Soul echo

Chapter 79 The End of the Story

Chapter 79 The End of the Story
The townspeople who lived at the mouth of the town saw the rising of the fog, and they were surprised.

It didn't take long for them to discover that the direction of the fog rushing was the entrance of the town, and the flame on the torch was stretched and drifted towards the entrance of the town.

They stood there in a daze, watching the turbulent fog gather and condense into a tall female shape, their eyes slowly opened wide.

The woman formed by the condensed white mist has distinct limbs, clear facial features, and an enchanting figure, which is extremely attractive.

Immediately afterwards, they heard a burst of hurried footsteps. Several people turned their heads and saw a tall figure striding towards the moonlight.

At this moment, the woman condensed from the white mist opened her eyes, and a magical light flashed in her eyes. All the townspeople who were watching her trembled slightly and stood still.

Afterwards, the Daughter of White Mist looked at Zhong Ye and smiled slightly: "Thank you, brave adventurer."

It seems that countless young, young, young, and old female throats are speaking in unison. These voices speak in the same tone at the same time, forming her unique and inexplicably shocking voice.

"As a reward, I allow you to be my pope and spread the gospel for me in this world."

"I reject!"

As soon as the witch finished speaking, Zhong Ye rejected her invitation.

He vigilantly looked at the witch ten meters away, and clenched his big sword tightly.

The witch condensed from the white mist still has a kind of magical beauty, her frown and smile seem to be touching, her figure is particularly tall, not much shorter than herself.

At a glance, this is a 'bad woman'.

"That's a pity..."

The witch pretended to sigh, and as she let out a sigh, the townspeople who were charmed turned around one after another.

No matter men, women, old or young, disabled or not, after being charmed by the witch, they all burst out with great power, like hungry wolves, and rushed towards Zhong Ye.

"What are you doing?"

The townspeople who were not charmed exclaimed, no matter how you look at it, the woman in the white mist is the villain, why did they attack the hostile adventurer?
But their voices were not heard by the 'confused'. If they stood in front of these lost townspeople, they would be knocked to the ground.

Lost people came from all directions, but Zhong Ye didn't even look at them, his eyes fixed on the witch.

——That is the enemy!

The witch smiled and turned into a folding fan, covering her lips and teeth, leaving only a pair of beautiful eyes blinking provocatively.

The crowded townspeople raised their fists and spread their arms. At this moment, Zhong Ye moved.

The left arm shot out like lightning, hitting the townspeople's heads and side necks one after another, but they were only knocked out with all their force.

The townspeople around Zhong Ye fell to the ground one by one, but the other townspeople behind them didn't care, stepped on the bodies of the fallen people, and rushed towards Zhong Ye.

His eyebrows raised, and his anger rose sharply.

The warrior jumped up, jumped onto the top of a nearby house, and looked down at the witch.

"I understand..." The Daughter of White Mist giggled, "You are the kind-hearted guy who can't bear to hurt others... People like you are the best to deal with~"

The townspeople who were under control suddenly turned around and rushed towards them amidst the horrified eyes of the others.

"No, no, don't come here!"

Under the control of the witch, neighbors, friends, and family members who used to be acquainted began to kill each other!

The warrior didn't say anything, he just jumped down from the roof with his sword in hand, and the big sword slashed at the condensed white mist with anger.

Under the sword's edge, the white mist split in two, and the witch's figure and face were instantly blurred, but her laughter still lingered in Zhong Ye's ears.

The witch's will wrapped two strands of mist around Zhong Ye's body, and his face was condensed on his shoulders again, whispering in his ear: "You shouldn't expose your weakness to should watch them get hurt and die, Otherwise, as it is now, more people will suffer.”

Zhong Ye raised his hand to grab it, but he could only grab a cloud of white mist.

The witch's face flew in front of Zhong Ye, her eyes shimmered, and the corners of her lips slightly raised, revealing her most beautiful and charming side as a woman.

"—surrender to me!"

"I reject!"

Zhong Ye raised his fist, using a technique called [Zhen Qi Infusion] to move his breath, and hit the witch who had let down her vigilance.

——All the panic and anxiety shown earlier is for this moment!

The fist hit the white mist directly, and the witch felt something was wrong when Zhong Ye raised his arm, but she had no time to react and was hit.

The extraordinary power called 'Qi' poured into the white mist and touched the witch's soul. The white mist burst open and flew away suddenly.

The manipulative who was scratching and biting on top of other townspeople came to his senses, saw the blood and sebum on his hands, and screamed and wailed in panic.

When Lilian and the hotel owner arrived, they saw this shocking scene and stopped in their tracks.

"You - bastard!"

The witch cursed angrily: "Are you fucking pretending?"

"No, I'm really angry." Zhong Ye looked coldly at the white mist in the distance, "This is the fastest way I can think of to solve the situation without killing anyone—— Although it was a gamble, unfortunately, I bet right!"

With her back against the closed gate of the small town, Bai Wu kept trying to gather and re-condense into a shape, but Zhong Ye's blow seemed to have seriously injured her, and she was unable to re-condense for a long time.

"Take them away!"

Zhong Ye didn't even turn his head, his gaze was fixed on the cloud of white mist coldly, his senses were completely let go, and he paid attention to all the disturbances around him.

His voice made the hotel owner and the townspeople wake up like they had just woken up from a dream, and hurried over to take away the seriously injured townspeople who were lying on the ground, so that the group of townspeople who were controlled by the witch before seemed not to have suffered any injuries. The townspeople themselves followed.

Lily stood firmly on the spot without moving.

Zhong Ye knew what she wanted to do, or what the audience in the studio wanted to do.

Clutching the hilt of the sword silently, a cold light flashed in Zhong Ye's eyes.

The witch hasn't moved for a long time, she must be stalling for time, she can't wait any longer!

Zhong Ye's figure disappeared from sight in an instant, Lilian's mouth opened slightly, and the barrage also exploded.

The big sword was raised flat and pierced into the white mist.

However, before the white mist was pierced by the moonlight, it automatically separated to the two sides.

Zhong Ye's wrist swayed, and the great sword that stopped suddenly before the tip of the sword was embedded in the door panel swirled, sweeping away the white mist.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

The witch kept scolding, and the screams even made the bricks and tiles tremble, making Lilian, who was standing far away, have to plug her ears.

But Zhong Ye remained unmoved, like a ruthless machine, sweeping away the white mist that filled the air.

Bai Wu tried to escape, but no matter which direction she fled, she would be slashed by Zhong Ye's sword in the end, cutting off the escape route.

Every time a part of the mist is cut by the moonlight, the witch loses control over that part.

Jianguang blooms in the corners where the moonlight cannot reach, like flowers and paintings.

Lilian had personally experienced the heaviness of that great sword, but in Zhong Ye's hands, the 'moonlight' was dancing lightly, as light as a real moonlight without any weight.

Even the pickiest viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked by Zhong Ye's martial arts—even through a camera, they could still feel the 'momentum'!
——[It turns out that there really is such a thing as 'momentum' in this world...]

Someone involuntarily typed out this line of barrage.

The white mist was divided and cut by the sharp sword light, gradually shrinking.

The witch's screams became smaller and smaller, and she even lost the strength to curse.

In the end, dissipated into nothing...

Holding a big sword in his hand, Zhong Ye panted lightly facing the dark gate of the town.

He shouldered the big sword with his backhand, stepped forward with both legs, and rushed towards Lilian.


Before the girl could ask a question, she was picked up by her teacher.

The barrage started again, and Zhong Ye carried Lilian on his back and rushed towards the depths of the town, as if he was abducting a girl.

But Lilian knew that her teacher was a gentleman, so she would not do such impolite things. There must be a reason for what he did now.

——[The witch is not dead! 】

——[That witch is 'Missing', it is impossible to die so easily]

——【The witch has not experienced the third death, that is to say, she can come back to life】

The senders of these barrages thought of one thing at the same time after seeing other barrages similar to their own.

——【Zhong Ye is going to kill that witch completely! 】

Zhong Ye didn't run for long before he ran into the hotel owner and the others who had evacuated with other townspeople.

They stood in place, each of them moved stiffly, as if a time-pause button had been pressed.

At the moment when Zhong Ye and Lilian caught up with them, they 'resurrected', all turned their heads and smiled, and said in unison:
"Those were all lying to you just now! I didn't die at all, are you surprised?"

Zhong Ye put Lilian down and pulled her behind.

"Not surprised.

"It's you instead—I've found a way to kill you completely without hurting anyone else, surprise?"

(End of this chapter)

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