Starry Sky Martial Arts

Chapter 362 Black Wind Pirates

Chapter 362 Black Wind Pirates

The galaxy that Shen Qiu came to is called the Red Star Galaxy.

In the red star system, there is civilization here, but due to the thunderstorm area outside, the civilization of this galaxy is isolated from the universe.

Therefore, this galaxy has developed a civilization that is different from the outside world, that is, a technological civilization.

Here, technology is the mainstream of this galaxy.

Some powerful civilizations have their range of activities all over the entire central area, but they don't seem to have developed space jumps, so they are trapped in the thunderstorm area and cannot go out.

"Boss, the ship in front is a large merchant ship from the Red Star System. We can stop after we finish this vote."

On the pirate group, a group of pirates were staring at the large merchant ship in the projection screen.

This merchant ship transported important cargo, and if the items on it could be obtained, the money obtained would be enough for these pirates to squander their lives. Moreover, on this merchant ship, there was a treasure that they were bound to get.

This pirate ship has the most advanced stealth technology. It is less than a hundred kilometers away from the merchant ship at this time. The personnel on the merchant ship did not find any traces of the pirate ship, and they were still flying at the original speed.

As the pirate ship approached, the people on the merchant ship realized something was wrong when they were less than ten kilometers away from the merchant ship. They finally found the pirate ship.

"Captain Mai Song, there is a pirate ship behind us."

After listening to the crew's report, Mai Song frowned.

He is the person in charge of this merchant ship, and this time he has an important item on his merchant ship, so their sailing route and sailing time this time are also very secretive.

Being able to be targeted by pirate ships means that there is a traitor on their ship, and the traitor's status is very high.

Mai Song carefully recalled the high-level personnel on his merchant ship. These people were all crew members who had followed him for a long time, and he knew their backgrounds well.

After thinking for a while, Mai Song shook his head, he really couldn't figure out who betrayed them.

Soon, a communication request interrupted his thoughts.

"Captain Mai Song, I'm Disius, the captain of the Black Wind Pirates. We only rob and don't kill people. Please hand over all your things, and we can let you go."

Mai Song's complexion was not very good. Most of the items he delivered this time were ordinary goods, except for one special item.

Commissioned by the royal family of the Red Star System, this item is a precious bead called the Thunder Spirit Bead.

In the Red Star System, Thunder Lingzhu is very rare, and it can make a practitioner successfully comprehend the laws of the Thunder System.

In this galaxy dominated by technology, there is also no shortage of warriors, but the highest cultivation level of warriors here is only at the star field level. They have always been isolated from the outside world and do not know the outside world.

Moreover, since the thunderstorm area is located in the ancient area, even if someone discovered this area, no one has ever entered this area, let alone the center of this area.

Disius, the captain of the Black Wind Pirates, is a powerful warrior with a galaxy-level peak cultivation base. If he gets this Thunder Spirit Orb, he can try to understand the laws of the thunder system and successfully enter the star field level. , one of the big shots in this world.

Mai Song knew that the bead could not fall into the other party's hands, so he ordered his men to increase the speed of the merchant ship to the maximum immediately.

"Hmph, you still want to escape from the hands of our Black Wind Pirates. It seems that you have to give them some color."

Disius looked at the merchant ship that suddenly accelerated, and he quickly ordered his men to use the weapons on the spaceship.

On the periphery of the spaceship, a huge main cannon was slowly turning its muzzle to face the merchant ship not far away.

As the energy gathered, a beam of light filled with terrifying energy instantly blasted towards the merchant ship tens of kilometers away.

A burst of dazzling white light flashed, and this beam of light suddenly bombarded the surface of the merchant ship.

I saw a huge energy shield suddenly raised on the merchant ship, which was able to withstand the attack of the beam of light.

"Captain Mai Song, the opponent's firepower is too strong, the attack just now consumed one-tenth of our energy."

A crew member yelled anxiously.

Mai Song's face didn't change at all, he continued to order his men to drive towards the nearby Shahe system with all their strength.

There is a garrison in the Shahe system, and the army above belongs to the royal family of the Red Star system, and they can resist the attack of the Black Wind Pirates.

However, Disius would not give them a chance to escape, and attacked with several consecutive attacks.

After a while, nine tenths of the energy on the merchant ship had been consumed, and the remaining energy was no longer enough for them to drive to the Shahe System.

"Ready to fight!"

Mai Song knew that he could not get rid of the opponent, so he immediately ordered the crew to prepare for the battle.

At this time, most of the crew members on the spaceship passed out, and judging from their state, they seemed to be poisoned.

Mai Song was not much better at this time, he felt his head was dizzy, and then he saw Kerrigan, his most trusted deputy captain, appearing in front of him with a smile on his face.

"It's you, Kerrigan, you did all of this."

Mai Song held on, his cultivation was at the peak of the galaxy level, and he could barely resist the toxin without falling into a coma, but he couldn't exert any strength on his body now.

"Yes, my dear captain."

"You, why are you doing this?"

Mai Song was both surprised and angry, he did not expect that the person who betrayed him turned out to be his most trusted Kerrigan.

Kerrigan's face suddenly became ferocious.

"It's all your fault."

It turned out that Mai Song would retire soon, and he originally wanted to hand over the captain's position to another deputy captain.

For the captain's position, Kerrigan has always been determined to win it. Since his debut, he has been working hard on this merchant ship, and he always thought that Mason would recommend him as the next captain.

However, what Kerrigan didn't expect was that during the last voyage, he overheard the conversation between Mesong and others, and he planned to hand over the captain's position to another person, so he moved other thoughts.

Since Mai Song didn't give himself the captain's position, he took the initiative to attack.

Therefore, Kerrigan contacted the head of the Black Wind Pirates through various connections, and taking advantage of their opportunity to deliver a treasure this time, Disius would not miss it.

After listening to Kerrigan's narration, Mai Song was very angry. He didn't expect that Kerrigan would eat inside and out because of such a thing.

He originally wanted to recommend the other party to serve as the captain of another large merchant ship, but he didn't tell others about all this, in order to surprise the other party when the time came.

Soon, after the merchant ship lost its defense, Disius led a group of people to rush in.

(End of this chapter)

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