Hogwarts 1991

Chapter 403 Snape's 'Cool Text'

Chapter 403 Snape's 'Cool Text'

"Oh, here..."

Lupine took out the petrified Scabbers from his robe pocket.

"Stop the curse!"

Lupine waved his wand to break the petrification, and the rat Scabbers writhed frantically,
The little thing's tail was pulled by him,

Scabbers was hanging upside down in Lupin's hands, jumping wildly, shaking his body, chirping and screaming.

The little guy's eyes are very agile, and his bones are turning around. He doesn't look like an ordinary house mouse at all, but he also doesn't look like an adult Animagus. He looks very pure and spiritual.

This aroused Lupine's suspicion, "Blake, are you sure that this is Peter Pettigrew? I don't feel like it..."

Black's face was also a bit ugly. He took a few steps closer and stared carefully at the mouse in Lupine's hands, carefully identifying it.

"I don't know how many times I've watched his transformation. This looks like Peter's transformation into a mouse, but... for some reason, it seems a little different from the one in memory..."

Sirius re-posted the photo in the newspaper to compare the two mice.

"It's a little different..." He muttered to himself.

"Nothing different! They're all rats!"

A grim voice sounded from the wall behind Lupine.

Severus Snape canceled the [Invisibility Charm] and pointed his wand directly at Lupine and Black.

Lupine turned his head to look at him in surprise, and was so frightened that he turned back again and again, and Black jumped up, shaking the floor of the dilapidated house twice, almost collapsing.

"Drop your wand! Lupine!" Snape warned.

"Finally... I finally caught you!"

This guy was so excited that he couldn't even breathe. He had an uncontrollable smug look on his face, and his tone was full of showing off that I won.

"Maybe you don't understand how I know you're here? Blake!"

Snape forced the two of them with his wand up, walked away from the door, and adjusted his position. (In case of conflict, he needs to have space to escape the spell).

"Let me give you a hint... Have you forgotten what day it is, Lupine!"

"After all, I was with you. You must have had a hard time staying at Hogwarts at the end, so I 'kindly' went to your office to remind you that you forgot to take your medicine. I went there with a big glass as usual, but found that there was no one there."

"You should know that it's very unwise for this thing to hang around in the school when your identity has been exposed. At that time, I realized that you probably have more important things to do, such as providing information to some Death Eaters... And you should find a safe place to spend your werewolf transformation..."

"It's all thanks to that nasty joke you nearly killed me when you were a student, Blake!" Snape said tremblingly, his eyes shining.

"I quickly figured out where I could find you... So I cast the [Invisibility Curse] and walked through the Whomping Willow to come here, and sure enough... I saw a good show."

"Anyway, the four Gryffindor troublemakers who were once popular in the school are finally going to be finished... As the saying goes, the winner is the one who laughs last, isn't it?"

Snape grinned.

"Severus, you're wrong," said Lupine eagerly, "We came here to confirm the evidence of Pettigrew's survival..."


Snape let out an unsettling laugh, as if he'd heard a classic Ministry of Magic joke.

He looked fanatical, and obviously didn't want to hear a word of Lupine's defense.

"I'd be interested to see if Dumbledore will stick to his original view after seeing this scene...you are innocent...a harmless, kind werewolf...heh!"

He smiled contemptuously and continued on his own,

"Trying to confuse the fact that I'm hanging out with a friend who became a Death Eater by making up some nonsense."

"Remus, there's no way to communicate with this idiot." Black shouted from the back corner of the room.

"Black! Black! You still haven't recognized the reality!" The sense of satisfaction and comfort in Snape's heart could be smelled even three miles away.

Besides, he is not fighting alone now,
(Although he doesn't know clearly) But now thousands of "Return of the God of War", "Slapped Son-in-Law", "30-year-old boy from east and west of the river" and "spiritual people" in various senses are behind him "strongly and powerfully".

"Look at you now... a prisoner, a ragged, a criminal hiding everywhere because of fear..."

Snape looked at Black, he knew that he had only discovered the paradox in Black now.

He looked at Blake's figure in disbelief, "I have to say a few words of admiration, Blake, even in this situation, you can make yourself fat... Really amazing, amazing! It's a miracle!"

He clicked his lips, full of ridicule.

"Snape! We'll talk about our business later, can you undo the Animagus of this mouse... After that, I'll let you do whatever you want..." Hearing Snape's humiliation to him, Black gritted his teeth, restrained his anger with great willpower, and said these words word by word with a distorted expression on his face.

"Black!" Lupine said anxiously.

He turned to Snape and said, "Severus, for Lily's sake... just trust us this time, Peter Pettigrew is alive - it's this frantic struggling rat in my hand who betrayed Lily to Voldemort..."

"Enough!" Snape spat at the feet of the two of them, and sneered coldly. "A disgusting thought... I don't believe that a dead person can survive. Remus Lupine, don't forget who I am. I have never heard that the wretched little dwarf hiding behind you is a Death Eater. It is impossible for the Dark Lord to take such an incompetent and cowardly person under his command..."

"Also—you, in front of me, are not qualified—to mention the name Lily!"

In the end Snape growled with a grim face, he waved his wand like crazy, his eyes were full of madness, and he seemed to have completely lost his mind.


Lupine had just raised his wand when Snape's spell hit him.

The clothes on his body kept shrinking, constricting him tightly, turning him into a tight-fitting corset like a Muggle mental hospital.

Snape looked at all this, with a blush on his sallow face, and he couldn't stop revealing a cheerful tone, "Muggle-invented gadgets, I like them too much, don't I?"

He pointed his wand at Black's face, then tilted it slightly, and the tip issued a snake-like band, which automatically wrapped itself around both Lupine and Black, binding them completely so that they could not break free.

Blake's bulging belly was stripped of white flesh by the gap between the straps, hopping and trembling slightly.

Snape was amused by this scene, and he grinned from ear to ear, almost out of breath.

"I thought the taste of revenge was very sweet, but this... this is more wonderful than I imagined... I laughed so hard, Black, Black! I am reluctant to bring you to the Ministry of Magic, or let Dumbledore and the others see what you look like now... Ha..."

Blake struggled angrily, his fleshy face was flushed, his mouth was wrapped in a tape and he couldn't make a sound.

Lupine and Black, mouths, arms, and ankles entangled in these strong straps, couldn't keep their balance, and fell like caterpillars on the dusty ground, but even so Lupine clung tightly to the frantically struggling Scabber's tail to keep the rat from escaping.

Snape walked up and down the empty room excitedly, kicking up patches of choking dust.

He seemed to be enjoying the results of his revenge, he had to say something, he had to vent his years of depression on Black and Lupine.

"How I wished I could catch you! Black...I have planned this scene in my mind for countless times..."

— Chirp— chirp!
"I wish the dementors were still there now... I can hand you over to these monsters, and let them give you a gentle kiss... What a pity!"

- Squeak!

"As for you, Remus, you're a werewolf! You're definitely over this time, and even Dumbledore can't keep you. You'll definitely be on the Wizengamot bench this time..."

— chirp chirp!
"Damn rat...can you please stop!" Snape cursed.

The rat in Lupine's hand struggled crazily and screamed miserably, diverting Snape's attention away from his imagining of the dire outcome of Lupine and Black's verdict.

He crouched down and snatched the wildly writhing, chattering little thing from Lupine's tightly bound hand.

Snape stood up and looked at the strange mouse with its tail in front of his eyes.

Watching this scene, Lupine and Black struggled even more, their eyes kept signaling.

Snape watched Black wriggling like a big rolling meat ball, enjoying himself again.

He couldn't help grinning, "Okay, okay! Seeing as Blake you give me the funniest fun I've seen in years, I'll let you all know."

"This thing is not an Animagus!"

"Do you think I can't see it? It's just some kind of animal, just a mouse that just happens to look the same as your friend Peter Pettigrew. Thousands of mice... How can you not tell the difference?"

"Stupid, Lupine! I'm ashamed that you're my colleague!"

"Come on, Lupine! I'll let you know how 'absurd' it is to believe the 'truth' told by a guy who was driven mad by Azkaban...that is, your so-called friend!"

Snape triumphantly raised his wand, facing the mouse in his hand.

"So sorry, Remus!"

After all, the wand in his hand emitted a blue-white light.

Hit the mouse in his other hand, which is Scabbers.

For a while, the mouse was suspended in mid-air, its small body twisted wildly, and then fell into Snape's hands again...

After a while, nothing changed.

"Look! Hahaha..."

Snape had never felt so happy before.

Looking at Black's despairing eyes that lost their luster, he couldn't help laughing.

— Chi!

But then the mouse began to glow with a soft white light, which attracted everyone's attention.

In the white light, the mouse's body twisted. The short black hair turned into some kind of yellowish-brown fluffy long hair. The tail gradually shrank into a fluffy ball, and the front toes began to grow out gradually.

The little thing screamed frantically.

The old rat began to gradually turn into an ordinary English native Niffler.

The three people present froze in place, none of them could understand the current situation.

It was Snape who first realized what it was!
— which means another guy he hates!

That's right!It's that guy's pet!
"McGuffin! MacGuffin Albert!"

He gritted his teeth and growled, with a fierce look in his eyes, and then seemed to think of something.

Immediately waving his wand, Lupine's mouth was untied.

"Lupine Remus... say, tell me, where did this thing come from?"

Lupine glanced at Black, his eyes sparked with hope again, but he was also puzzled by all this, and he was also staring at himself, hoping to find an answer.

"Tell me!" said Snape eagerly.

"I found it in Harry's dormitory. The mouse was originally Ron Weasley's pet, but this... I don't know how it turned into a sniffing one?"

"This Sniff to the end? Yes, that's right, this is MacGuffin Albert's pet!" Snape breathed heavily, and asked himself.

He kept walking up and down beside the two of them, thinking, looking very anxious.

"But why on earth would he turn his pet into a mouse?"

Snape petrified Niu Niu (Garon) again, staring coldly at the little thing in his hand——an extremely terrifying conjecture that he did not want to admit became clearer and clearer in his mind.

"Are you telling the truth, the old mouse that Ron Weasley usually brings is really Peter Pettigrew, is it true that he betrayed Lily's to the Dark Lord?"

At this time, Black was arching on the ground, relying on the strength of his waist and abdomen, or the elasticity of his fat, he barely stood up sideways, struggling in front of Snape to express that he had something to say.


Snape tore the tape around his mouth with a flick of his wand.


"It's true! Peter Pettigrew is that mouse, and I swear by everything I have—he must have escaped into hiding again, this time more cunningly and directly replaced himself with someone else's pet... To be honest, I don't care what you do to me! Harry, Harry is innocent. You must stop this traitor from getting close to Lily's son, Severus."

Black actually said pleadingly, his face was so anxious that he couldn't control himself.

Snape hesitated, thinking, ... looking sternly back and forth at the imploring look on Black's and Lupine's faces.

He shook his head slowly.

Black growled frantically, "Snape you can't do this, what we said is true..."

"No!" Snape resolutely said, "You don't understand the troubles of that little wizard, and you can't simply treat that guy as an ordinary wizard of the same age as that idiot Harry Potter."

"Think twice about anything associated with a MacGuffin Albert."

"Even if the mouse were Peter Pettigrew, I'm afraid it wouldn't be what you say it is."

"The actual situation is probably the opposite..."

"Peter Pettigrew has fallen into the hands of this little wizard."

Snape's face was very ugly, and he said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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