating, Zhong Ye shifted his gaze to the others, "What about you?"


"Answer truthfully!" The bandit leader turned his head and glared angrily at his younger brothers.

The bandits who were scolded shrank their heads and answered truthfully.

"I am alone."

"I am one too."

"Me, me three..."

Xie Zhi opened his eyes angrily and let out a roar.

The roar was deafening and echoed endlessly in the ruined temple, and the faces of the bandits instantly turned pale.

"Who? Which bastard lied? Didn't I say to answer truthfully? You don't even listen to what I say!" The bandit leader cursed, his face also pale.

Because he saw that the face of the tall and burly man in front of him remained unchanged after hearing the roar. What he was most afraid of was this kind of person who couldn't show his emotions—this kind of person killed people without blinking an eye. And no one knows when they will do it!
"The truth?" Zhong Ye asked indifferently.

"Four... no no no, six! Six!"

Everyone else looked at their mourning companion in horror, as if they were meeting him for the first time.

Ordinary people would fall into bandits if they were fine. The reason why they would fall into bandits must have a criminal record.

They stayed together all the time. After becoming bandits, they knew who killed how many people, but before becoming bandits, they had no way of knowing who killed how many people.

"I will take you to Bianliang and hand them over to the government." Zhong Ye said softly, without changing his face, "How the government judges is their business. The only thing I can guarantee is that the trial will be fair, because I am The current owner of Changuang Pavilion, my name is Zhong Ye."

Hearing this name, the memories in the minds of the bandits were immediately activated, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"Yama with jade face!"

As time went by, even bandits who often lived in the mountains knew Zhong Ye's name and knew that he had been listed in the "Record of Heroes".

Those who can be listed in the "Heroes" are all martial arts masters and land gods. The words of such people can already affect a whole family, even in Shuntian Mansion and Yingtian Mansion.

The words spoken by such a person must be full of promises.

But after hearing this, the bandits fell silent.

'Justice' may not be a good thing for them. After all, they are all bandits, and there are still several murder cases in their hands. The best ending is to be put in prison and never see the light of day again.

Their silence didn't affect Zhong Ye, he turned his head to look at the child, because he didn't know what kind of drug was in the child, so he didn't dare to treat the child lightly.

However, if the child's mother sent the child here, the effect of the drug may not be too heavy.

It's not far from Bianliang here. If we leave tomorrow morning, we will arrive in the afternoon. During this period, the child should be able to wake up.

After the child was sent to Changuang Pavilion and the bandits were handed over to the government, he turned back to Muye to have a look.

No matter how you looked at this matter, it seemed weird, and he would feel a little uneasy if he didn't go and have a look.

"Go to bed, it's getting late, and you have to get up and hurry tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Zhong Ye closed his eyes, "Don't think about running away, even if you are asleep, I can still know your movements, no matter who of you runs away, you won't be able to escape very far."

The bandits trembled and did not dare to speak.

They look at me, I look at you, but they can't say a word.

"Go to sleep..." In the end, the bandit leader sighed and said, "I can't run away anyway, so get a good night's sleep, so as not to lose energy tomorrow morning."

Then, he walked to a pillar by himself, leaned against the pillar and fell asleep.

The other bandits were also very helpless, but their boss had said so, and they couldn't help it.

Moreover, they didn't think that they could escape from the palm of a martial arts master. They would die anyway, but one died in the hands of Zhong Ye, and the other was sentenced by the government.

If they fall into the hands of the government, they may still have a chance to escape.

Thinking like this, the bandits fell asleep restlessly with their own thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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