Starry Sky Martial Arts

Chapter 361 Thunderstorm Area

Chapter 361 Thunderstorm Area
Outside the thunderstorm area of ​​the ancient domain.

After many years of flying, Shen Qiu came to the outside of this area according to the route he had come before.

From a distance, the region is covered by nebulae.However, these nebulae are different from ordinary nebulae. They are full of terrifying thunderstorm swirls.

From the naked eye, there are huge lightning flashes from the nebula from time to time. No one will doubt the strength of these lightning. If you don't have a certain strength, if you are struck by the lightning inside, there is a high probability of falling.

Shen Qiushou took off the ship. Here, although the speed of the spaceship is fast, it is not flexible to operate, and it is made of metal, so it is easy to be hit by the lightning inside.

The area of ​​this area does not know how many tens of thousands of light years, and there are hundreds of millions of planets in it. On these planets, there must be many living planets.

Now, Shen Qiu has the strength of the holy realm, he can break through the space and enter the dark universe just like the strong ones in the holy realm.

However, in the dark universe, although the flying speed can be greatly increased, the goal of Shen Qiu's trip is to find the Yulei wood. thunder wood.

Entering the thunderstorm area, Shen Qiu immediately felt that the activity of the lightning particles inside had greatly increased, and the lightning inside filled every place.In less than half an hour after entering, he was struck by several lightning bolts tens of meters thick.

The power of these lightnings is very powerful. If a person whose cultivation base is below the astral level, if he is struck by these lightnings, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

As for Shen Qiu, the power of these lightning bolts was not enough to cause any harm to him, but he felt a little annoyed by being struck by lightning all the time.

After figuring out the laws inside, he directly used the law of thunder, using the power of the law to separate himself from the surrounding thunder and lightning.

Obviously, the effect of doing this was very good. After that, Shen Qiu was never struck by lightning again.

One month later, Shen Qiu had been searching for a long time in the thunderstorm area, but he had never found the existence of living planets, and the planets here were all desolate dead stars.

"Maybe I should look into the center of the thunderstorm."

Shen Qiu thought to himself.

So, he changed the target of his search, opened the space with his physical body, and directly entered the dark universe.

When he first entered the dark universe, Shen Qiu felt that there was a strange energy around him invading his body, and then he quickly isolated these energies.

These energies are called dark matter energy, because this is Shen Qiu's first time entering the dark universe with his physical body, so he is very curious about the dark matter energy inside.

The nature of dark matter energy is opposite to the energy of the universe. Strictly speaking, it is also a kind of energy, but it cannot be used to absorb and strengthen itself.

The intensity of dark matter energy is much greater than the intensity of cosmic energy, and one unit of dark matter energy is approximately equal to one hundred units of cosmic energy.

Due to the power of dark matter energy, many people have tried to use it to cultivate, but whenever these energies are absorbed into the body, these energies will fuse with the cosmic energy in the body to cancel each other out.

The result of this is that the energy in your body not only does not increase, but even less, because this part of energy is completely neutralized by the dark matter energy.

Therefore, people gave up the idea of ​​using dark matter energy. Although these energies are powerful, they can only exist in the dark universe and cannot be used to strengthen absorption.

To enter the dark universe, the cultivation must reach the holy realm, and only the immortal power of the strong in the holy realm can resist the assimilation of the energy of the dark universe.

Although Shen Qiu's realm is only at the peak of the star realm, his physical strength, energy strength and mental strength are all far above the ordinary holy realm, so these dark matter energies have no effect on him at all.

At this time, Shen Qiu couldn't help but think of a saying that he saw on the forum before, if someone can absorb and utilize the energy of dark matter, then it means that the energy intensity of this person has increased by a hundred times.

For countless years, quite a number of Saint Realm powerhouses have tried many times to convert the energy in their bodies into dark matter energy, but everything they have done is in vain, and no one has ever been able to truly do it.

So, Shen Qiu immediately began to practice the exercises, and he was also very curious to try to see if he could succeed.

With the operation of the exercises, I saw that these dark matter energies began to pour into Shen Qiu's body continuously. After entering his body, these dark matter energies began to disappear when they touched the cosmic energy in his body. The dark matter energy consumed one hundred of his energy.

Therefore, Shen Qiu hurriedly stopped the operation of the exercises, because if he continued to do so, the energy in his body would be exhausted.

In the dark universe, it is a terrible thing to consume all the energy in the body. Even for the strong in the holy realm, once the energy in the body is exhausted, it means that they will be trapped in this dark universe , unable to break through the space and return to the main universe.

Therefore, even if there are saints fighting here, once they realize that the energy in their bodies is not enough, they will return to the main universe as soon as possible.

"It seems that what the forum said is correct. Although these dark matter energies are powerful, they cannot be used."

Shen Qiu shook his head regretfully, if these energies could be absorbed and used, then the power of his moves would be greatly improved.

In the end, Shen Qiu gave up the idea of ​​absorbing these energies, and flew towards the area hundreds of millions of light years away from the original place.

After flying for a long time, Shen Qiu came out from the dark universe, and he looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Originally, in his cognition, in the center of the thunderstorm area, the lightning here should be thicker and more terrifying.

However, the imaginary horror scene did not appear, and the place was peaceful instead.

This thunderstorm area is just like the typhoon weather on Blue Star. No matter how bad the weather around the typhoon is, in its very center, the inside is calm and the influence of the typhoon cannot be seen at all.

As for the center of the thunderstorm where Shen Qiu is, this place is also peaceful, just like other areas in the universe.

The area of ​​this area is about 1000 million light-years, and there are countless planets in it.

"Maybe there are living planets in this area."

Although there is no inner thunderstorm coverage in this area, Shen Qiu found that the lightning particles here are extremely active, and it is relatively easy to comprehend the law of thunder.

So, he identified a direction and flew towards a distant galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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