Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 402 Werewolf Ball

Chapter 402 Werewolf Ball

These guys are really not of one mind, they even take precautions against each other.

But it just so happens that the more chaos here, the more Harry, Hermione and the others can be rescued from this bottomless 'big pit'.

Now the timing is just right, and it seems that the tactic of turning off the lights has achieved better results than expected.

Now, I have to try to see if what I have studied this semester is useful.

McGuffin thought for a while, and took out a few ball-like objects in his pocket.

It is an iron ball consisting of two hollow hemispheres.

The [No Trace Stretching Curse] was cast inside,
about the size of a small car,

It's like a small spherical cell that exists independently.

And once the ball is thrown out, it can automatically put the nearest active creature into it.

This thing is the [Werewolf Suppression Device] developed by McGuffin.

Originally, after the exam today, he had to show Snape the final device.

[Werewolf suppression device] It is used in conjunction with a five-piece set of iron bracelets, collars, and ankle rings that can float werewolves in the air.

If we put werewolves in it and let them float in this miniaturized space, we can safely and cheaply deal with [lustrum disease].

After all, the greatest harm of ordinary werewolves to society is in the days of the night of the full moon (out of control).

But Death Eaters are far too dangerous, even compared to werewolves.

After thinking about it, McGuffin firmly pressed a button on the bottom of the small iron ball.

This was originally to deal with those disobedient werewolves.

After the button is pressed, the space in the iron ball will emit a high-intensity, high-concentration odor gas that is hundreds of times worse than ordinary large dung eggs.

According to the werewolf's keen sense of smell, these monsters must be fainted, and they will not be able to return to their human form until dawn.

This is an 'extra service' for those who won't cooperate with the werewolves. (Lest Snape make trouble from this aspect)
(Of course, the original plan of the McGuffin was to fill it with some kind of sleep spell, or the gas that is the ingredient of the sleeping potion, but after much deliberation, this method is the simplest and most convenient. Anyway, werewolves have no human rights, and this cheap finished product may be just what they need.)
According to McGuffin's own vision, and confirmed after a semester of research, this thing should be able to restrain werewolves, even if those guys know some [Armstrong Thoma Whirl Jet] movement method, they can't escape.

Since he can deal with werewolves, then for Death Eaters... at least, he can stop them.

Hearing that the tunnel over there was plunged into darkness, and Harry and his troubles turned into chaos, McGuffin knew that he couldn't delay for too long and had to act quickly.

So he kept throwing the balls towards Harry and the others one by one according to his own impression.

Listen to the sound of puffing and puffing there.

Then, in the darkness, both the Death Eaters and Harry Ron began to complain loudly.

"Wow! What a smell!"

"Did the bloody Mudblood pull down his pants?"


- Pfft!
Puff, puff - puff!

"Who smashed—"

"Bella! What's the matter? I—"

The shouts of the Death Eaters sounded halfway in the darkness and then suddenly disappeared, as well as the furtive puffing sound, everyone soon realized that something was wrong.

In particular, the Death Eaters also ignored Harry's 'attack', and began to wave their wands and cast spells in the direction of the attack they had previously imagined.

"Flashing fluorescent lights!"

"Extinguish the lights and put out the fire!" "Flock the birds!"

"Torn apart!" "Oolong comes out of the hole!"

"Cruciate!" "The soul is out of the body!"

The tips of the Death Eaters' wands shone with various lights.

Relying on these flashes of light, they indeed saw other Death Eaters disappearing in the dark passageway, as well as the smelly iron ball rolling on the ground, as well as the short figure who was also waving a wand and quickly casting spells to fight against it in the fork in the opposite corridor.

While McGuffin continued to cast magic at his own pace, to resist the spells of the Death Eaters, he took out the small balls (werewolf suppressors) from his pocket and threw them to the opposite side.

If this thing requires a little cost besides those high-intensity odors, the rest can be almost ignored.

McGuffin naturally prepared a lot.

However, the more you threw this thing, the more addictive it became. After two or three times, McGuffin felt a strange pleasure in his heart.

To be honest, right now he wants to shout, "Go! Pikachu!"

When McGuffin was distracted, he suddenly found that there was no movement on the other side.

Is it—

"Fluorescent flashes!"

The faint blue fluorescence illuminated the front, and the passageway in the underground labyrinth was a mess. Except for Hermione who was lying still, the rest of the people were contained in the 'Pokeball' thrown by McGuffin.

However, some of the small balls struggled extremely violently, bouncing on the ground, as if they were about to burst apart in the next step.

McGuffin suddenly realized that he was doing something stupid again. How could Tem know who was who?

"Hermione? Ron...George Fred?"

The MacGuffin came and called their names...

Um, think too much!
McGuffin knew that most of the small balls that could struggle in front of him should be Death Eaters.

Of course, there is a small probability that Harry and the others may also be among them, but the most important thing now is to quickly separate these small balls into the scattered maze, disperse the Death Eaters, temporarily ensure everyone's safety, and then look for Harry and the others one by one. This is the best way to deal with the current situation.

So while these 'iron balls' were not broken, McGuffin waved his wand to float them up. Like the unmanned aircraft of later generations, he operated each [Werewolf Suppressor] (also a werewolf ball) and flew back and forth into different forks.

In the end, he floated Hermione, and he himself picked up a ball that showed no apparent resistance and rushed into one of the tunnels.


Lupine Remus struggled to dodge among the dancing Whomping Willow branches.

From time to time, he pinched the old mouse with a short front toe in his pocket, and felt that the thing was still in the pocket and hadn't been dropped, so he felt relieved.

He swayed his body skillfully, instinctively dodging back and forth from those viciously waved fists.

Gradually approaching the trunk of the Whomping Willow, he tapped a knot on the trunk with the magic wand in his hand.

All of a sudden, the tree seemed to have become a marble sculpture, not moving, and all the leaves and branches were no longer flailing and attacking furiously.

Lupine found the big opening at the root of the tree according to the line he remembered, and went into it.

(Lupine has already been to Hagrid's hut, and communicated with Sirius, and they will meet at the Shrieking Shack. As for the greetings with Hagrid, Lupine said that since his identity as a werewolf was exposed, it would be better for him to go to the depths of the Forbidden Forest to transform himself, so as not to irritate the officials of the Ministry of Magic and the parents of the students. Although Hagrid was very indignant about this, there was nothing he could do.)
In addition, Lu Ping actually felt that it would be safer to go to the old place where he used to limit his madness before he could drink [Chachasbane Potion].

And if you really want to confirm with Black whether the mouse in your pocket is really turned into 'Peter Pettigrew'... there is still a good choice, at least it is quieter and undisturbed.

After Lupine climbed into the hole, he slid down a dirt slope, and at the end it was a very low tunnel.

Originally, when he was studying at Hogwarts, the size of the place was just right for his figure, but it was a bit cramped for the grown-up Lupine Remus.

He shrunk his body, pressed his head and moved forward in the tunnel with great difficulty.

Just like this...the shoulders, arms, and head are still colliding with the earth wall,

Lupine Remus, who was originally dressed in a shabby robe, was even more disheveled.

But now Lupine didn't care about this at all, his mind was completely recalled by this familiar scene.

Though already at school more than once, alone or with three other old friends who have passed this path.

But now thinking of exposing the other two closest old friends as betrayers, even a werewolf wizard like Remus, who has experienced the darkest side of the wizarding world... can't breathe.

It didn't feel like it at first, it was just a journey in my eyes, but now it seems even more endless.

The tunnel sometimes rises and sometimes falls, and the earth wall is full of dense tree roots.

Some are old and young, some are damp and seeped with water, some are dry and twisted, and even stick out halfway to block the way, and collide with their heads if they don't pay attention.

From time to time, some extraordinarily thick ones can be seen directly protruding from the ground, or being split in two on the wall.

As for the bugs and the finger-sized micro-holes that were dug out, they are densely distributed in the corners of the tunnels and the corners of the roots.

According to the werewolf's sense of smell, Lupine could easily tell how many blades of grass were mixed in the earthy smell, and the smell of rotting corpses of various creatures, not to mention the smell of crawling bugs.

This is - near the Forbidden Forest.

Lupine breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the exit was not far away.

Perhaps because of avoiding some tree roots, or the habitat of some magical animals in the Forbidden Forest, the tunnel began to become crooked.

After walking this distance, they came to a small opening from which a faint light shone.

At last Lupine straightened his back and sidled into it.

It's a house, a dusty house,
There are scratches everywhere, the wallpaper, the floor is potholed, and the marks of various claws are left on it, some are even torn into pieces,
The furniture was lying around in a mess, all broken, ... there were broken pieces of wood everywhere, and the windows were boarded up with thick boards.

Somewhat paradoxically, none of the spiders and various insects that were running rampant in the tunnel were actually seen here, only some dust and fluff accumulated in lines and hung in the corners and near the corners of the wall.

There wasn't even a spider's web to be seen here.

Of course Lupine understood what was going on.

This is the Screaming Shack, the most haunted place in Hogsmeade's rumors, and it is also the place where he was imprisoned after he turned into a werewolf in school and lost his mind after going berserk.

According to the breath of the werewolf's cursed dark creature, no bug wants to come here, even if he has been away for more than ten years.

Lupine took out his wand and looked around for any sign of Black.

He sniffed lightly, smelling the smoked sausage on Black's body recently, and the strong smell of gummies,

Then on the dusty ground, seeing the traces of four paws walking out of this room alternately back and forth, Lupine knew where he was going.

He followed the footsteps, passed through the door on the right, came to the hall, and climbed the stair that was about to collapse.



A door was opened, and a dog barked from inside.

- What are you doing?
Lupine was a little confused, he raised his wand and came to the door suspiciously.

--Snapped! --boom!

The wand fell directly to the ground and bounced twice.

Lupine let go of his hands in fright, and stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

Sirius Black, no—it's Padfoot floating in the air. There is a shiny silver iron ring around the neck, front feet, and hind ankles of the entire body, and the four huge feet are waving in the air.

— running?

His whole body,—no, the whole dog was tired, sticking out its tongue and panting.

Moreover, after floating in the air like this, Agou's stomach swelled even more, and the fat accumulated from fat plummeted down, round and full of vigor.

——Following the frenzied movement of the front and rear four legs and feet, they kept swinging up and down.

Like some kind of irregular, indescribable, hot-eyed 'stormy sea'.

There is also a magical sense of rhythm. (It’s like the scene in a certain weight loss program in the Lighthouse Country, where a fat man weighing more than 300 kilograms strips off his underwear and frantically shakes his fat and runs on the treadmill. That scene...)
Perhaps it was the sound of the wand bouncing that broke the eerie atmosphere.

Padfoot turned around and saw Lupine too, and saw him froze at the door.

Now the expressions of the two people (one person and one dog) are quite strange.

Blake finally realized he had to stop this 'perfect' weight loss program!
So he adjusted his posture in the air for a long time, and finally recovered his human form again.

But obviously, this scene left a deep mark even in Lupine's vicissitudes of mind.

Lupine bent down to pick up his wand with a deliberate effort, avoiding Black's eyes so as not to embarrass each other.

When he picked up a wand for almost 3 minutes,
Black finally couldn't bear it and explained to Lupine, "This, this... I just want to take some time to lose weight, otherwise I won't even be able to run. Hagrid force-fed me too much food. I have to eat it all."

"Okay, have you found Peter yet?"

The more Black explained, the more he stammered, and he really felt that he couldn't continue, so he hurriedly changed the topic and returned to their original purpose of gathering here.

(End of this chapter)

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