Chapter 143 Fighting the Clown
The cold light suddenly appeared, the crimson blade and the knife insect's forelimbs were constantly clashing, unleashing force skillfully and striking together, the skills belonging to the sword were brought into full play, and in the blink of an eye, the two sides had already passed dozens of moves.

"Half-step master?"

"Half-step master!"

Both Xiao Yun and the clown had this thought in their minds, but the former doubted it, while the latter affirmed it.

Sword skills, sword skills, and even the basic passive skills of guns, fists, and bows are divided into five stages: familiarity, proficiency, master, legend, and mythology. Each stage can crush the previous stage.

Especially for melee players, the level of basic passive skills almost accounts for most of the composition of combat power, which can almost make up for nearly half of the attribute gap.

That's right, it's half, or more, because Xiao Yun has already felt this power for a long time.

[Sword proficiency: lv10, basic passive skills

Skill effect: You can delicately control one-handed swords, two-handed swords, Taidao and other sword-like cold weapons, and obtain branch abilities: strong strike, fast shadow, and force combination.

Strong attack: when performing slashing attacks, you get a 70% strength bonus

Blazing Shadow: You flexibly control the weapon in your hand, attack speed +70%
Lihe: You are more proficient in using sword weapons, good at borrowing and unloading, sword equipment needs -10, and the enemy's attack power -50% when using sword weapons for defense. 】

Strictly speaking, the upper limit of sword proficiency is lv9, and there is no such thing as lv10. Xiao Yun was unable to break through to the "master" stage because of the blessing of the "sword master" style, showing the mystery of that realm.

However, this is also enough for Xiao Yun to comprehend the power of the "Sword Master" stage!

The clown is a senior player, a top player who has reached the third difficulty level, at least level 50 or above, but the clown information revealed by the mage is an incomparably authentic legal profession. Xiao Yun is still surprised that the clown has such accumulation in melee combat.

And for some reason, Xiao Yun always felt that the clown was not really proficient in melee combat.Obviously the clown's attack and coordination were perfect, but Xiao Yun just had such a feeling.

But Xiao Yun didn't know, he was just surprised and confused, but the clown's heart was aroused with a storm!

Only by practicing it yourself can you know how much talent and hard work it takes to reach this level. Li Xinghe has practiced the long halberd for ten years, and he can only reach the middle level of "long halberd proficiency", about lv6 or lv7.

And how long has Xiao Yun held the sword, not even a year!
"Genius, ghost?"

In addition to basic skills, talent is far more important than hard work. After ten years of hard work, there is an epiphany. Some people are born with swords and swords.

The clown was excited and ecstatic. What he wanted to kill was such an extremely talented player. When he thought of this, the clown felt his blood surge and his whole body became wet.

The sword-knife bug on his right arm was bounced away, but this time the clown didn't have the thought of defending, and directly controlled the hard beetle in his left hand to slap it.

Shield Strike!

The black "shield" was slapped with extraordinary force, this time Xiao Yun was unable to unload the force successfully, his feet rubbed against the ground, and retreated several meters.

"Martial arts? Is it a 'Warrior' profession or a 'Weapon Master'? Could it be that he really chose close combat instead of the legal system?"

There was no time to be surprised, Xiao Yun's demonic power surged, and he used the professional skill "Thrust", leaving an afterimage. His true body had already arrived in front of the clown, and a sword with twice the attack was slashed out in an instant.

The hard beetle blocked suddenly, this time it was the clown's turn to be knocked out, "ghost step" was used, Xiao Yun approached again, and the Scarlet Queen slashed at the clown again and again.

In the information given by the mage, the clown's occupations are necromancer, dark prince, shapeshifter, and even the occupations of animal trainer and priest. These can be said to be the most authentic legal occupations.

Although for some reason the clown only showed his "Insect Trainer" profession and "martial arts" skills, Xiao Yun would not distance himself from the clown.

Occupational skill: Swift Shadow Slash!

The roaring Scarlet Queen followed Xiao Yun's high momentum and fell down again and again, unleashing smooth combos.

The clown, who had not yet regained his posture, faced the waves of sword light and once again put the hard beetle on his left arm in front of him.

Defense blessing!

Insect armor strengthened!

At this moment, the hard beetle's carapace doubled in size, and the solid carapace was even covered with a layer of fluorescent light. The Scarlet Queen slashed up, making a crisp clanging sound.

The shocking shock was received by the clown. He sank steadily and defended with all his strength. On his right arm, the sword-knife worm seemed to swell a bit, and the two forelimbs that formed the blade were covered with streaks of red. texture.

The clown is waiting, waiting for the moment when Xiao Yun's attack ends, he will launch a counterattack at that moment, this is the advantage of dual wielding weapons.

On the other side, Xiao Yun's attack still did not stop, it seemed that he was exhausted with the hard beetle, in fact, he was really exhausted.

Question: When encountering melee enemies whose attributes are not weaker than their own, and their skills are not weaker than theirs, and they can start a protracted battle with them, how should they defeat them and win?
There is no fixed answer to this question, but Xiao Yun's choice is: weapon destruction, violent breakthrough!
Just like dealing with Li Xinghe back then, destroying the enemy's halberd, the melee player without the weapon will reveal a fatal flaw at that moment.

The clown uses the profession of "insect trainer" to control special insects to form his own weapons. The power absorption of hard beetles and the invisible sword energy of sword knife insects are not weaker than ordinary golden quality weapons.The clown has strengthened the hard beetle's defense, making it more indestructible and unbreakable.

It seems so, but this method has a fatal weakness, that is, the hard beetle that acts as a shield is a bug, and it is a living thing. It is different from a cold shield, and it has its own life.

The Crimson Queen kept roaring, Xiao Yun opened the Crimson Blade to the maximum, and the crimson flames sprayed out continuously, turning into waves of flames and hitting the hard beetle.

The high temperature was passing, and the beetle was turning red. Even though the clown forced the order, the burning pain was still accumulating on the hard beetle. Then, the life instinct conflicted with the order of the insect trainer, and the hard beetle's defense appeared. Weakness!
"It's now!"

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up, and the Scarlet Queen slashed out with her backhand. At the same time, she slashed out a dark red Crescent Moon Sword Qi.

Occupational Skill: Chop the Wind!

Zhan Feng, which has reached level 5, is the strongest attack under Xiao Yun's "Yan Mo's Order + Bing Jie" hole card, and unlike the former, which takes a lot of time to repair the weapon, the cooling time of Zhan Feng is only 8 seconds.

The zero-distance burst of chopping wind sword energy precisely cut into the small cracks in the shell of the hard beetle, and then divided the whole insect into two parts. Also cut open was the left arm that the hard beetle just hugged.

The sudden change made the clown unable to react in time, and the wind-cutting sword energy that remained undiminished passed by in an instant, and the clown's body was also split in two, and then the sword energy fell on the passage wall behind, leaving a deep hole Sword marks.

The enemy bestowed the head, but Xiao Yun was not the slightest bit excited.

Within sight, the body of the neatly cut clown began to melt like chocolate, and even the clothes he was wearing lost their color, and finally turned into two sticky jelly gels, inhuman.

"Amorphous slime?"

Xiao Yun's eyes almost popped out.

In the dimensional copy of "Overlord (King of the Undead)", a battle maid under the protagonist has a similar ability. It is only caused by plastic changes of mucus.

At the same time, Xiao Yun's doubts were also resolved, why the clown "she" in the mage's mouth became the "he" Xiao Yun saw!
For this kind of alien, there is no concept of male and female, male and female, and the clown can be him, she, or even it, it is not an exaggeration!
The two pieces of slime re-transformed into the left and right bodies of the clown. They are recombining, but they seem to be hindered by the remaining demon power at the incision.

Xiao Yun wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but in the next second, his eyebrows jumped, and an unprecedented sense of danger enveloped him.

The clown also felt that the speed of "healing" was very slow, so he simply canceled the mimicry of the human form, turned into a puddle of viscous liquid and fell to the ground, and then the liquid spun.

Then the buzzing sound resounded, and the mucus vortex seemed to turn into a big mouth, and then "vomited" and spit out two whole black spheres.

The danger Xiao Yun felt came from these three groups of black spheres. They were not balls, but densely packed black flies. In the next second, the black spheres disintegrated and turned into a black whirlwind with stench and buzzing. Hum rushed towards Xiao Yun.

"Fly breath!!!"

Xiao Yun's hair stood on his head, and he recognized this skill that appeared in the original "Overlord (King of the Undead)". It was the breath of flesh-eating flies!
This skill does not allow the spit out flies to devour the flesh and blood of the enemy, but the flies give birth to maggots that can penetrate the flesh and blood of the enemy, causing continuous damage to the enemy.

Moreover, these maggots will emerge into flies after devouring enough flesh and blood, and repeat the previous steps to form an overwhelming army of flies!

Xiao Yun couldn't help but shudder when he thought of how messy he was being gnawed by maggots.


Twisting the scarlet queen's hilt, Xiao Yun directly activated the third-level charged scarlet blade, and then used "breath of wind" to roll up the crimson flames ejected from the sword, turning it into a huge storm of flames that swept towards the flies army.

Flame is always the best way to deal with flies and other bugs.

But Xiao Yun miscalculated, some of the flies avoided the flames of the storm, and among the flies that were involved, most of them passed through the flames.

Fire resistance!
This is a killer move against himself!
The Crimson Queen is Xiao Yun's signature weapon, both generals and clowns know it well, if these flies are afraid of fire, how can they use it to deal with Xiao Yun?
In fact, Xiao Yun's guess was correct, this was the strongest move prepared by the clown for him, "Fly Breath" could only be used three times, and there was a time interval between each time.

The clown summoned it to the space in which he was an amorphous mucus, and then covered the flies' bodies with special mucus, giving them considerable fire resistance while not affecting their flying direction.

It was supposed to be three black balls of flies, but unfortunately Xiao Yun broke the clown's hard beetle defense too quickly, causing the clown's melee delay to be too short, preventing the flies from storing to the maximum value.

The flame storm failed, and the overwhelming flies rushed towards Xiao Yun. While Xiao Yun retreated, the Crimson Queen once again slashed out with the crimson flames.

The flies seemed to have sensed Xiao Yun's attack in advance, and had an obvious tendency to dodge, but the flies that were unable to dodge in time did not survive the burning of the crimson flames again.

"It has fire resistance, but it's not that high!"

The crimson blade can produce 100 damage points of crimson flames at each level of charging, and the highest level 300 charging is a full [-] points. However, once the "breath of the wind" is used to expand the burning range, the temperature will drop and cannot cause damage. Effective killing.

Moreover, flying insects can sense the direction of the wind, so they can escape with the wind, making Xiao Yun's "breath of the wind" directly ineffective, and even slashing directly can escape most of them. Eliminate these flies.

With the acceleration of the "spiritual world", Xiao Yun's thoughts turned rapidly. Xiao Yun analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the "fly breath", and then flashed his cards in his mind one by one.


The ghost step was activated, and Xiao Yun withdrew in front of the light curtain in an instant. Zhanlan Rose made his move, most accurately aiming at the center of the fly army, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Equipment skill: Azure Rose!

The blue bullet was shot from the muzzle of the gun, and then Xiao Yun's center of gravity sank, the Scarlet Queen pierced straight into the ground, and Xiao Yun firmly nailed himself in place.

Same as the Scarlet Queen, Xiao Yun also unlocked part of the seal on the soul steel core of Zhanlan Rose, allowing Zhanlan Rose's equipment level to reach level 20, and the effect of the equipment skill "Zhanlan Rose" also increased simultaneously.

[Blue Rose: fully stimulate the power of soul steel and generate energy bullets to shoot out. After hitting the enemy, an energy burst will be generated centered on itself, causing 1000 points of energy burst damage, and leaving behind a blue rose, which will be pulled within a diameter of 22 meters All enemies within a diameter of 7 meters will be dealt 0.2 points of cutting damage every 100 seconds for 3 seconds.The skill cooling time is 24 hours, and the equipped skill "Rose Mark" will be invalid during the skill cooling time. 】

In the black cloud of flies, a flash of blue light exploded, digging out a mouthful of the entire black cloud, and then a huge azure rose bloomed, and the huge suction acted on the underground passage, and the buzzing black cloud of flies was blown away. It was sucked and pulled, and even some gravel was torn off the stone wall.

What Xiao Yun needs is not only the damage of the blue rose, but also the terrifying suction power. The rose rotates, its petals are like blades, and it cuts a huge number of flies into pieces.

"Where's the clown?"

Xiao Yun stood there with his sword in hand, resisting the strong suction force of the blue rose, and at the same time swept his gaze, but the figure of the clown had already disappeared.

At the moment when the blue rose collapsed, there was a "vomit", and another ball of black flies was spit out.

"and also?!"

Xiao Yun remembered that it was indeed mentioned in the original book that "Fly Breath" can be used three times in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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