Soul echo

Chapter 78 The End of the Story

Chapter 78 The End of the Story
The live broadcast room was in chaos, everyone was discussing the information revealed in those words, and why the 'Great Mother' asked Zhong Ye to deal with a 'false god'.

Whether it was the Earth Mother or Zhong Ye who killed the 'false god', it was just a game background for the players, because their level had not yet reached the level that could fight against such monsters.

Since they are all 'game backgrounds', why didn't Mother Di do it herself, but asked Zhong Ye for help?

Why didn't Mother Earth help the believers when they fought against the 'witch' with their lives, and watched their own believers die?

The audience has too many "why" want to get the answer, the background of the game also said that the gods love the world, the result is this?

--【I see! 】

When people were arguing about the difference between the Earth Mother and other gods, and whether the gods really love the world, a bullet chat was posted, and then the sender of the bullet chat explained all his thoughts:

——[There are three stages of death in a person's life, the first stage is physical death, the second stage is social death, and the third stage is complete oblivion]

——[The witch has only experienced the first death, and may have experienced the second death, but has not experienced the third death yet]

——[If Zhong Ye really thinks so, I don't know what he plans to do? 】

After reading these bullet screens, Lilian turned her attention to Zhong Ye again.

They were on the way down the mountain, compared to when they were going up the mountain, Zhong Ye was not in such a hurry now.

He has verified his conjecture, and the next thing to do is to completely eliminate that witch.

As for how to eliminate the witches, he also has some ideas, but it is not clear whether it can be done.

"...that priest has successfully sealed that witch, but our arrival, to be precise, is because of me, which revived her." Zhong Ye suddenly sighed, "When I was outside the town, I felt When it comes to danger, it may well be the witch.

"The foundation of that witch's existence should be 'belief'. As long as people believe in her existence, she is still alive. Therefore, even if those stories are still circulating in the town, as long as people no longer believe in those stories, she cannot return. "

After hearing these words, Li Lian had a question in her heart: "Don't the townspeople still believe in the legend of 'Mother of Autumn'?"

"But didn't they get hurt?" Zhong Ye pursed his lips slightly and shook his head, "Since the witch didn't die, she must find a way to escape the seal, but maybe the priest set restrictions on her, as long as As long as the townspeople do not violate the principles of those 'story', they will not be harmed.

"The stories we hear now may have been adapted, and the original stories may not be the 'restricted' versions we hear today."

Even these stories that would lead to death and disappearance if they encounter them today, Zhong Ye thinks that they have been restricted.

The story of "Mother of Autumn" may be the result of the witch's struggle.

This time, although Zhong Ye's walking speed was much slower, they still returned to the misty town within half an hour.

The mist still didn't dissipate. Looking at the vast white mist, Zhong Ye seemed to hear the witch's rampant laughter.


The warrior's legs were slightly bent, and he jumped up suddenly.

He landed on the wall of the town and took a deep breath facing the misty town.


The fog in front of him exploded, and the sound waves rushed and spread to the entire town.

"Cough cough!"

After yelling, Zhong Ye couldn't help coughing twice, but his goal was achieved - to wake up the whole town!

The sleeping town suddenly became noisy. People thought that some terrible monster had appeared around the town, and hurriedly got up from their beds.

Zhong Ye jumped off the wall and brought Lilian into the small town, and then heard a scream not far away: "When did the fog start?"

Some townspeople have already come to the street, and they couldn't help being surprised when they saw the fog that could not see their fingers.

Because of the bright moonlight, people could see the fog that filled the streets, which they couldn't see on a moonless night.

If there is no light source, it is wishful thinking for people to act in the dark. Even if there is no night blindness, the night is dark enough.

After finding that they could not see their surroundings clearly, some people hid directly at home, while others returned home and took out torches.

Blossoming flames lit up behind the mist, illuminating the street.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
Just then, an abrupt voice sounded.


Zhong Ye suddenly jumped up to the eaves, and jumped in the direction of the sound.

"Ah, don't come here!"

A man stood in the alley and screamed in panic. He waved the torch in his hand, intending to illuminate the dark figure lying on the window of his house.

...But it was just a black shadow, only an outline, no shape.

The torch flickered a few times in front of the black shadow's eyes, then it moved suddenly, and rushed towards the man holding the torch.

However, the moonlight cut through the fog and fell from the sky!

Zhong Ye arrived in time, and the great sword fell, cutting the black shadow in half.

The upper body of the black shadow rushed forward according to the inertia, and landed on the man, causing him to scream and pull the black shadow hanging on his body.

But before he could tear off the black shadow, the remnant body turned into smoke and drifted away.

It was just a spirit body, but it could be touched by ordinary people.

Glancing at the man who was still screaming, Zhong Ye turned around and walked into the alley, taking the initiative to escape into the alley with no end in sight.

Zhong Ye's figure disappeared at the corner of the alley, and also disappeared into the real world.

He walked into the 'endless alley'. This time, he didn't intend to look for the exit, but ran to the 'end' of the alley in the shortest possible time to find the child who disappeared more than ten years ago.

His extraordinary perception gave him the ability to find the child, and his strong physical fitness made it impossible for the child to change the space, so he was able to find the child along the direction of energy flow and change.

Zhong Ye came to the 'end' of the alley, which was the exit.

A silhouette-like short figure stood at the entrance of the alley, with only a pair of black and white eyes, calmly watching Zhong Ye.

Quickly running in front of the short figure, Zhong Ye raised his big sword and swung it abruptly.

The white mist split in front of him, and the figure shattered before his eyes.

Zhong Ye didn't stop, and ran towards Lilian's direction.

"Lilian, turn around, turn back!"

Lilian still didn't understand why Zhong Ye asked her to do this, but she still did.

turn around, turn back—

The girl she had seen once appeared again, this time, she was even closer, only a few alleys away.

The sights of the townspeople were attracted by Zhong Ye's shouts, but unfortunately the white mist was so vast, they only saw a black shadow dragging a stream of light flashing across the street, clearing away the mist.

Their eyes couldn't catch up with Zhong Ye's figure at all. Zhong Ye quickly crossed the long street and came to the alley where the girl was standing.

The girl turned her head in a daze, only to see a sword light approaching rapidly in her eyes.

This spiritual body also shattered as the sword light bloomed, and not long after 'her' 'body' shattered, the fog that filled the entire town suddenly rolled back and rushed to the other end of the town.

When the white mist dissipated, the people holding the torches made surprise voices, looking subconsciously for the person who caused the vision.

Soon, they saw the tall Zhong Ye holding a big sword.

The hotel owner also walked out the door, and when he saw Zhong Ye, he was stunned for a moment.

However, Zhong Ye didn't even look at them. After identifying the direction of the rushing mist, he took a step forward, and Lilian hurriedly followed.

"He's a witcher!"

The hotel owner yelled, suddenly thought of something, and trotted to follow Zhong Ye's footsteps.

Seeing him running, several curious townspeople followed him.

They don't know what a "demon hunter" is, but the fog that suddenly rushes in the same direction makes them curious and confused. They must follow up to see if it is harmful to the town and them. If so, Just run away early.

The main road of the town is not too long, and it only took less than a minute for Zhong Ye to run at full speed.

The timing of his arrival was just right, and the fog formed at the entrance of the town.

—is a woman!
(End of this chapter)

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